Watch the ExileCon Livestream and Win Microtransactions with Twitch Drops!

40$ for the skin ... more cheap is eyes for 10$
I Never Support Grinding Gear Games again - due to the Twitch Drop Scam of Exilecon 2019
Yukionna wrote:
Good grief. I remember a time when this community had ounce of maturity.

To all of the moderators having to slog through this mess, I'm really sorry. I want to believe that the people having a tantrum in this thread are the very vocal minority. I promise that there are a ton of us that genuinely enjoyed every minute of the con and couldn't care less about the Twitch Drops.
Ok Boomer
ayemjake20 wrote:
Yukionna wrote:
Good grief. I remember a time when this community had ounce of maturity.

To all of the moderators having to slog through this mess, I'm really sorry. I want to believe that the people having a tantrum in this thread are the very vocal minority. I promise that there are a ton of us that genuinely enjoyed every minute of the con and couldn't care less about the Twitch Drops.
Ok Boomer

Your account is 4 days older than mine. I guess that makes you a Boomer too :)
Well, at least with no drop after watching the whole 2 day event I've learned my lesson. Next time, I will just watch the important parts and skip the rest. Well done GGG

Putting that aside, I'm hyped for "Poe 2".
Still no drop.. I've gone too far just to get this.I saved and spent the weekend for this just so I could get my reward,a weekend where I could've done something productive outside.. But instead I spent it watching the two day stream..because your post says we get 1.5% chance to get stuff every 5 minutes, statistically that guarantees us a drop if we watched the whole thing for more than 5.5 hours... I watched the whole thing for more than 15 hours in total and I still havent got any.. Yesterday I thought there was just a delay so I just slept and waited for another day... Surprise surpise... Woke up and still got nothing
I got 3 drops, Fire Portal, Glowing Red Eyes, and Firefly Swarm Pet. Thanks GGG.
Last edited by xDrayken#1472 on Nov 18, 2019, 6:47:40 PM
ayemjake20 wrote:
Still no drop.. I've gone too far just to get this.I saved and spent the weekend for this just so I could get my reward,a weekend where I could've done something productive outside.. But instead I spent it watching the two day stream..because your post says we get 1.5% chance to get stuff every 5 minutes, statistically that guarantees us a drop if we watched the whole thing for more than 5.5 hours... I watched the whole thing for more than 15 hours in total and I still havent got any.. Yesterday I thought there was just a delay so I just slept and waited for another day... Surprise surpise... Woke up and still got nothing

dont forget ! the last day is x2 ! is not 1.5% but 3% .. got nothing -_- is just a trap for get views
I Never Support Grinding Gear Games again - due to the Twitch Drop Scam of Exilecon 2019
ayemjake20 wrote:
Woke up and still got nothing

Well it seems we wont get any at all, unless they admit the existence of issue on the high level and issue some consolation damage control measures. I really doubt they will properly investigate this and make another rolls for those people whose time and participation wasn't counted.

Support already replied about "hard luck". And that tone really rubs me the wrong way tbh, infuriating even more than absence of the drops considering everything we seen so far.

Customer support was useless, community management non-existent and out-of-touch. I'm kind of glad that PoE2 will be released in the end of 2020 - just enough time to take a break from the game, chill and forget this clusterfuck.
Last edited by kassigainen#2096 on Nov 18, 2019, 6:53:25 PM

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