[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!
Whats the opinion on dropping pyromaniac and using vitality instead? Saw asmodeusclips(https://youtu.be/KYpDhA3fuxY?t=122) make a solid argument that without the mana reservation reduction its probably not worth taking but since I'll be following this guide more than likely I'm interested in whats the opinion here.
Last edited by Nixlify#3183 on Jan 15, 2021, 9:42:48 AM
Whats the opinion on dropping pyromaniac and using vitality instead? Saw asmodeusclips(https://youtu.be/KYpDhA3fuxY?t=122) make a solid argument that without the mana reservation reduction its probably not worth taking but since I'll be following this guide more than likely I'm interested in whats the opinion here.
Not worth it unless you are banking on getting a GG watchers eye
3.13 Changes, Updates and Recommendations: READ FIRST
3.13 Brought quite a few different changes to the build, mostly in the form of nerfs, but not making the build unplayable at all and actually balancing out some of the different mine skills.
As per usual, nearly any spell is viable in a mine build, but some are going to allow for much earlier boss kills on a cheaper budget.
The Big Changes:
Biggest change to the class was losing the 30% area of effect from explosive expert. This makes it much harder to hit 13 ticks on Ball Lightning and makes GC feel much worse.
Overall, the two most powerful mine skills were affected while everything else saw a slight buff in damage.
The second biggest change is to the reservation on mines, which was removed from the ascendency. While it is possible to fix this by pathing to, or anointing efficient explosives, other anoints are stronger and the pathing to get down to the node is extremely terrible.
This does make it so you will not be able to use all of the auras (I would drop aspect of the spider) until you have an enlighten level 4.
Last, the way that damage was moved around in the ascendency pretty much makes Demolition Specialist mandatory, which means dropping born in the shadows - a very large loss on the defensive end. Thus, I would recommend dropping aspect of the spider for Flesh and Stone (stone stance).
What skill should we play for 3.13?
Unfortunately, for spell based miners, it is still Ball Lightning (5th league in a row now). While some of the other spells are closer now, they still aren't able to do what BL can do on a lower end budget.
One caveat here, if you dont mind the clunky playstyle, or Astral Projector ends up being cheap this league, Pyroclast is in a great spot with the buff to Demolitions Specialist.
GC ended up being a pretty big letdown last league and was unchanged this league minus the AoE nerf, which is pretty big for it as well.
So, best 1 and 2 in no particular order are Pyroclast and Ball Lightning for 3.13.
Pyroclast is pretty straightforward and the below guide gearing is still correct. BL has however changed quite a bit and I will detail that in the section below.
i dont understand why u said that GC was a big letdown. ok was my first miner but it was so poggers with massive dmg. ill try it this leauge again gettin 30% aoe from tree.
Compared to the old GC its awful and clunky. Also damage is much less than the top tier skills.
ok so cant say about old gc, my actual average gc dmg was 820k , Build says 1142267.0 average from build owner, whats the difference to ball lightning?