3.9| Stress-Free PoE - SLOW-MO ZOMBIES |SSF the Atlas w/ 1 Button & Any Gear|Dungeon Crawl PoE!

GrunkleBob wrote:
Honestly, if I spent 30c I'd be suprised :)
You really gotta shop when you go to market, the deals are there.
I may have hit the perfect time as well, but I have been noticing prices are CHEAP this league!
It may have something to do with people rolling chaos instead of exalts, since there are 4 new exalts.
But I have been getting steals on everything, it's the main reason I barely craft...

Ohhhhhh, your on Xbox... hmmmm may not find the same deals there.
Kinda the main reason I play on PC.
Less people and less crafters on consoles, but I do ok on PS4, you just have to commit to spending time shopping.

WB to the dark side grunkle 😁

The most expensive thing I bought was my 4white triad grips for the 100% chaos conversion 2.4 ex (ouch) and I bought an 6 socket femur for 40c with 5 linked and got the 6th link in 60 fusing w00t

Sat on some currency atm but dont really see the need to buy anything else yet

Loving necro again this league tbh it really is just soooooo versatile but have the feeling another nerf will hit after this league as the are still very strong
~ If it moves, kill it ~
Last edited by 0nyX#0153 on Jan 7, 2020, 12:49:08 PM
Mwaaahaaaa I'm just getting warmed up!
I can't wait to see this chick break the game again!
I am getting pretty rich, pretty early and may just fully invest for once and play this witch through!
I will get gem 3 and possibly gem 4 in my hungry loop tonight and then focus on wealth building so I can do some cool shit like Triad myself ;)

We always try to wreck wreckers builds and last league was great with the specters! I wanna see these flaming skulls burn Wraeclast to the ground!!!
I figured out videos, but I'm so overleveled, I gotta catch up to the content so there is actually a performance to view!
When I light up the Delve at 83 with the beauty of arc and the blaze of skulls... you all will agree... DAAAAAAAAMN!

I tell you what, if I was a monster and saw 9 zombies, 3 specters, 10 skeletons, a giant golem, 20 flaming skulls and a little woman skipping along behind them all singing about kitties and rainbows while lighting the place up with lightning, I would shit... then I would go on break and LET HER PASS!

I think this league will force GGG to break Necro, sad really because she is soooo awesome. But I also think Witch is their go to starter for new players so they may let her keep playing... man she sure is fun!

EDIT: I spent 6 months in this game getting my ASS KICKED. The payback is NO WHERE NEAR DONE! I think that is why I love it soooo much, I KNOW how hard these monsters can be.
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
Last edited by GrunkleBob#2230 on Jan 7, 2020, 2:22:27 PM
I been messing with pob myself with a view to a cwc femurs build based on srs and skele popcorn for dps, zombies, golem, skitter, spectre for backup but really want to push all dmg to cold from fire (not sure its doable tbh) for a different version of a slo-mo build

Damn you Wrecker I am as addicted to theory crafting and pob as I am playing 😁😁

Not really played much over the past 2 weeks xmas, family, kids, work etc... all gets in the way of gaming dammit lol
~ If it moves, kill it ~
Onyx, did you see Wreckers Occultist?
Man that takes me back to Synthesis, I think I'm gonna roll it on the PS4 for some couch slaying, it looks pretty stress free and effortless!
I was watching his vortex and you talking about popcorn and conversion...
And I thought what if you could popcorn vortex and triad that into chaos?
LOL this game messes with my mind!

Can I get a pause button for RL and go theory craft POE for a millennia... PLEASE?!??!
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
Last edited by GrunkleBob#2230 on Jan 7, 2020, 2:49:36 PM
Got real lucky this past week as first I bough this helm from a fellow guildy for 1.8 EX and then super-duper lucky in Ulab as enchant took like 5 runs I believe.

Rarity: Rare
Rapture Veil
Bone Helmet
Quality: +20% (augmented)
Armour: 236 (augmented)
Energy Shield: 46 (augmented)
Level: 73
Str: 108
Int: 155
Sockets: R-B-B-B
Item Level: 80
Raised Zombies deal 40% increased Damage
Minions deal 20% increased Damage (implicit)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Minion Life
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Minion Damage
18% reduced Attribute Requirements
+56 to maximum Life
Minions have 18% increased maximum Life
Minions deal 21% increased Damage
+30 to Strength (crafted)
Elder Item

crap, don't know how to show pic and not just stats, lol!
Well I made a video using Xbox SW embedded in Win10.
OMG it is beautiful!
Anyways, if you want to see me in 11 min of FULL BLOWN panic, take a look.
Holy crap this map was amped up, I didn't help myself by hitting the abyss early, I usually clear before hitting... oh well it worked out.
The flaming skull totems are a nice add, but my fingers are getting busy :)


I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
martyl48 wrote:
Got real lucky this past week as first I bough this helm from a fellow guildy for 1.8 EX and then super-duper lucky in Ulab as enchant took like 5 runs I believe.

crap, don't know how to show pic and not just stats, lol!

That is a nice helm! Jealous ;)

open your profile while replying, CTRL+ALT+Click should link an item on your character to the chat, just like in game.
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
GrunkleBob wrote:
Well I made a video using Xbox SW embedded in Win10.
OMG it is beautiful!
Anyways, if you want to see me in 11 min of FULL BLOWN panic, take a look.
Holy crap this map was amped up, I didn't help myself by hitting the abyss early, I usually clear before hitting... oh well it worked out.
The flaming skull totems are a nice add, but my fingers are getting busy :)



That Guardian that spawned on our map is a butt head. It is his poison that hits hard.

I have moved over to Soul of Shakari as my secondary in my Pantheon because of him and the Metamorphs.

Is SRS totems even worth it though, I find that it takes the totem a good second or two to start casting and by that time most of the mobs are dead.

But you have me wondering if a Self-Flag, Soul Mantle, with 2 Kikazaru rings, SRS Totem build could work.
I want the totems for bossing, they help in the delve too.
Yeah, usually it's just 20 skulls heading to the NEXT pack, but they usually get some hits in before they die.
I just run like I'm in a boss fight, then I don't forget anything when it counts.

Yeah that guardian got much easier the third time I faced him.
I was in the pool in his room and almost died. PRO TIP: don't stand in the pool. last night he was easy, like he didn't even hit me easy, like the pool is his gimmick and once you know that, he just gives up.
I imagine they just add more snakes and nonsense as the difficulty goes up though...

I am also thinking about poison immunity, but we will see, I love the flask refill and have a hard time giving it up... but I have 3 life flasks so maybe I am just greedy... HA!
I will wear your ghost and you will die twice, against me and for me.
That is some cold blooded shit to say...
Last edited by GrunkleBob#2230 on Jan 8, 2020, 10:17:41 AM
What level of resist caps are people running?
Last league I aimed for 125%. Which was VERY easy to hit with this build.
Most things I read say minimum ~109%.
But this time around as I build another necro it seems to me that most necro pimps just aim for 75%+.

I'm at 105% for all resists (except chaos atm).

Any thoughts on this? Is 75%+ good enough? Wondering if I am over compensating for something. I thought you had to over cap resists to counteract any boss curses and the like.
Maybe it doesn't matter so much since we are necros? I dunno.

Sorry off-topic a bit but so much garbage on this subject out there I was thinking I'd post this question here and maybe not only help me but other fellow W_o_D necros.

Zombie on!

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