[3.17] Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems (No Further Updates)
" Ah yes, so we need to take blanketed snow (68 prefix) and blizzard caller (50 prefix). Vengeful commander is a prefix too, so the 3rd has to be doryani's lesson or disorienting display, at 68 & 50. Both are fine, I think the latter is better. " Not a clue, I just buy the 3 notables and use the whole thing. As for unnerve and culling strike, I get those from the medium curse jewel. To me, it seems like a lot of work to get them from other sources. But of course, if I have gem sockets I am literally not using, perhaps it's worth doing in some way. For curses, maxing out frostbite is obviously good, but frostbite + elemental weakness is better I believe. If you do this with awakened hextouch + hydrosphere, you're applying cold exposure too, all from one four link. " Ahh, not losing phasing when casting definitely seems valuable. By using regular phase run, I lose it when I cast a totem. " https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/NoImagination/characters I have one socket literally unused, but that's because I'll put awakened hextouch & elemental weakness in there soon. I have increased duration on steelskin, but don't need it. I have second wind on flame dash but don't need it. So switching a weapon to CWDT/stone golem/steelskin seems valuable. Then a 4 link could be divergent dash - second wind - enhance - increased duration/arcane surge. That means I could drop phase run too, but I like the movement speed and don't need the links, so... " Just run it at level 1. It gives a small DPS boost, but the important part is that it gives you access to a great Eye mod. See the Eye on my last league's level 100 char above. A crit jewel gives you a lot more DPS than the clear mind boost. Last edited by NoImagination#6952 on Apr 25, 2021, 7:38:41 AM
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I have to admit this league have found it very hard to level this character due to the expense of almost everything being multiple ex or more.
Managed to get the key items thus far and the next step is to replace the medium cluster jewels. However I am really struggling on survivability. It is not possible for me to complete Ultimatums as I get instantly killed (unknown what from or how). Think I need phasing in order to complete the ultimatums. The crowded 'arena' means I keep getting blocked and that combined with getting hit, interupts movement and casting. Means perma stuf or instant KOs. Using a Quartz Flask has really helped but I am curious how others have managed to complete ultimatums in T16 without issue. Apart form the following which I know will help but cant buy due to insane costs for everything: 21/23 FP gem Medium Clusters Pandermonious Amulet +1 gems in weapons Cinderswallow (almost got one). Is there anything wrong with my build? I feel my Scepters are a problem here but the mods are what you expect. Maybe Crit Multi is low? By my Crit chance is only 48% with all of these crit chance mods. Any scrutiny is on my build set up would be helpful. Clearing content to grind currency is very hard due to constantly dying. Also is there a way to get permanent phasing on this character? Last edited by Mentalmike#4738 on Apr 25, 2021, 9:36:40 AM
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do you use phase run? I can promise you for Ultimatums its worth gold ( personal feeling ). But .. well in the end ultimatums suck ... i don´t like them, although i just pulled a 4sox resonator and an ex from them withing 1 hour lul. But for a build like ours - for example the ultimatums with the small red circle-jerk i skip, also ultimatums in "bad mod" maps, in comparison i like rituals way over this crappy mechanic. This build is squishy, the playstyle is important, also aim for 7500 to 8k ehp. And in the end, what keeps us alive? KILL them before they kill you, aka highest dps you can get. I currently have 96k ho dps, not that much, yet, but also still running non-cluster setup and have clear mind ( or the cobalt-precision combo ) missing, also no whatchers eye yet. In the end of ritual i pulled 260k, felt compfortable, although not close to the 560k that NoImagination squeezed out lul. But well ... multiple times more invest than my 250ex last league i guess ^^ Last edited by bex_HB#1414 on Apr 25, 2021, 10:24:29 AM
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" ![]() " Actual Jewel: Clockwise from opposite: Blanketed Snow > Blizzard Caller > Disorienting Display From poedb, the order is Disorienting Display > Blanketed Snow > Blizzard Caller, so they go from the bottom left one clockwise? " Hydrosphere's exposure if 10%, so it's a little loss to Frost Bomb's 25%. (edit: Frost Bomb's exposure is reduced to 15%, I was following the outdated wiki, sorry!) Also, it doesn't have the perk of reducing enemy regen by 75%. The usual hassle of casting it is solved by Arcanist Brand just keeping it up all the time. Frostbite + Ele Weakness is fantastic, given its total 45% + 40% cold resistance reduction. At this moment, I feel like with Blizzard Caller's 25% increased effect (total effect at 62.5% resistance reduction), it will work for a single curse. I was thinking of stretching it by doing a double curse + elemental exposure with a fire/lightning skill on Awakened Hextouch. This 3 point investment feels stronger than a 3-pointer in clusters. Also, it works even on hex-proof maps. That made me think if we can keep one of the curses on a boss while applying Sniper's Mark, since it's technically 2 curses in total? Unlikely? " Oh I gotcha. That's the "20-30% Critical Strike Multiplier while affected by Precision" mod? I'll keep that on livesearch when I'm done robbing a bank. ![]() I got this on your recommendation, thanks! I noticed that the FP projectiles are now offscreening monsters, and that made me think if there's a cap to all this projectile speed we're investing. Any idea? Last edited by limevan#7271 on Apr 25, 2021, 10:44:59 AM
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Cluster: Med: Wish for death // Astonishing Affliction - Cold Conduction Large: 2 passive Blanket Snow No eye and running Clear mind. Boot/belt enchant will be done soon. What should i look to upgrade first? The greatest tragedy in life is wasted talent.! And remember exiles, good loot it's a illusion. Last edited by Valhall#2661 on Apr 25, 2021, 11:10:26 AM
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" I can do any mod ultimatums at my current 187k in T16. Less is fine too, but I didn't note when I started to ignore mods. " I have ~7k eHP, more is nice, but not necessary. You don't need 21/23 FP, just 21/20 is fine. You already have a 20/20, throw a vaal orb on it and see what happens, for a start. If you go down to 19/20, just go buy a 21/20. Your sceptres look fine to me. But you can use the POB Item Tester I linked a few posts back to find better if you want. You should get a 1 mod Watcher's Eye. It doesn't matter if it's the worst Hatred mod (like the one I took) - it's a huge upgrade on anything else at that price. Then you're probably into wanting awakened support gems. "
![]() " What's elemental exposure? " Yep - it makes 2 mod eyes easier to find too of course. " I was thinking more like this:
![]() I like the idea of having projectile speed on it though. " Because I believe there is no cap. Getting 30% from hat, 2x 30% from wands, a pile more from cobalt jewels and more FP levels ought to help a lot with ultimatums. " 21/20 FP is better than 20/23. The other awakened gems are nice too. But get a Watchers Eye first. It's fine if you have to take a weaker Hatred mod, it's still a huge upgrade. Last edited by NoImagination#6952 on Apr 25, 2021, 11:37:52 AM
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" I try to undesrtand what you said. I have "+1 gem" wands that have worse dps in POB that just some flat damage wands without the "+1 gem". You say that the dps numbers on POB are wrong or dont show real dps? and its better to have +1 gem wands equiped? |
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Sorry, it's unclear as I was changing subject slightly.
As far as I know, POB shows +1 gems properly. +1 gems is the best DPS mod for us. But if you sacrifice other mods for it, you'll end up with less DPS. At the moment, there's very little for sale with more DPS (for me) than these, and they don't have +2 gems. But obviously this, from last league, is way better: Last edited by NoImagination#6952 on Apr 25, 2021, 12:06:39 PM
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" In path of building, which stat is better? total dps > crit multi? or viceversa?. There are wands that give you in POB more crit multi but less dps at the end. what stats in wands do you have to choose? Are stats that you prefer to have but that give less final dps? or we only have to look in POB to raw "Total dps" only? Last edited by yissus#1647 on Apr 25, 2021, 12:41:13 PM
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Final PoB DPS is all that matters. Almost always, when comparing amongst ourselves, hideout DPS is a totally fine measure.
The only exception is projectile speed, you need some of that from your gear, though preferably from a helmet enchant. Last edited by NoImagination#6952 on Apr 25, 2021, 1:13:37 PM
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