[3.8] CI Mjolner CoC Ball Lightning Assassin - up to 6M Shaper DPS, 11k ES, 5k+ ES Recovery/s

Alegu wrote:
How do you guys think HH fits into this build? I have enough currency to get one but curious about people's experience with it.

Leveled my Assassin to 100 with HH, it's actually amazing and this league is such a HH league. Makes clear insanely fast, Legion encounters smelt, you can run 4W-5W Legions for others, it's good for Metamorphs, Dobule Beyond etc.
Like I siad before, sometimes offence is your best defence! It doesn't do anything for bosses with separate areas, but you can always have a backup belt eady for those!
Any benefit of converting this to LL and using a 6 linked Shav's?
More damage, less tankiness

Hi, I'm having a ton of fun with this build so far and changed some pieces of gear yesterday. What do you think I can inprove next beside my gems that are still leveling ?
I was thinking maybe awakening gems ? or divine my chest / helmet

I tried to slam my helmet with warlord's exalted orb for +1 maximum power charge but ended up with elemental damage instead :'(

I have several questions :
- I have only 96% accuracy and really don't know how to increase to 99%, any advices ?

- Since I got tailwind boots, I don't know if it's because I have more AS or because my accuracy is only 96%, but I have less proc or ball lightning than before changing boots, what are the different AS tresholds for efficient procs ?

Thanks exiles.
Last edited by zibbulon#1401 on Jan 21, 2020, 7:25:21 AM
Any tried the build with garb of the ephemeral?
Garb of the ephemeral strength requirement are huge ! It will be hard to have enough strenght.

Since I got tailwind boots, I don't know if it's because I have more AS or because my accuracy is only 96%, but I have less proc or ball lightning than before changing boots, what are the different AS tresholds for efficient procs ?

You can check the cast on crit breakpoint explanations here https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/e5pyr8/the_cyclone_cast_on_critical_strike_cooldown/

But to sum up :
With 0% CDR, max is 6.06 aps
With 14% CDR, max is 7.57 aps
with 52% CDR, max is 10.10 aps

Tailwind probably boosted your attack speed higher than 6.06 attacks per sedonc, effectively reducing your proc rate (you can loose like 40% damage in the worst case)
also 96% accuracy is terrible.hint: take a closer look at your gloves.
Last edited by NomadFX#0730 on Jan 21, 2020, 11:02:57 AM
Hello ;

i'm looking for ways to improve my build in terme of damage but don't find anything for days tbh

anyone got some ideas ?

also, which annoint should i consider while playing this build ?

thanks you

blingi wrote:
Anointedone wrote:
jim_Bonks wrote:
I am hoping I can get some help on what you guys would upgrade first?

Get ES Watchers Eye (currently do not have one)
I am guessing then upgrade boots from Fenemus since leach will come from Eye.


Mjolner with fortify chance on hit

I played this build last league, and it's pure cancer without ES on hit watchers eye(I would call it unplayable). I would highly recommend that, over a fortify mjolnir. Fortify is a huge defense boost, and should be your upgrade after that.

Edit: Never mind, I didn't see that you're using Fenemus. If you don't mind using them over a well rolled rare, then yes, go for Fortify(you don't need a perfect 15% roll btw).

Fenumus alone is more than enough to sustain you, I tried it myself.
And Since fenumus is also a 5% more damage upgrade + survivability, res and MS it's better than most rare boots as well unless you want tailwind.

Are you really sure 25ES on hit is enough for all content ?

i have like 30ex ready if i wanna buy a nice pair of boots but i'm really afraid about losing 20ES on hit ( got a watcher with 25ES on hit already )

I mean, my fenumus give me 10% resistance pen if i didnt killed recently which is already pretty big damage boost, dunno if it would be worth to drop 20ES on hit for a rare pair of boots mh
Last edited by telosei#5736 on Jan 21, 2020, 10:00:43 AM
telosei wrote:

Are you really sure 25ES on hit is enough for all content ?

i have like 30ex ready if i wanna buy a nice pair of boots but i'm really afraid about losing 20ES on hit ( got a watcher with 25ES on hit already )

I mean, my fenumus give me 10% resistance pen if i didnt killed recently which is already pretty big damage boost, dunno if it would be worth to drop 20ES on hit for a rare pair of boots mh

I've been playing with tailwind boots and a 30 watcher's for 2 weeks now and the only time I've died since then was due to overconfidently dashing into the edge of a Sirus storm to trigger him faster.
I've even played with double arc massively reducing the amounts of hits/sec I do and still did fine.

Boots aren't the biggest upgrade since Fenumus is pretty nice, it gives you a bunch of skillpoints (since you can drop AS from tree), some ES and movement speed which is the main reason I went for it (more zooming).
Last edited by blingi#3223 on Jan 21, 2020, 11:39:47 AM
Mwoua wrote:
Garb of the ephemeral strength requirement are huge ! It will be hard to have enough strenght.

Since I got tailwind boots, I don't know if it's because I have more AS or because my accuracy is only 96%, but I have less proc or ball lightning than before changing boots, what are the different AS tresholds for efficient procs ?

You can check the cast on crit breakpoint explanations here https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/e5pyr8/the_cyclone_cast_on_critical_strike_cooldown/

But to sum up :
With 0% CDR, max is 6.06 aps
With 14% CDR, max is 7.57 aps
with 52% CDR, max is 10.10 aps

Tailwind probably boosted your attack speed higher than 6.06 attacks per sedonc, effectively reducing your proc rate (you can loose like 40% damage in the worst case)

I looked and I have 5.43 AS with onslaught and tailwind so it must come from my low accuracy... I need more intelligence to reach 99%

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