Reworked Bow Skill Gems in Path of Exile: Conquerors of the Atlas

gotta say unless you're one, two or three shotting bosses i can't see how bow skills are gonna work for many in a bossing league.... Gonna be a two build league for me, perhaps a bow build just for quick map clearing and then a pure boss build.
1shot all bosses with bow skills = rly bad idea
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will the explosive arrow work with chain? like stays on first target or just ignores it totally making chain useless to it?
This is the big bow skill rework? WTF? In the end nothing changes at all, TS will still be king of the hill!
German saying: Schönheit und Funktionalität in Sekundenschnelle zu ruinieren, ist dem wahren Dilettanten keine Herausforderung!
torturo: "Though, I'm really concerned, knowing by practice the capabilities of the balance team."
top2000: "let me bend your rear for a moment exile"
fantastic Information ty.
DivineChampion wrote:
At the moment bow skills are tied mostly to Ranger class. Can we have more classes have access to bow gems? I would love to level bow Maradeur for example.
Lol, nice joke! First of all, here we mostly see a rework of fire-themed skills while Ranger has to cross almost half a tree to get access to fire nods (which are - surprise! - near the Marauder). Most of the nods near Ranger either generally bow/projectile-type of, or physical/crit/aspd/DoT/poison. There are only Ice-related easy-to-get elemental nods and few general ele-damage nods. So you can make reverse thing with Marauder and take bow/proj-related nods near Ranger, AND also have fire nods in your third of tree AND nice ele-nods near Templar.
Other opportunity - bow crit Assassin. Which in general have awesome dmg and now - decent survivability mechanics.
This still makes scaling the level of the gem useful, as you'll be boosting the fire damage of the explosion, but now stats like increased Bow Damage will apply to the entire explosion.

Does this mean that sources of bow critical will apply as well to EA? Or is it still classed as a pseudo spell for crit?

Transitively, is the explosion now inheriting crit from the weapon base or is it still 6%?

Are the rules for Point Blank remaining the same? So much is unanswered about this rework.

Is the portion of physical damage being applied to the explosion or the attack? Is it being converted? I can go on...
Undisputed best alpha tester since Awakening beta.
Last edited by Rhaegar_G#4953 on Dec 6, 2019, 2:49:21 PM
Shrapnel Shot is now called Galvanic Arrow

They remove the collateral damage jewel, but there is no mention if they adjusted the damage according the use of those jewel because no one play the skills without using 2 of those.

So I hope so cause losing 100% chance to do double damage is huge.

not a single word about Rain of arrows im feeling sad :(
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
I just want to say pogchester united!

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