[3.14] Spark. Tanky, great clear speed, super fun to play.

sqeekz wrote:
I played a spark build a while ago (absolutley loved the clear and sound of it haha) and thinking of starting with this in Heist.

Is this viable for most content as a starter build? I am a casual player with not tons of time to spend on PoE sadly.

Just curious if im still able to perfom ok on higher tier maps/content without having the OP gear straight away.

Yes, it will perform ok. There are 0 build enabling items in this build. Obviously some items are great and close to "must have".

I played this build 3 times as league starter already and every time i play till t11-12 maps with gear i find on the way and then start acquiring proper gear.

The only thing, that i try to get as fast as possible, is the staff, because it is very good and only rivaled by mirror tier gear. And it is relatively easy to get. That staff is actually the main reason, i made this build, wanted to build around it.

One time i played for about 2 weeks without the helmet, because i didn't wanted to play 4+ ex for it.
1337fun wrote:
sqeekz wrote:
I played a spark build a while ago (absolutley loved the clear and sound of it haha) and thinking of starting with this in Heist.

Is this viable for most content as a starter build? I am a casual player with not tons of time to spend on PoE sadly.

Just curious if im still able to perfom ok on higher tier maps/content without having the OP gear straight away.

Yes, it will perform ok. There are 0 build enabling items in this build. Obviously some items are great and close to "must have".

I played this build 3 times as league starter already and every time i play till t11-12 maps with gear i find on the way and then start acquiring proper gear.

The only thing, that i try to get as fast as possible, is the staff, because it is very good and only rivaled by mirror tier gear. And it is relatively easy to get. That staff is actually the main reason, i made this build, wanted to build around it.

One time i played for about 2 weeks without the helmet, because i didn't wanted to play 4+ ex for it.

Thanks for that!
What do you think about the intensity gem, will it be good for spark?
sqeekz wrote:

Thanks for that!
What do you think about the intensity gem, will it be good for spark?

Works only with AoE gems, Spark is not one of them. Also updated the guide for 3.12.

*EDIT or did you mean the pinpoint support? If yes, could be good. Would need to test.
Last edited by 1337fun#2733 on Sep 18, 2020, 12:35:29 AM
thanks for this! My wife loves spark so we use it this season
Anyone else having defensive issues with this build? Seems I die in one or two hits from anything.
Zallo wrote:
Anyone else having defensive issues with this build? Seems I die in one or two hits from anything.

You need to allocate Pious Path (Ascendancy), take EB on tree (until you can afford the helmet) and link Fortify to our Leap Slam.
1337fun wrote:
For any questions regarding this build, please use this thread. If you see any mistake in the guide, please notify me about it. Also if you have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to post them here. Do not PM me, others may have same question. Read FAQ!

3.12 Update

Anything written in this section overrides that topic in the rest of the guide. Everything else stays the same.

1. Alternate quality of Spark with 2 pierce and/or anointing of Piercing Shots gives the possibility to replace Pierce Support with better DPS gem. There are 3 candidates ordered by best DPS: Awakened Controlled Destruction, Arcane Surge (only of Watcher's Eye for Arcane Surge proc from Consecrated Ground while affected by Zealotry is available), Controlled Destruction or maybe new Pinpoint Support.

There is also the possibility to keep Pierce Support, then anoint is free to chose or it can be dropped in favor of good corruption. In that case 2 extra projectiles from alternate quality is better.

1st is higher DPS option, 2nd give way more flexibility.

2. Defensive nerf due to nerfed Glancing Blows. Still very good thing to pick up. On top of it that keystone was moved and is not reachable from templar jewels socket with thread of hope. So the great combo of very large thread of hope in templar socket + Runebinder + Glancing Blows + Tireless + 1 point Precision was also nerfed. There is no other way now, then to go down there and take Glancing Blows.

3. Change to curses is a nice single target DPS buff. The Power Charge sustain while clearing is questionable now. Possibly need to use the brand from time to time. But it is also not important to keep them for clearing and can be ignored. Having Enfeeble somewhere is very good now even without +1 curse, since mark from ring will affect only rares and bosses.

4. Vitality reserving flat mana is a huge buff. This means for a budget version enlighten lvl 3, HoT and lvl 1 vitality can be used. Or Replace HoT and HoI with Wrath for max DPS. For endgame with just a little investment into reservation reduction Discipline (in helmet) and lvl 1 Vitality (anywhere else) can be used. My recommendation is to use intuitive leap in witch jewel socket and get Discord Artisan and 1 more small node for herald reservation.

5. Overall buffs with possible alternate qualities.
Better then default alternate Qualities

All in order of goodness. If the gem is not listed here, none of the alternate quality variants are better, then default for this build.

Spark - see #1

Spell Echo - Supported Skills have 10% increased Cast Speed

Pierce Support - if Spark has extra pierce, then "Projectiles from Supported Skills that have Pierced deal 40% increased Damage" is better, else "Projectiles from Supported Skills Pierce 2 additional Targets"

Increased Critical Strikes Support - Supported Skills have +5% to Critical Strike Multiplier, Supported Skills have 10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill

Leap Slam - 10% increased Attack Speed

Fortify Support - Supported Skills have 4% increased Fortify Effect

Cast when Damage Taken Support - Supported Skills have 20% increased Skill Effect Duration

Vitality - You and nearby Allies deal 20% increased Damage while on Full Life

Zealotry - You and nearby Allies have +5% to Critical Strike Multiplier

6. Old trees can be used as is, nothing (besides Glancing Blows Position) was changed for this build. Here is a link to Community Fork PoB with recommended base trees for cluster jewel and non cluster versions (mainly for Vitality change) https://pastebin.com/MVzh3kBx

P.S. with very minor adjustments this build can be used for Crackling Lance.

*EDIT I started this league with Crackling Lance, i would not recommend doing so. The skill is very underwhelming at the beginning. Maybe it can scale good with gear in endgame.


1. Intro
2. Pros/Cons
3. Videos
4. Mechanics
5. Gear + Gems
6. Passives
7. FAQ
8. Cluster Jewels

1. Intro

I wanted to make a build, which could do Blight encounters and maps with ease. But also not be lacking in other aspects of the game and also not be a meta one, so it will be cheaper to do. The only piece of content, i haven't mastered with this build, is HoGM.

2. Pros/Cons

- tanky
- good clear speed
- ez blight
- no need to aim

- minimum budged to feel good(tankieness and dps wise) is 5ex (as of 23.09.2019). I used about 15ex for my gear.

3. Videos

4. Mechanics
The tankieness of the build mainly comes form good regen, leech, block and good HP pool(7-8k).

- leech comes form Vitality Watcher's Eye jewel and Energy Leech Support.
- regen comes mostly from Inquisitor ascendancy.
- block is acquired through 2 items, Duskdawn and Stone of Lazhwar, and tree. And then it get's doubled by Kiloava Lethal Pride Timeless Jewel to have 75/75 block chance.

Kiloava Lethal Pride Timeless Jewel doubles the block chance, but at a cost of only negating 50% of the damage on block. That is where leech and regen comes in.

Other contributing factors to good defense are Fortify, Aspect of the Spider and CwDT + Steelskin + Cold Snap.

In Uber Elder kill video i made quite a few mistakes and was forgiven. I blighted map there is a moment of me eating a lot of damage and surviving.


Main skill in this build is Spark. I felt, that Spark dps wasn't good enough for high HP bosses, so I decided to upgrade my Storm Brand from Power Charge generator to a boss dps helper.

Due to crit nature of the tree, this build can be played with any spell, that can crit, by adjusting the tree slightly.

5. Gear + Gems


Current gear is slightly better, than at a time of Uber Elder Kill.
Current Gear

Reasoning behind gear choices:

At start i used Kaom's Heart as a "budged" version and had my Storm Brand 4L in the place of current CwDT setup. This armor gives slightly more HP pool, very good dmg boost and another 6L.

30% block by default, good damage stats and access to staff nodes. Easy weapon to get. Can be replaced buy any other staff, but may need some block compensated from somewhere else.

Saves at least 3 points on the tree and enables Herald of Ice. Also has great saving grace potential with Feast of Flesh. Which Spark enchantment to use, doesn't really matter, all 3(damage, projectile speed, extra projectiles) are great and have their pros and cons in comparison to each other. For bosses, the smaller the arena is, the better proj speed or extra proj becomes. Spark can hit same enemy with a proj from the same cast every 0.66 sec. Increasing number of proj or proj speed, increases the chances of this happening exactly after 0.66 sec. In big arenas, like the Sirus fight, increased damage is better. Extra proj or proj speed is also better for clear speed, since that increased damage is really not needed. I use increased damage, since that was the one i could get for cheap.

Just great gloves for Spark.

Helps greatly with capping spell block. Anointing Enigmatic Defence saves another 3 points on the tree for a great node.

Doubles the block chance. There are 2 jewel sockets on the tree, where this jewel can be used. One below between witch and shadow. In this spot Pain Attunement should be used to be converted to Glancing Blows. Another at scion start with mana and life regen nodes, Here Elemental Equilibrium is used for conversion. Which spot to use exactly depends on the Timeless Jewel. Which ever will give better stats.

Life leech and great synergy with Inquisitor ascendancy. Every time Consecrated Ground is created, Arcane Surge is gained, having it basically permanently on. This build can't get arcane surge by conventional means, since it uses Energy Shield instead of Mana.

One of those to spam Sparks everywhere. To have two of them is not necessary, i find another loss of at least 15% Spark duration is not worth the gain.

Ez curse, ez life.

Just amazing flask overall. Just needs to have some flat fire damage to spells somewhere on the gear to benefit form those ignite effects. In my caste it is on the abyss jewel in the belt.

Gems(links in order of importance):

Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Energy Leech - Increased Critical Strikes - Added Lightning

Storm Brand - Power Charge On Critical - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus - Added Lighting - Increased Critical Strikes

Leap Slam - Faster Attack - Fortify

Cast when Damage Taken lvl 11 - Steelskin lvl 16 - Increased Duration - Cold Snap lvl 14

Vitality - Zealotry - Herald of Ice - Enlighten (lvl 4 is needed)
Auras can be asjusted to personal preferences. Only Zealotry is a must.

Aspect of the Spider and Assassin's Mark from gear. Aspect of the Spider can be crafted on any rare piece of gear with a free suffix. For budged reasons, i would recommend to craft it on boots or belt.

One gem socket remains free. I started using Withering Step and having it on my LMB, so it is uses every time it is ready, when i move.

6. Passives


Current (3.11) PoB - https://pastebin.com/grDYs3iw

PoB comunity fork!Thread of Hope + Intuitive Leap (3.11) - https://pastebin.com/JrCjSvH6
Thread of Hope or Intuitive Leap can be used as separate entities. Both are great endgame upgrades.
Thread of Hope - Pros: 2 brands for significantly more boss DPS, some extra life. Cons: harder to cap resits, slightly less Spark DPS, good roll can be pricey.
Intuitive Leap - Pros: about 10% more DPS with DPS anoint, way cheaper (02.07.2020), then a good rare jewel, flexible anoint Cons: no life and resists for a rare jewel.

Old (3.8) PoB - https://pastebin.com/p5a4zwL1

Uber Elder/Blighted Map (3.8) PoB - https://pastebin.com/L2gFqBsq

For non duration based skills i would suggest following tree. Significantly more dps(about 25%), a bit less life(about 370). Use Lethal Pride to transform Pain Attunement. For AoE skills get Enigmatic Reach, may also want to reallocate some points for Amplify and/or Blast Radius.
PoB - https://pastebin.com/BDXx7zny
If defense is priority, then:
Sanctuary -> Pious Path -> Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgment
If dps, then:
Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgment -> Sanctuary -> Pious Path

Help Alira

Brine King
Ryslatha, can be swapped to anything else

7. FAQ

1. Why is there a jewel missing in PoB?
PoB does not show Timeless Jewel. Yet? I have Lethal Pride in that socket.

2. Why Elemental Equilibrium(EE)?
EE is transformed to Glancing Blows by Lethal Pride. It is either EE or PA for Lethal Pride.

3. Why Pain Attunement(PA)?
Same as EE, just got better stats from Lethal Pride in that spot. It is either EE or PA for Lethal Pride.

4. Can this build be done with other classes?
Yes. Witch, Shadow, and Scion. But how good it will be, i can not tell.

5. What is that timer in the middle of the screen? And is it legal?
Part of mercurytrade, timer for my flask. Yes, it is legal.

6. What priority do different stats for damage have?
Exact priority depends on the current gear.

General priority is: %of damage as extra > crit multi > cast speed > skill effect duration > increased spell/projectile/general damage > flat lightning > flat cold > flat fire > increased lighting damage/projectile speed > crit chance > flat phys/chaos
This list is not claiming to be complete or correct. Compiled it form my experience without concrete math behind it.

8. Cluster Jewels

This section is not complete. There are so many possible variations and interactions, that i couldn't cover them all. I will update this part of the guide, if some new useful information will be available to me.

Base build - https://pastebin.com/XkPPyqd8

Comparison with normal build:
- significantly higher DPS potential, especially against bosses.
- highly customizable and flexible.
- less total HP pool
- some cluster jewels can be very expensive, adding to build cost.
- needs more dex on gear.

Large Cluster Jewels

Any none unique jewel is best with 8 passives and 2 jewel sockets. More passives will increase point requirement to acquire all the notables and sockets.
There are 3 viable bases for rare jewels:

1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Lightning Damage (enchant)
This has the best DPS potential.
Recommended Notables:
- Doryani's Lesson - Removes the need of Vitality Watcher's Eye. Vitality can be replaced with Discipline. Is a must have imo.
- Thunderstruck - Very good extra defensive layer with knock back and some damage.
- Snowstorm - Best DPS node.
- Prismatic Heart
- Sadist
- Stormrider

2. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Elemental Damage (enchant)
This one has only one good combination:
Doryani's Lesson + Prismatic Heart + Sadist
Is a somewhat budget version of the 1st jewel.

3. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Spell Damage (enchant)
This base is good for getting spell block.
Conjured Wall + Mage Hunter give 10% spell block.
One of the following can be added to it:
- Thaumophage
- Sap Psyche
- Essence Rush

As a 4th option Voices unique jewel can be used to get more of medium/small ones.

Medium Cluster Jewels

These rare jewels can be with 4 or 5 passives, in both cases both notables and the jewels socket can be taken with 4 points. They need to have 1 jewel socket and 2 notables.
Here i find also only 3 bases viable.

1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 5% increased Effect of your Curses (enchant)
I recommend to get 1 of those, best DPS increase. Master of Fear, must have. Combine with Evil Eye or Wish for Death.

2. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 15% increased Critical Strike Chance (enchant)
Here 3 notables are worth taking: Precise Retaliation, Precise Commander and Pressure Points, all are about the same in DPS power.

3. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 15% increased Warcry Buff Effect (enchant)
Curse jewel can be replaced with this one. Just need to have a warcry and use it all the time, while the other one is passive.
Haunting Shout is a must. Can be combined with Cry Wolf, Lead by Example, Provocateur or Rattling Bellow.

Megalomaniac can be used as well. This unique jewel can have any 3 different notables, which can roll on any cluster jewel, doesn't matter the size. The the Possibilities are almost endless.
Here is example of one, i chose to use:

Small Cluster Jewels

For the socket in medium cluster jewel there are 3 possibilities:

1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 4% increased maximum Life (enchant)
This small jewel to get as much life as possible, many Notables are viable there.

2. Normal jewel with a life roll for balanced option.

3. Natural Affinity. The buff from this jewel is amassing for fights with a lot of standing. Pretty much useless on clearing and fights with a lot of movement.

My current gear in Delirium

PoB - https://pastebin.com/57gm2sft

hi do someone have a good tipp or reason why i die so fast agains strong bosses or guys like sirius?
DarkVolteer wrote:
hi do someone have a good tipp or reason why i die so fast agains strong bosses or guys like sirius?

You prioritize dmg over survivability. If you can get enlighten lvl 4 and intuitive leap, try this https://pastebin.com/66fxGPqU should feel much better with acceptable dps loss. And obviously get more life on gear (belt especially, craft hybrid life on boots).
Last edited by 1337fun#2733 on Oct 5, 2020, 1:13:40 AM
1337fun wrote:
1337fun wrote:
For any questions regarding this build, please use this thread. If you see any mistake in the guide, please notify me about it. Also if you have any suggestions for improvement, feel free to post them here. Do not PM me, others may have same question. Read FAQ!

3.12 Update

Anything written in this section overrides that topic in the rest of the guide. Everything else stays the same.

1. Alternate quality of Spark with 2 pierce and/or anointing of Piercing Shots gives the possibility to replace Pierce Support with better DPS gem. There are 3 candidates ordered by best DPS: Awakened Controlled Destruction, Arcane Surge (only of Watcher's Eye for Arcane Surge proc from Consecrated Ground while affected by Zealotry is available), Controlled Destruction or maybe new Pinpoint Support.

There is also the possibility to keep Pierce Support, then anoint is free to chose or it can be dropped in favor of good corruption. In that case 2 extra projectiles from alternate quality is better.

1st is higher DPS option, 2nd give way more flexibility.

2. Defensive nerf due to nerfed Glancing Blows. Still very good thing to pick up. On top of it that keystone was moved and is not reachable from templar jewels socket with thread of hope. So the great combo of very large thread of hope in templar socket + Runebinder + Glancing Blows + Tireless + 1 point Precision was also nerfed. There is no other way now, then to go down there and take Glancing Blows.

3. Change to curses is a nice single target DPS buff. The Power Charge sustain while clearing is questionable now. Possibly need to use the brand from time to time. But it is also not important to keep them for clearing and can be ignored. Having Enfeeble somewhere is very good now even without +1 curse, since mark from ring will affect only rares and bosses.

4. Vitality reserving flat mana is a huge buff. This means for a budget version enlighten lvl 3, HoT and lvl 1 vitality can be used. Or Replace HoT and HoI with Wrath for max DPS. For endgame with just a little investment into reservation reduction Discipline (in helmet) and lvl 1 Vitality (anywhere else) can be used. My recommendation is to use intuitive leap in witch jewel socket and get Discord Artisan and 1 more small node for herald reservation.

5. Overall buffs with possible alternate qualities.
Better then default alternate Qualities

All in order of goodness. If the gem is not listed here, none of the alternate quality variants are better, then default for this build.

Spark - see #1

Spell Echo - Supported Skills have 10% increased Cast Speed

Pierce Support - if Spark has extra pierce, then "Projectiles from Supported Skills that have Pierced deal 40% increased Damage" is better, else "Projectiles from Supported Skills Pierce 2 additional Targets"

Increased Critical Strikes Support - Supported Skills have +5% to Critical Strike Multiplier, Supported Skills have 10% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill

Leap Slam - 10% increased Attack Speed

Fortify Support - Supported Skills have 4% increased Fortify Effect

Cast when Damage Taken Support - Supported Skills have 20% increased Skill Effect Duration

Vitality - You and nearby Allies deal 20% increased Damage while on Full Life

Zealotry - You and nearby Allies have +5% to Critical Strike Multiplier

6. Old trees can be used as is, nothing (besides Glancing Blows Position) was changed for this build. Here is a link to Community Fork PoB with recommended base trees for cluster jewel and non cluster versions (mainly for Vitality change) https://pastebin.com/MVzh3kBx

P.S. with very minor adjustments this build can be used for Crackling Lance.

*EDIT I started this league with Crackling Lance, i would not recommend doing so. The skill is very underwhelming at the beginning. Maybe it can scale good with gear in endgame.


1. Intro
2. Pros/Cons
3. Videos
4. Mechanics
5. Gear + Gems
6. Passives
7. FAQ
8. Cluster Jewels

1. Intro

I wanted to make a build, which could do Blight encounters and maps with ease. But also not be lacking in other aspects of the game and also not be a meta one, so it will be cheaper to do. The only piece of content, i haven't mastered with this build, is HoGM.

2. Pros/Cons

- tanky
- good clear speed
- ez blight
- no need to aim

- minimum budged to feel good(tankieness and dps wise) is 5ex (as of 23.09.2019). I used about 15ex for my gear.

3. Videos

4. Mechanics
The tankieness of the build mainly comes form good regen, leech, block and good HP pool(7-8k).

- leech comes form Vitality Watcher's Eye jewel and Energy Leech Support.
- regen comes mostly from Inquisitor ascendancy.
- block is acquired through 2 items, Duskdawn and Stone of Lazhwar, and tree. And then it get's doubled by Kiloava Lethal Pride Timeless Jewel to have 75/75 block chance.

Kiloava Lethal Pride Timeless Jewel doubles the block chance, but at a cost of only negating 50% of the damage on block. That is where leech and regen comes in.

Other contributing factors to good defense are Fortify, Aspect of the Spider and CwDT + Steelskin + Cold Snap.

In Uber Elder kill video i made quite a few mistakes and was forgiven. I blighted map there is a moment of me eating a lot of damage and surviving.


Main skill in this build is Spark. I felt, that Spark dps wasn't good enough for high HP bosses, so I decided to upgrade my Storm Brand from Power Charge generator to a boss dps helper.

Due to crit nature of the tree, this build can be played with any spell, that can crit, by adjusting the tree slightly.

5. Gear + Gems


Current gear is slightly better, than at a time of Uber Elder Kill.
Current Gear

Reasoning behind gear choices:

At start i used Kaom's Heart as a "budged" version and had my Storm Brand 4L in the place of current CwDT setup. This armor gives slightly more HP pool, very good dmg boost and another 6L.

30% block by default, good damage stats and access to staff nodes. Easy weapon to get. Can be replaced buy any other staff, but may need some block compensated from somewhere else.

Saves at least 3 points on the tree and enables Herald of Ice. Also has great saving grace potential with Feast of Flesh. Which Spark enchantment to use, doesn't really matter, all 3(damage, projectile speed, extra projectiles) are great and have their pros and cons in comparison to each other. For bosses, the smaller the arena is, the better proj speed or extra proj becomes. Spark can hit same enemy with a proj from the same cast every 0.66 sec. Increasing number of proj or proj speed, increases the chances of this happening exactly after 0.66 sec. In big arenas, like the Sirus fight, increased damage is better. Extra proj or proj speed is also better for clear speed, since that increased damage is really not needed. I use increased damage, since that was the one i could get for cheap.

Just great gloves for Spark.

Helps greatly with capping spell block. Anointing Enigmatic Defence saves another 3 points on the tree for a great node.

Doubles the block chance. There are 2 jewel sockets on the tree, where this jewel can be used. One below between witch and shadow. In this spot Pain Attunement should be used to be converted to Glancing Blows. Another at scion start with mana and life regen nodes, Here Elemental Equilibrium is used for conversion. Which spot to use exactly depends on the Timeless Jewel. Which ever will give better stats.

Life leech and great synergy with Inquisitor ascendancy. Every time Consecrated Ground is created, Arcane Surge is gained, having it basically permanently on. This build can't get arcane surge by conventional means, since it uses Energy Shield instead of Mana.

One of those to spam Sparks everywhere. To have two of them is not necessary, i find another loss of at least 15% Spark duration is not worth the gain.

Ez curse, ez life.

Just amazing flask overall. Just needs to have some flat fire damage to spells somewhere on the gear to benefit form those ignite effects. In my caste it is on the abyss jewel in the belt.

Gems(links in order of importance):

Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Energy Leech - Increased Critical Strikes - Added Lightning

Storm Brand - Power Charge On Critical - Concentrated Effect - Elemental Focus - Added Lighting - Increased Critical Strikes

Leap Slam - Faster Attack - Fortify

Cast when Damage Taken lvl 11 - Steelskin lvl 16 - Increased Duration - Cold Snap lvl 14

Vitality - Zealotry - Herald of Ice - Enlighten (lvl 4 is needed)
Auras can be asjusted to personal preferences. Only Zealotry is a must.

Aspect of the Spider and Assassin's Mark from gear. Aspect of the Spider can be crafted on any rare piece of gear with a free suffix. For budged reasons, i would recommend to craft it on boots or belt.

One gem socket remains free. I started using Withering Step and having it on my LMB, so it is uses every time it is ready, when i move.

6. Passives


Current (3.11) PoB - https://pastebin.com/grDYs3iw

PoB comunity fork!Thread of Hope + Intuitive Leap (3.11) - https://pastebin.com/JrCjSvH6
Thread of Hope or Intuitive Leap can be used as separate entities. Both are great endgame upgrades.
Thread of Hope - Pros: 2 brands for significantly more boss DPS, some extra life. Cons: harder to cap resits, slightly less Spark DPS, good roll can be pricey.
Intuitive Leap - Pros: about 10% more DPS with DPS anoint, way cheaper (02.07.2020), then a good rare jewel, flexible anoint Cons: no life and resists for a rare jewel.

Old (3.8) PoB - https://pastebin.com/p5a4zwL1

Uber Elder/Blighted Map (3.8) PoB - https://pastebin.com/L2gFqBsq

For non duration based skills i would suggest following tree. Significantly more dps(about 25%), a bit less life(about 370). Use Lethal Pride to transform Pain Attunement. For AoE skills get Enigmatic Reach, may also want to reallocate some points for Amplify and/or Blast Radius.
PoB - https://pastebin.com/BDXx7zny
If defense is priority, then:
Sanctuary -> Pious Path -> Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgment
If dps, then:
Righteous Providence -> Inevitable Judgment -> Sanctuary -> Pious Path

Help Alira

Brine King
Ryslatha, can be swapped to anything else

7. FAQ

1. Why is there a jewel missing in PoB?
PoB does not show Timeless Jewel. Yet? I have Lethal Pride in that socket.

2. Why Elemental Equilibrium(EE)?
EE is transformed to Glancing Blows by Lethal Pride. It is either EE or PA for Lethal Pride.

3. Why Pain Attunement(PA)?
Same as EE, just got better stats from Lethal Pride in that spot. It is either EE or PA for Lethal Pride.

4. Can this build be done with other classes?
Yes. Witch, Shadow, and Scion. But how good it will be, i can not tell.

5. What is that timer in the middle of the screen? And is it legal?
Part of mercurytrade, timer for my flask. Yes, it is legal.

6. What priority do different stats for damage have?
Exact priority depends on the current gear.

General priority is: %of damage as extra > crit multi > cast speed > skill effect duration > increased spell/projectile/general damage > flat lightning > flat cold > flat fire > increased lighting damage/projectile speed > crit chance > flat phys/chaos
This list is not claiming to be complete or correct. Compiled it form my experience without concrete math behind it.

8. Cluster Jewels

This section is not complete. There are so many possible variations and interactions, that i couldn't cover them all. I will update this part of the guide, if some new useful information will be available to me.

Base build - https://pastebin.com/XkPPyqd8

Comparison with normal build:
- significantly higher DPS potential, especially against bosses.
- highly customizable and flexible.
- less total HP pool
- some cluster jewels can be very expensive, adding to build cost.
- needs more dex on gear.

Large Cluster Jewels

Any none unique jewel is best with 8 passives and 2 jewel sockets. More passives will increase point requirement to acquire all the notables and sockets.
There are 3 viable bases for rare jewels:

1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 12% increased Lightning Damage (enchant)
This has the best DPS potential.
Recommended Notables:
- Doryani's Lesson - Removes the need of Vitality Watcher's Eye. Vitality can be replaced with Discipline. Is a must have imo.
- Thunderstruck - Very good extra defensive layer with knock back and some damage.
- Snowstorm - Best DPS node.
- Prismatic Heart
- Sadist
- Stormrider

2. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Elemental Damage (enchant)
This one has only one good combination:
Doryani's Lesson + Prismatic Heart + Sadist
Is a somewhat budget version of the 1st jewel.

3. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 10% increased Spell Damage (enchant)
This base is good for getting spell block.
Conjured Wall + Mage Hunter give 10% spell block.
One of the following can be added to it:
- Thaumophage
- Sap Psyche
- Essence Rush

As a 4th option Voices unique jewel can be used to get more of medium/small ones.

Medium Cluster Jewels

These rare jewels can be with 4 or 5 passives, in both cases both notables and the jewels socket can be taken with 4 points. They need to have 1 jewel socket and 2 notables.
Here i find also only 3 bases viable.

1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 5% increased Effect of your Curses (enchant)
I recommend to get 1 of those, best DPS increase. Master of Fear, must have. Combine with Evil Eye or Wish for Death.

2. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 15% increased Critical Strike Chance (enchant)
Here 3 notables are worth taking: Precise Retaliation, Precise Commander and Pressure Points, all are about the same in DPS power.

3. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 15% increased Warcry Buff Effect (enchant)
Curse jewel can be replaced with this one. Just need to have a warcry and use it all the time, while the other one is passive.
Haunting Shout is a must. Can be combined with Cry Wolf, Lead by Example, Provocateur or Rattling Bellow.

Megalomaniac can be used as well. This unique jewel can have any 3 different notables, which can roll on any cluster jewel, doesn't matter the size. The the Possibilities are almost endless.
Here is example of one, i chose to use:

Small Cluster Jewels

For the socket in medium cluster jewel there are 3 possibilities:

1. Added Small Passive Skills grant: 4% increased maximum Life (enchant)
This small jewel to get as much life as possible, many Notables are viable there.

2. Normal jewel with a life roll for balanced option.

3. Natural Affinity. The buff from this jewel is amassing for fights with a lot of standing. Pretty much useless on clearing and fights with a lot of movement.

My current gear in Delirium

PoB - https://pastebin.com/57gm2sft

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