[3.9] Burning Arrow Chieftain League Start - Budget Friendly
Hey man, great build. I've started with an ignite chieftain build(link below) but it started to get weak. I'm thinking about switching to your build but I can't open pastebin in my country. Could you kindly share a skilltree link from PoE Planner?
[Removed by Support](this is the build I was using) Last edited by Patrick_GGG#0000 on Jan 6, 2020, 2:42:26 PM
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Consider looking into grabbing the Jewel Socket by Mind Over Matter and slotting in a Glorious Vanity of Doryani. This gives us around ~1500 Energy Shield with 50% of damage bypassing the energy shield, allowing us to take full advantage of having dual leech.
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" This is pretty close to my ideal passive tree setup. I plan on putting a version of this in the build page eventually. https://poeplanner.com/ABMAAQUAEzEAAH_G2FhjPfyMz_ZIXz8UIO8OUEfkUWebrj7GrsT2J-0GDgn21HwVNnKprKpZ83IPcYXauaEjM2x5sa07nz4t0ho4kFU62DD4gpsnL6IABLPwH-RVZp760h0UFm_jaiSqNukSaRhlcXmPRpuhGGo5UlgH99esmPFsNthJGyqN7FUhsDT3l4UulDpYVcYRDzsN7-unCNgkVkjBBHloqW534wHchNlHfr02ZU2-pxm0apNM_04qj2Bbr90NZv0wf4-AQzHawXTtBS2E76LqEuGrC3LDzAbDeYbOvrc8LYNfg8y3Pv4K2L3yRS5T02-Ub2ZUuX4TpSPmvWAn_u-rOpQGwwAAAAAA Uh oh, Stinky
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" Thanks a lot for the quick reply. And wow that's completely different than my skill tree. I was utilizing ranger nodes. One question regarding CWDT, what's your opinion on running Immortal Call (and Enfeeble maybe) instead of steelskin. In addition to immortal call, since we can generate endurance easily, why not Valako? %25 additional fire damage until the proc of immortal call and then we could get up to %15 more damage as well. I am a total beginner and I don't know how to test these that's why I'm curious about your opinion. |
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What do you think about lioneye's paws instead of Abbenath's Chant, allows us to get life gain on hit to get some insane regen in clearing ( and still solid on bosses ) or awakened curse on hit for 3 curses and ability to apply our curses to hexproof enemies
Last edited by Profatum#6473 on Jan 6, 2020, 8:01:36 PM
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" I've updated the build page to address new gem links and gear options. I would suggest reading it over if you have time today. It would take some time to list it all out here, but if you have questions after that just let me know. Uh oh, Stinky
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just bought this little beauty for 1.5 ex :) Perhaps I should try and work in some Vaal Haste :P |
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How do others feel about survivability in general? This might sound pretty stupid, but with over 8k hp i feel much less safe than with my gladiator with only 5k hp. I feel that's mainly because we don't have any miligation at all, no dodge, no block, just two defensive curses, and the worst thing i don't see how we can do anything about it. We can add more hp to out already big pool, but it doesn't change anything globally, you still won't have fortify, still won't have any block/dodge. Monsters on t15-16 maps with good mods shrink your 9k hp in 0.5 seconds once your immortal call is off, metamorphs do it nevertheless you have immortal call on or not.
By the way some ideas i've came up with. Lethal Pride seems to be very nice if you insert it near Displine and Training. You are aiming for "Burning deals damage 10% faster", may be i'm overhyping burning faster modifier, but this seems to increase our arrow's debuff damage by a lot. The only problem with that is that this mod appears to be the rarest one, i've spent 10 divines and got literally zero these on 6 notables. You can have 7 notables in range if you are also playing with shocks. Another one if going "Minion damage also applies to you". And another one if going minion attack speed, though i don't think it's worth it. I've stopped divining on another pretty good divine which i didn't expect - 16% increased maximum life, 1% regen, 20% armour, but still trashy for timeless jewel slot unless you get something like 40% faster burning. Might of the meek under Constitution tree also looks really pretty solid, adds around 12% maximum life a bit of armour, flat life and attributes. But as i said doesn't matter how much life you have, monsters just wreck you. And strangely i don't find a lot of issues in this thread about this, am i just bad or do you guys play red maps? Last edited by Profatum#6473 on Jan 7, 2020, 6:19:09 PM
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" Did you test that ? I feel like the recovery per second would still be quite low... I reckon we are at 10%, 150 ES per sec at most. It doesnt work with burning damage if I'm right... Usefull ? Not sure. Interested in feedback if you test. Cheers. IGN: Grimmy_ThunderFury
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" I've looked into your new tree. Thx for the update (you didn't update the changelog). I've just a suggestion: I've taken the eagle eye cluster in my actual tree instead of Weathered Hunter for accuracy. It also gives crit and it helps to proc EO. IGN: Grimmy_ThunderFury
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