[PS4] 3.8.1d Patch Notes

A liga continua sem funcionar, impossível jogar nessa liga, jogo fica todo travado com 0 FPS, nem no PS4 pro funciona.Escutem os feedback dos jogadores em quanto tem jogadores.
Last edited by EEgrace#9494 on Oct 3, 2019, 8:34:38 PM
This patch is just another joke. It didn't do anything. Blight maps are still unplayable. Blight encounter with more than 6 lanes are unplayable.

As much as i love this game (if it runs smoothly), my patience has run out.
The lack of communication from GGG, the bluescreens (more than 200), the copied patch notes from pc. It's enough.

I'll consult Sony if there is a way to get my invested money back.
Pooping in my face fix please this game for console is unplayable bright map i cant use it :,[
Though I applaud you for the numerous squashed bugs, I'd like to know if Blight maps unplayability is going to be resolved ?!. You know, "Blight League" ... without "Blight maps" kinda defeats the purpose of this game.
Last edited by deceitfulredeyes#5341 on Sep 14, 2021, 2:31:48 PM
dont know why you cant give us graphic options on console so we can turn down partical effects etc! atm most the content in the game is pretty much unplayable!
Cephalon_Mukka wrote:
dont know why you cant give us graphic options on console so we can turn down partical effects etc! atm most the content in the game is pretty much unplayable!

From what I've heard, it's not actually about the console's capability. It is about the network and the server load.

They had tons of problems on PC this league too, even people who had monster gaming rigs.

Not sure how PC is faring right now, but we're still getting tons of crashes that I don't think affect PC (like Vorici breaking Jun missions).
Cytec133771 wrote:
And what is with the Vorici Crash?

The game crash when you see him every time witch means I cant play the game I spent money on GGG dog s**t company
When does the PS4 get the Delve Stash?

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