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Hello, and welcome to the thread for the OFFICIAL HCSSF guild of Path of Exile.

HCSSF is the only HCSSF guild in PoE, with a very solid community. We house many top-ranked players, as well as aspiring new players and everything in between. Our only requirement is that you exclusively play the best game mode in PoE, which is of course HCSSF. If you're interested in joining us, please fill in our application form below.


We have also established our PoE2 guild and are continuing our HCSSF tradition there. When you apply to the guild in this thread, make sure to specify which guild you'd like to join. See you ingame!

PoE2 guild profile
Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/guild/profile/1152921504606848077

PoE guild profile
Status: 200+ Active Members | 6 Active Officers |
Link: https://www.pathofexile.com/guild/profile/619997


◊ Apply to HCSSF > To apply to the guild, copy, paste, and complete the form below as a reply on this thread:

POE or POE2:
Account Name:
Character Name:
Highest Level:
Year You Started Path of Exile:

◊ Optional: Once you become a trusted member of our guild, you will gain access to our exclusive guild hideout and be able to use and share items with your fellow members through the HCSSF guild stash. This works even in HCSSF as long as all online members share the same league and instance.

⚠️Warning: The guild is not responsible for any lost items from using the guild stash. Use at your discretion!

◊ Guild rules:

As the name implies, we require that our members play exclusively HCSSF. However, we do allow some exceptions to the rule to make things a bit more accommodating for everyone here.

β—¦ Private leagues are fine, but preferably in HCSSF.
β—¦ Practicing and/or testing on (dead) characters in SC(SSF) permanent league is also fine.

As an example, if a member of the guild wants to play with friends or family in a non-HCSSF league, we will ask the member to temporarily leave the guild. Once they're back in HCSSF, they can simply ask for an invite back at any time.




πŸ‘‘ ClearlyDualStrike ─ SirD#2208
πŸ‘‘ PilaGlande ─ Taveira#4866
πŸ‘‘ Cortilliones ─ Avengi#6427
πŸ‘‘ nehW_kroweR ─ Baristo#6732
πŸ‘‘ bussymunchy ─ Foey#1574
πŸ‘‘ Ninja_PT_Project_Legacy ─ johnycash#2874
πŸ‘‘ ClearlyUnethical ─ SirD#2208
πŸ‘‘ Mercron_PAINXD ─ 0Mercron#5889
πŸ‘‘ fluffypandasaredumb ─ nrizzle#5691
πŸ‘‘ DFNecroEANotGettingDD ─ Deathfairy#1490
πŸ‘‘ EscoJugg ─ Esco420#2041
πŸ‘‘ Mercron_WIDETIME ─ 0Mercron#5889
πŸ‘‘ Double_Espresso ─ Baristo#6732
πŸ‘‘ DFNecroLongMana ─ Deathfairy#1490
πŸ‘‘ Ecofrigo ─ Chebister#3998
πŸ‘‘ everseenAstabber ─ everseen#0826
πŸ‘‘ Iced_Espresso ─ Baristo#6732
πŸ‘‘ KerkNerfCorpseSkills ─ Kerkeyon#6783
πŸ‘‘ Espresso_Pops ─ Baristo#6732
πŸ‘‘ everseenAnAlberons ─ everseen#0826



πŸ‘‘ MoarSadgeegggggg ─ Moar1
πŸ‘‘ RankOneJuggernaut ─ Elementling
πŸ‘‘ Mal_Shieldiot ─ seanpw
πŸ‘‘ Sanctuary ─ Anscendant
πŸ‘‘ BoniㆍFryMeSoftly ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ Mal_traps ─ seanpw
πŸ‘‘ HCSSFㆍBoniㆍHCSSF ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ Suppressing ─ Anscendant
πŸ‘‘ DiscedDiestoRhoas ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ Crabfood ─ krodel123
πŸ‘‘ ChrisㆍWilson ─ Kim_Kardashian
πŸ‘‘ DiscedㆍMagebloodㆍUser ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ EruptNeedChange ─ xenator
πŸ‘‘ BackToTheBeachNoobShit ─ MrGetBonus
πŸ‘‘ Abysmal ─ Anscendant
πŸ‘‘ trdx_packageloss ─ Tordaex
πŸ‘‘ AbsolutionAddiction ─ Phonaestheme
πŸ‘‘ HCSSFγ…£γ…£NatEAγ…£γ…£HCSSFγ…£HCγ…£ ─ Natty_Savior
πŸ‘‘ __Disced ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ DMV_The_Third ─ victorpatton


πŸ‘‘ Elementling ─ Elementling
πŸ‘‘ SuppressionCapThisTime ─ Karamon10
πŸ‘‘ BoniㆍArchHonker ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ Discedexplodesshit ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ plebMentalBoom ─ RealLifePleb
πŸ‘‘ DMV_Kills_Bosses ─ victorpatton
πŸ‘‘ ㆍLoliㆍ ─ Kim_Kardashian
πŸ‘‘ Frustrateyon ─ Kerkeyon
πŸ‘‘ SLAMSCopege ─ Karamon10
πŸ‘‘ GottaUseGloriousVanity ─ senaozdemir
πŸ‘‘ autism_ ─ VEKSTOR
πŸ‘‘ BoniㆍFryMeSwiftly ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ FeedingTheHH ─ Karamon10
πŸ‘‘ WfWzvxCGQM ─ Kim_Kardashian
πŸ‘‘ BoniㆍFryMeRandomly ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ ㆍDㆍDㆍiㆍsㆍcㆍeㆍdㆍ ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ NikonEA ─ nikoon


πŸ‘‘ BoniㆍLetsGoBrandon ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ ㆍElementlingㆍ ─ Elementling
πŸ‘‘ BoniㆍDeflagration ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ SaebyeokChilling ─ Saebyeok96


πŸ‘‘ LowIQRedditor ─ Karamon10
πŸ‘‘ boniㆍCabalKebab ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ TMH_IceIceBaby ─ TheMadHedonist
πŸ‘‘ MyJuggernautDied ─ Elementling
πŸ‘‘ SirNikon ─ nikoon

Congratulations to Disced for taking the #1 Delve spot in the HCSSF Expedition League!


πŸ‘‘ Elementling ─ Elementling
πŸ‘‘ Natty_scion_frens ─ Natty_Savior
πŸ‘‘ TMH_Unfulfilled ─ TheMadHedonist


πŸ‘‘ __Disced___ ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ BoniCrema ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ SomethingMeleeee ─ Pocks85
πŸ‘‘ KimAurora ─ Kim_Kardashian
πŸ‘‘ __Disced_Nerfed_Build__ ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ SunnyDetonateDead ─ iSunnyyy
πŸ‘‘ deadmage_ritual ─ victorpatton
πŸ‘‘ bOniBonkass ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ Natty_dabes ─ Natty_Savior
πŸ‘‘ Icouldeataknobatnight ─ puffenk
πŸ‘‘ ㆍDiscedㆍ ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ bOniBoomer ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ Nonresistant ─ Anscendant

Congratulations to Disced for taking the #1 Delve spot in the HCSSF Ritual League!


πŸ‘‘ HachcomBabaow ─ HachcomBabaow
πŸ‘‘ DeadBossingV ─ victorpatton
πŸ‘‘ RuiniousRetribution ─ kmlck
πŸ‘‘ Bonizk ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ Natalia_Poklonskaya ─ Kim_Kardashian
πŸ‘‘ Kuhmensch ─ energy_stress_tensor
πŸ‘‘ PointTT ─ LawVincent
πŸ‘‘ Natty_slamming_deez ─ Natty_Savior


πŸ‘‘ Natty_spins___again ─ Natty_Savior
πŸ‘‘ Nitesky_FarmyBoi ─ NiteskyEU
πŸ‘‘ RumToThePills ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ ShuTayHay ─ Shunar
πŸ‘‘ NatashaSavior ─ Kim_Kardashian
πŸ‘‘ HasunicED ─ Hasunic
πŸ‘‘ CerealArsonist ─ Bonizuka
πŸ‘‘ _Disced_ ─ disced

Congratulations to Disced for once again taking the #1 Delve spot in the HCSSF Harvest League!


πŸ‘‘ Voostrom ─ Rakrov
πŸ‘‘ Natty___spins ─ Natty_Savior
πŸ‘‘ TMH_OOM ─ TheMadHedonist
πŸ‘‘ Svensiferum ─ EvilED
πŸ‘‘ SSF_Discedtrashbuild ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ Pencil_ReErEEre ─ LawVincent
πŸ‘‘ SSF_DiscedNerfedBuild ─ disced
πŸ‘‘ Bonizuka ─ EvilED (Bonizuka)
πŸ‘‘ Natty_stacking_harolds ─ Natty_Savior

Special congratulations to Disced for taking the #1 Delve spot in the HCSSF Delirium League!


πŸ‘‘ MrFantom_PileOfBones ─ XxMrFantomxX
πŸ‘‘ ProtzSSFHC ─ Protzbeatz
πŸ‘‘ Natty_spins ─ Natty_Savior
πŸ‘‘ Stardust ─ Kim_Kardashian
πŸ‘‘ TMH_Disposable ─ TheMadHedonist
πŸ‘‘ NoitaNoituuTaas ─ Ravenous_Penguin
πŸ‘‘ Elementling ─ Elementling
Guild Leader of the OFFICIAL HCSSF Guild.

Guild Thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2679775/page/1
Last edited by Anscendant#6753 on Dec 22, 2024, 1:38:07 PM
Last bumped on Mar 7, 2025, 10:02:01 AM
Hands down, best guild in PoE

Personally as a HCSSF player I have never in my life felt the urge or the need to play tradeleague as I find it to not only be inferior to hardcore solo self found, I also find it to be disrespectful to my ancestors because they did not have an easy life. Why should I be allowed to have an easy life? Humans need hardship in order to progress mentally and physically. HCSSF brings both fun and hardship to a person which is why it is the greatest game-mode ever created.
Last edited by Natty_Savior#3371 on Nov 20, 2019, 1:43:08 PM
This guild is my second family now.
I was having hard times when i was a SC tradie pleb.
Then i switched to SSF HC and this guys helped me a lot. Now only SSF, only HC.
As soon as I joined up with HCSSF, my manhood permanently grew several centimeters in girth and length.

It's a sublime feeling to be surrounded by like-minded true gamers.
love da boys
Interesting...might consider.
GGG thank you for all the great things you are doing. You have combined every element of all other great Rpg's and joined them together as one Diamond, that will shine Forever.

This is coming straight from the heart <3
Interested in joining.

Account Name: Kjarninn
Character Name: WeLoveSkelliesYea
Highest Level: 96
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Aug 28, 2013
Country/Time Zone: Iceland/GMT +0
Account Name: icemaniq5001
Character Name: Abf_Abravesfan
Highest Level: 80 something but it was SC so
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Not a clue, Tho we only had 3 acts when i first played
Country/Time Zone: USA, CST

I am just coming back after a long break from the game, And I am making the swap from SC, so HC SSF. SC i use to run out of content, and mindlessly blasted through it. This time around I really wanna play the game HC SSF. So in all fairness I might as well be a first time player...so get ready to see me die alot. But, I look forward to the challenge. And would love to learn from people who have been doing it longer then myself.

Thank you!
Invites are out @Kjarnin and iceman. Send me a PM if you want an invite to the discord, too, otherwise see you lads in 3.9.
Account Name: Cherd
Character Name: Cherd
Highest Level: 100
Month & Year You Started Path of Exile: Open Beta, 2013?
Country/Time Zone: US/Eastern

I primarily play hc ssf. However, to complete challenges and work on my Perfect Unique collection, I tend to swap over to sc trade for a time each league. Will this be a problem?

I was invited to another ssf guild a while back. Everyone seemed overly concerned about whether guild members would be "caught" in a trade league chat. Worse yet, they seemed to think it was paramount to "catch" members of other ssf guilds in trade league chat. This seemed really stupid and childish to me, so I left. Will this type of perspective clash with this guild? If not, then shoot me an invite! :D

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