[3.21] ShakCentral's Cold DoT Elementalist For Everyone

I migrated from SSF after 3.14 update so i could push the build further.

SSF i had no mark of the shaper/no avian aura, no crab aura, a 60 es crystal belt.

I moved to std and upgraded following the LL setup. went down from my 9.6k es in ssf to 6.9k in std and i get oneshot in t16's. Really not sure where i went wrong.

Here's my POB, https://pastebin.com/WmGKk4tD

Any advice would be appreciated.

I know my wands not perfect but dps isn't the issue. 3m+ dot dps atm and i get max frenzy/empower/endu charges.

Also confused about PoC, some people are saying use it. guide says use CI ammy and stay vile bastion.

Edit, fixed everything by adjusting cluster pathing. removed 2nd large & picked up Influence then noticed that char didn't even have uber lab done.

8k es again and doing 8 mod invitations. Guess i was really tired by the end of respec lol
Last edited by acidytrips#1773 on May 4, 2021, 2:10:20 AM
Quick question about Mark of the Shaper ring in POB:
Won't the "adds #-# lightning damage" mod screw our EE or actually it will enable it?
Hello all again,

Killing bosses and pushing end-game. Very smooth build.

Though i really need to ask and figure out. I am pretty much using Storm Brand first, and then Vortex in that order at all packs. So i guess trigger wand is not needed for anything in particular?

Thought is i can get those sockets in the wand for others stuff, like Vitality, instead of having a ring with a socket.

Further i am considering going for the Inward Eye helmet, instead of Rime Gaze - just as cheap. I am dying too much, and this seems like a defensive upgrade.

Any advice is appreciated.
Last edited by vp0llas#5212 on May 4, 2021, 5:57:33 AM
Hello all again,

Killing bosses and pushing end-game. Very smooth build.

Though i really need to ask and figure out. I am pretty much using Storm Brand first, and then Vortex in that order at all packs. So i guess trigger wand is not needed for anything in particular?

You dont need EE or curses on packs. You should be able to kill packs with just a cold snap or a vortex walk over even with them getting + cold res from EE. If you cannot kill packs without first casting brand to trigger EE or curse then you're underleveled, have too low damage, or in maps that are too hard for your current gear level.

EE and curses should only be needed to burn down bosses and very tanky rares.The rest of the map your piano flasking, running with vortex on left click, using cold snap and vaal cold snap on cooldown and thats it.

Feel free to drop your brands in ultimatium, but if you need it just regular mapping than you're doing something wrong.
Domination: CockBlockingAxes zomgwtfbbqlegs, GotYourselfAGun
Standard: LookAtMyHorseMyHorse, ComeOnNSlamEveryBodyJam, AdmiralTrapar
donbrawler wrote:
Aurelius314 wrote:

EE is not a massive DPS loss at all.

LMAO. ok....

I'm still new to a lot of this and I didn't realise how important EE was for bosses like Sirus to actually get through their elemental resistances.
Okay so I just got my hands on a great, near perfect, wand.
It has the mod "Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Use a Skill, with a 4 second Cooldown.
Any recommendations on how I can improve the build even further now, as in, should I be using another gem setup?
Right now I have Tempest Shield and Frost bomb socketed into it, any advice is welcome
PoB: https://pastebin.com/QsSM3hwf
could someone take a look at my build and maybe help me understand why i get clapped

im playing CI vortex
tried to copy every single thing in the guide
i cant go past lvl 91

i keep dying to random shit and get one shotted,i use all the flasks
im not sure whats wrong or am i this bad

content is tier 16's , ultimatums, conq sirus guardians all that stuff
im avoiding elemental reflect and no regen maps.
Last edited by Daydreaming7#0298 on May 4, 2021, 3:40:17 PM

how should I finish these gloves? Aisling add veiled?
what is the easiest way to get a good wand?

anything with +1 gems and T2 cold dot multi is 5ex+ on trade, but no open prefixes. only one with open prefix is 70ex.

any tips?
Just starting this build, looks fun! How is it with league content aside from Ultimatums? Specifically legions and blight?

And does anyone run vaal ice nova for clear? Maybe even just for legions or harbinger swarms? I was thinking of running it on a second weapon.

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