[3.13] HC/SC/SSF All Content Miner - Any Mine Skill - LL/CI - 12k ES w/ Videos!

Hey0cean wrote:
Congratulations for 400 page guide mate :)

Not that I care much about that, but cheers! ;)

I'd love to see an answer on my question tho ^^ I'm wondering whether I should switch or not...
May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
_phlv_ wrote:
Hi folks. Is glacial cascade overall better over ball lightning now?


I’m testing it now with fairly high end gear. So far it isnt fantastic. I don’t have a ton of hours into it, so I could be playing it wrong, but overall the damage is just too inconsistent.
BeerLeague wrote:
_phlv_ wrote:
Hi folks. Is glacial cascade overall better over ball lightning now?


I’m testing it now with fairly high end gear. So far it isnt fantastic. I don’t have a ton of hours into it, so I could be playing it wrong, but overall the damage is just too inconsistent.

OK. Thanks for an answer. I'll stay with BL for now then.
May God have mercy upon my enemies; they will need it.
Melador wrote:
BeerLeague wrote:
Not having slower proj is why you feel a lack of DPS. its close to half of your total damage for the build.

Weird, does PoB just calculate this incorrectly or something? My average hit with Added Lightning is 37k, and with Slower Projectiles it's 33k.

Using it also ups the dex requirement of the build, which is a bummer.

Digging into this more, slower projectiles is a huge deal because it means that each ball is going to zap a given target many more times (it zaps every 150ms) as it passes through them. So it probably slows clear down a bit because it won't spread out as quickly, but each ball will hit targets it touches a LOT more, and harder.

Apparently a unslowed projectile with normal AoE hits a target 5 times, but a slowed projectile with 140% AoE hits a target *19* times. Whoa.
Melador wrote:
Melador wrote:
BeerLeague wrote:
Not having slower proj is why you feel a lack of DPS. its close to half of your total damage for the build.

Weird, does PoB just calculate this incorrectly or something? My average hit with Added Lightning is 37k, and with Slower Projectiles it's 33k.

Using it also ups the dex requirement of the build, which is a bummer.

Digging into this more, slower projectiles is a huge deal because it means that each ball is going to zap a given target many more times (it zaps every 150ms) as it passes through them. So it probably slows clear down a bit because it won't spread out as quickly, but each ball will hit targets it touches a LOT more, and harder.

Apparently a unslowed projectile with normal AoE hits a target 5 times, but a slowed projectile with 140% AoE hits a target *19* times. Whoa.

There is a section in the guide with the math on it.

Short break down:

Max number of hits with 20/20 slower proj - 11.

If you add the aoe we pick up from the tree, ascendency and adjacent animosity we can get that number to 13. (13 is also the max possible, it can hit hit more than that)

Without those, you are correct, it hits 5 times.
_phlv_ wrote:
Hi folks. Is glacial cascade overall better over ball lightning now?


Being very honestly I prefer the old version of GC, but I`m still playing with GC and doing all the end game with no issues, deleting bosses in seconds, etc.

I`m using a very high end gear now, I didn`t play with BL on this league, but I have some videos of GC in 3.12 if you`d like to see the performance: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoRo8wrlzhJ3U_s3GpIcinA/videos

Here are some conq and S8 Kills on GC, not a huge fan of the skill, but it does work.

For BL with adjacent-animosity on the amulet:
Is it important to take the 2 +10% AOE nodes in the tree near Blast Radius AND the Nodes including Arcane Expanse? Does it work with only the nodes including Arcane Expanse?
Guild "Metal" /// POE 2 and POE 1 /// NO voice-chat necessary
Last edited by Infarkt#5723 on Oct 16, 2020, 11:11:00 PM
BeerLeague wrote:
Here are some conq and S8 Kills on GC, not a huge fan of the skill, but it does work.


Thanks for sharing, I did two tests only with Awaked Cold Damage, need to do more, I`m still using Hypothermia (Divergent), I felt it`s much better, but I need to re-test again with Awak Cold Damage to have a better decision.

Did you test Hypothermia instead of Cold Damage gem?

BeerLeague wrote:
Here are some conq and S8 Kills on GC, not a huge fan of the skill, but it does work.


You are doing something like 30% of GC mine's potential damage. When mapping it doesn't really matter, but against conquerors and sirus you have plenty of time to setup mines before they become vulnerable and can easily one shot all of them.

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