Goodbye Charan
" Please, think before you post. Thank you. Now, let's debunk the damn game has "nothing shootery about the gameplay", when it should be damn obvious that due to the absurd POWER CREEP thrown at players since 1.4.0 (yes, the game was still resembling a fast paced ARPG BACK THEN), even braindead scenarios that shouldn't be WORKING are too powerful and ONE SHOT monsters. PoE became the current iteration of a damn Clicker Heroes arcade shooter, when the accent was placed from sustain on fights to "best defense = offense" one shot = one screen clear de facto recommended way to play. Sure, you can still turn the "HARD MODE ON" by opting in to play a REAL MELEE dual wielding RT character, but good luck making TencentGGG publicly present the stats regarding the number of players that reach end game content aka T16 like Guardians and Vaal Temple, Shaper, Uber Atziri/Elder and keep playing that content to level 100 with said limitations, because otherwise, even said content, resembles 90% of the time the regular ROFL STOMP, marked by a close to instant or even instant death due to the damage being pumped to absurd levels both on player and on monster sides... (I'm still leveling my main towards 100 playing with "HARD MODE ON", and I'm already at 99, though I "only" farmed around 120% of the required 99 to 100 EXP, dying is a @$%&# and I get my adrenaline spikes by playing close to/outright suicidal content AND still being alive ^^). Any other proper ARPG has a damn core aspect in PROGRESSION, which in PoE post EVERY DAMN LEVEL UP, is replaced by a "cheat" option as in YOUR DAMN CHARACTER EQUATES A LEVEL 100 character, though with a various number of levels LOWER... Other titles also have BALANCE as another core aspect, which in PoE is simply a FORCED META CHANGE SHOVED DOWN THE PLAYER BASE THROATS EVERY 3 MONTHS, sprinkled with several some other "non-relevant" aspects most of the time. The game stopped being an ARPG not because it had the "ZOOM ZOOM, ONE SHOT, SEVERAL SCREENS CLEARED" potential, but simply because it relegated said playstyle as THE BEST PLAYSTYLE, while punishing to absurd levels those that go against it - less loot, less survivability even when tackling every fight as your last, less enjoyment due to DEATH BEING A DAMN CERTITUDE NO MATTER WHAT strategy or tactical prowess you exhibit, and more time spent like a damn Sisyphus dealing with a never ending problem, which takes away the game's "FUN" and replaces it with "WORK"... Bringing back a SANE speed, and proper rewards for the other various playstyles (actually there only remained like RT + a few options regarding capped damage as playstyles where you could still acknowledge your opponents), is the ONLY WAY to make PoE resemble an ARPG game again... PS: Simply having the slow "tank" option, that also DIES on you randomly because reasons, is not going to cut it, without A DAMN REASON BESIDE MAKING THE GAME "HARD" and resembling something that it should have been ALL ALONG... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"... Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... Last edited by sofocle10000#6408 on Oct 22, 2019, 11:58:45 PM
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" Lol, pretty much you're mad you die. Learn to build. It's not hard to get near invincibility in this game. Need a new signature, cuz name change. I dunno though. I guess this seems fine. Yeah, this is good.
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" If that is your ONLY takeaway, you simply ensured me you're not even reading posts, not even talking about thinking and comprehending them. PS: I'm still waiting for that OFFICIAL TencentGGG information that "enlightens" us with the number of players that play ONLY END GAME CONTENT while leveling to 100 with a damage capped character, want to bet I'll never see it? Oh, and IF I was mad I died, I would have stopped leveling like every other PoE player DOES. Me still leveling = I was never mad that I died =|= being mad towards the reason that caused the death... PSS: Our almighty TencentGGG overlords are very scrupulous regarding criticizing their abilities to take proper decisions and consider everything "needlessly harsh and condescending"...
Good to know "free speech" doesn't apply in any form or manner on the forums these days... |
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" I'm sorry, but if you were slow in Synthesis you definitely didn't make much progress. The wide open memories would likely be doable, but the majority of them weren't wide open. Overall, it was a constant rush to hit one or more of the stabilizers before the memory faded out from underneath you. And that was when it didn't start fading out from directly beneath your feet at the start (which was a huge problem the first few weeks). The need for speed definitely applies for portions of Elder and Shaper as well. Best of luck keeping Shaper up during Elder fight and keeping ground degen from consuming the place if you can't deal with the portals and their mobs in a hurry. Same deal with Zana in the first phase of the Shaper fight. Legion was pretty pointless if you couldn't do isntascreens with big AoE. So that largely helped rule out the vast majority of melee builds from the "melee upgrade" league lol. Also best of luck finishing Transportation or Research encounters if speed isn't on your side. Or completing Abyssal Lich encounters. You can't compensate for any of those things with defenses. And keep in mind I'm also talking late game here. I'm not talking about lvling up in story mode or stuff like being lvl 85 or whatever and sitting around farming Harbour Bridge for Syndicate encounters or T2 Glaciers for easy Legion. I can keep up with the speed meta and do all content. That's no challenge for me. But it's getting boring that that's all there is to the game now. The only challenges in PoE are avoiding/countering oneshots, whether they be telegraphed or just plain random "wtf just happened?" situations, and suffering through poorly designed/implemented mechanics. I've been around a long time, a fair while longer than the age on this particular account would suggest. I definitely don't want to see the game go so far backwards that it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to do anything like it did in the old days. But the gameplay loop just becomes more dull and shallow with every major patch now, and that's the direction it's likely to keep going. I would just like to see a more balanced approach, as I said previously. Some actual challenge would be nice, instead of more RNG-gated speed meta junk. I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German. Last edited by aggromagnet#5565 on Oct 23, 2019, 3:07:04 AM
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" Dude... When a person makes a long, thoughtful post, filled with multiple points, don't defecate on it with a thoughtless post filled with irrelevant drivel. Even if he is wrong. I don't care how right you think you are. That shit's just rude. Either respond to the points made or don't. If a zero-effort response like the one you posted above is literally the best you can do, then I respectfully suggest you don't hit the "submit" button at all. Just type it out and then hit back on your browser. Wash your hands, Exile!
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Enough poo slinging. Let it rest.
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" LOL, quit acting like you have any clue. Quit being rude. just because people have different opinions. It is obvious you are fairly new around here. A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
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" It's much worse than just slinging poo: ![]() "You've got to grind, grind, grind at that grindstone..."
Necessity may be the mother of invention, but poor QoP in PoE is the father of frustration. The perfect solution to fix Trade Chat: |
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I certainly like where this thread is going.
~ There are spectacular moments.
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"Thai names and nicknames can be quite hilarious. I've had a Thai friend named Supaporn for many, many years and it still cracks me up to this day. I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German. Last edited by aggromagnet#5565 on Oct 23, 2019, 10:31:08 AM
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