I'm very late with this, but still posting it.
I made the Badge of the Brotherhood as a necklace pendant with Sterling Silver, Green Agate and blue Aventurine stones:
Wearing it on the really too small necklace...
Thanks for having a look. I look forward to entering next year, but I forgot about NZT time for this one... oops...
Posted byBladesake#5800on Oct 28, 2019, 9:03:16 PM
ketunkajo wrote:
Roadrunnerkzsk wrote:
ketunkajo wrote:
(Edit: wait is it late or not, I’m in a different time zone with daylight saving and very confused)
Yes I believe it's 12 minutes late. But no worries. GGG is kind and have accepted late submissions like this before. (maybe you can contact support)
Alright, thank you! I might, but to be fair, it was my own fault for starting to try posting on the last minute (knowing it’s my first post on the forums, and my internet sucks). In any case I’m glad I finally got myself to participate in one of these competitions, too late or not, haha.
Dang it, made the same mistake. I didn't realize NZT was on daylight saving time at the moment, so GMT +13 actually, and we just moved to the "normal" time of GMT +2 in Finland...
Posted bypontsku#1339on Oct 29, 2019, 6:57:05 AM
pontsku wrote:
ketunkajo wrote:
Roadrunnerkzsk wrote:
Yes I believe it's 12 minutes late. But no worries. GGG is kind and have accepted late submissions like this before. (maybe you can contact support)
Alright, thank you! I might, but to be fair, it was my own fault for starting to try posting on the last minute (knowing it’s my first post on the forums, and my internet sucks). In any case I’m glad I finally got myself to participate in one of these competitions, too late or not, haha.
Dang it, made the same mistake. I didn't realize NZT was on daylight saving time at the moment, so GMT +13 actually, and we just moved to the "normal" time of GMT +2 in Finland...
Haha, fellow Finn here so feel ya, the change in daylight saving messed up my calculations big time (pun intended). At first I thought I wasn't late, then realized on the last minute I was, panicked and struggled with the uploading, then wasn't sure again, then was told I was late. What a rollercoaster, lol.
Last edited by ketunkajo#5313 on Oct 29, 2019, 7:18:27 AM
Posted byketunkajo#5313on Oct 29, 2019, 7:15:04 AM
Hi guys! Im really really late this time, I had some problems that kept me away from PC, so i've started drawing with very less time, and then on the last day i have realizad that the time is even shorter cause the time difference!
hope GGG will have mercy of my soul! haha
however, this is my entry "CONQUERORS OF ATLAS"
a 3d version of the atlas map... hope you like it!

Posted byDrakartwow#2694on Oct 29, 2019, 11:05:25 AM
Hi! I know I'm late but let's try xD
I'm happy I done this.
What we have here? Ranger with starforge and glimmerwood skin because I love it <3 Vs Elder.
Ranger have purple hair I know, but why not :v
I hope u like it!

Posted bywika26104#1595on Oct 29, 2019, 11:15:45 AM
Here are my entries for the contest
Posted byNatsataAble#6464on Oct 29, 2019, 2:32:19 PM
so shouldnt the winners be announced?
please, cheapen the wing prices !
Am Yisrael 'Chai
Posted byuzbek90#2525on Oct 30, 2019, 12:14:45 PM
Qque wrote:
Aul, The Crystal King
I don't see much of Aul images around so decided to add my rendition of him.
I also think he's one of the coolest boss fight in the game.
So yeah some aul love here.
I love making these, if only :D
where can i get this in full resolution ?
Posted byDreamdoctor#6384on Oct 31, 2019, 11:48:01 AM
kralj87 wrote:
Hi everyone!
I first started playing just as 1.1.0 Sacrifice of the Vaal patch was released. I remember playing with my 3 friends, slowly progressing thru acts, reading every little thing, spending hours on wiki... oh, I was hooked in no time!
My first build was a Searing Bond totem templar, naked and afraid, 2k life and barely positive resistances. The struggle! ..but then Tabula dropped and I sold it in trade chat for some serious currency, before the macros, trade sites and premium stash tabs.
I had enough money to buy a 5L Searing Touch, which was a God-like weapon back then. I slowly iterated my build, bought new items, I believe I even had Kaom's, got my resistances sorted and I finally managed to have a shiny set of 4 Atziri fragments.
Atziri. That was it. If I do this, I have officially beaten this game! I have managed to learn more than I ever wanted to learn about a game. I knew all the mechanics, all the little tricks, this was my game, I was ready!!!
I died lol.
6 times.
But it wasn't all for nothing. It was one of the best times I ever had playing a game. That first Atziri fight...
So, I made this to honor one of my fav moments ever playing POE.
First person 3d scene of Atziri fight. Wish I had more time to work on this...
(Made in Zbrush, Blender and Substance Painter, rendered in Cycles)
Anyway, hope you like it!
https://imgur.com/HMVUrnV - Direct link
My favourite submission
Posted byXcava86X#4514on Nov 1, 2019, 7:57:18 AM