Making Cassia
The only real problem I take with this league is that some aspects were not very well thought out, Blighted Maps, for instance.
Getting a blighted map and being overjoyed wanting to reap the benefits of the insane loot quantity, only to open the map, start the encounter and have a blight portal open directly on top of my purification pump. Kind of a bummer that there wasn't some sort of minimum distance around the pump that would prevent such a thing. |
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Except for her very very annoying "new roots" voiceline, because it always assumes the player is a idiot and its in general not a good line, all of her voicelines, singing, dialogue and visual art are very smooth and except for above mentioned thing she did not get annoying even after meeting her 100+ times. Divine Power! Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get me.
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I find her very annoying. So i guess others will love it. I hated Einhar and now it's my favorite NPC.
I represent only myself, my own thought and believes. I am individual, not a representative of the community.
I am not speaking on behalf of someone else and I don't get offended by things that have nothing to do with me. 3.13 was the golden age. |
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Love her, love the league (Though Blight Maps need a rework of course). It perfectly fits my slow and methodical playstyle and glacial Hammer worked out a lot better than I had hoped for the mechanic.
While she does have some condescending lines, I more fell in love with her hands on "can do" attitude being out there alone trying to stem the tide with a tune on her lips. I'm also especially fond of the her "TO ASH!" song which gives me major Riot Grrl vibes and I would love a punk version of it. Hopefully she can stay around in some form and you can expand on her voice lines. I much rather see Legion gone or at least transformed. It would be a shame to lose the cool generals but their encounters are always just a way more stressful version of Blight encounters. <edit> Just to emphasize, this might be my favorite league and I've been playing since closed beta on PC. (and I think it's a bit too rewarding now, please don't kill me ^_^) ... is not a troll Last edited by trollkind1#9593 on Oct 3, 2019, 6:46:30 AM
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Honestly, after Cavas/Venarius was introduced to the game I did not think it was possible to add a more annoying NPC to the game, but yet again you have proven me wrong...
I generally like her character model and overall design, her back-story fits the rest of the lore of the game and her singing with sudden interruption on encounter makes her one of the most unique NPCs in the game at the moment, really, the only problem I have with her is the "overexplaining" as you've called it... I mean we really don't need to be acousticly informed about a new set of roots spawning every time it happens. If there was one feature I'd suggest for this league it'd have to be a new slider in the sound options of the game, that allows us to turn down cassia's voice. At first I liked the idea of her being this worried about all the creatures coming out of nowhere and you can tell she put quite a bit of energy into her lines but for the love of god there's really no need for a line to play on every single thing that's happening... Her impatience in the very first blight encounter when not putting down any towers is a very nice detail that I was not expecting to see and certainly rakes up some bonus points. Overall rating for this NPC is a clear It's branching, exile! / 10 from me. |
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She is the reason why I'm playing this league with --nosound, just to hear her when I'm found her in map encounter is annoying. For me she is so irritating as the old guy from synthesis - who I don't remember the name, and I hope this happen with Cassia too. Blight should be eresed from PoE history like synthesis was and Cassia can go to hell like this epic fail league - the only think good about this league is the new masters mission system. The best recently 'NPC' in this game is the monolith, no voice lines, just click, kill stuffs fast and get a really great rewards, Cassia is not 1% cool as the monolith is.
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i have to say tho, i started to *TO ASH* developing som ASH e sort of tourette *F*****g AAAAAAAASH*
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Why does she have so few voice lines? :<
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I like Cassia a lot, sad that she has so few lines.
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Ended up so I'm just skipping the league, but nuns are cool.
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