3.14 KING OF ALL SUMMONERS. Zombies & Skeletons & Spectres on STEROIDS! | League-Start to End-Game
I need help.
this is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/Bm5DTgmv My Elegant Hubris is giving: 160% minion damage (350% total minion damage increase with other increases on the in game tooltip) 80% minion life 50% fire resistance All my resistances are capped (except chaos) without mistress of sacrifice. Still trying to craft fortify staff. Although I have got Fortify with a six-link, I don't have enough currency for crafting rest yet so I am using a 5 link Femurs. Besides that I don't have a kingmaker (in PS4 I guess there is only 1 in market so that is a mission impossible for me at the moment. Everything else seems same to me. I am stuck at T14 maps. I have 2 problems: 1. I can't increase my survivability. I am dying too quick. I got stuck at 4000 health and 2500~ ES. I am failing to increase them without giving up resistances. Since everything except rings are unique I can't change them a lot. 2. My minions can't do damage to guardians (4th ones) anymore. Even in maps they started to struggle killing yellow monsters. Obviously I am doing something wrong. Because in videos even a naked summoner is beating everything. Thank you all in advance for your time and advice. |
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" Let me try and help you out here. I've used the same tanky build setup for the last 5 leagues. It's flexible, so you can make custom changes to it once you have a feel for the build. So, invest in your character always...and always refer to page 1 for the tanky build. Weapon: Normally I start with a 5L+1 socket femurs, then move to a 6L femurs, then to a 6L minion bow and quiver (or minion staff in your case). I wish I could jump to the bow, but it's all about having enough currency. Gems: Apply quality on all gems starting with the summon minion gems. Normally I just buy level 20/21 new gems with 20/23% quality on them. Gems on your weapon: Take out melee splash and replace it with melee physical damage. Replace brutality with a cheap empower 3 then empower 4 (better). If you can get a 6L weapon, add feeding frenzy to your zombies, they will kill better/faster than minion damage or minion speed can. Gems on your helm: Take out the golem and replace that with minion life to keep your properly equipped AG alive and well and giving you and your minions the extra buffs (refer to page 1 on AG). You must also have at least 1000 strength to make baron work. Gems on your chest: Normally, I just use a 5L + 1 socket Geofri rather than a more expensive 6L. At earlier maps, all my aura gems are on the chest linked (enlighten 3, flesh and stone using blood stance linked to maim support, purity of elements if needing elem res, discipline). This should allow you to run 3 auras from the chest. The spare socket is for vaal molten shell. On either boots or gloves you have 8 sockets total: A dread banner (your 4th aura) linked to generosity supp. Your desecrate and spirit offering gems. That's 4 sockets used so far. If you want to save on 2 sockets, manually cast desecrate and spirit offering instead of using a cyclone setup. The offering lasts a while, so you can manually cast it. I use the extra 2 sockets to link a stone golem to feeding frenzy and vaal skeletons. We normally use stone golem now, to give us an extra boost due to the nerf to discipline some leagues back. For movement, I swap between withering step (to wither monsters and phase) and sometimes flame dash for certain maps that benefit from it. I use flame dash when fighting sirus. For belt, rings, amulet, I usually have strength, elem and chaos res. If you can get a socketed ring, that's a good place to put either withering step or flame dash. Your spectres (just like the AG) should also be supporting the zombies: you must use 1 carnage chieftain, 1 host chieftain. For the other 2, I prefer 1 they of tul (move around in his snow cloud for added protection) and 1 merveil's retainer (some prefer arena master, but I can't stand the noise it makes). So, when I go into a risky area of the map: I cast skeletons, the zombies go with them, I cast desecrate, spirit offering. I go in with withering step, sometimes pop all potions (see page 1 for recommended potions), pop molten shell (v.molten shell if heated fight or boss), pop v.skeletons (I like seeing 50-ish skellies in a fight), repeat the cycle. Next, your POB. This could use some work, it's just too different from the tanky build. So for now I suggest reading the POB for the tanky build in page 1 and see if any of it can be adapted to improve your build. The build can do the content, but when you start dealing with Maven's tenth invitations (sometimes all my minions get killed), you could change your POB again and utilize at least a 1-large, 2-medium, 2-small cluster jewel setup (see page 1). I did that and that worked out nicely as well and managed to give my minions more damage and life. However, upon reaching 24 challenge rewards in about 240 hours of playtime as a casual player (rewards are my primary motivation in every league), I just stopped playing the league content and focused on PVP at level 40 (with a new necro roll). ...and what I learned there can be applied to the tanky build: minion instability plus SRS when doing PVP and I believe (to be tested) HoGM. good luck. Last edited by 10011001#5138 on Mar 11, 2021, 10:01:34 AM
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" You can buy a 6 link Femurs & use the support gems recommended. Have chance to blind/taunt jewels if not already. Have a unset ring, & drop convocation there. Put skeleton to the unlinked socket in armor & put flesh & stone in place (apply sand stance). It an additional defensive layer. I suggest self cast vaal moten shell, & have 2 slots for deadbanner link with generosity for impale. |
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" I will try to find a 6 link Femur or link mine... " My spectres are lvl 21 I failed to make lvl 21 zombies but new ones are already baking so I goess that won't be a problem. " I guess this will be the biggest boost. " Before the timeless jewel for minion damage I was using carrion golem with golem nodes on the southern part of the tree. Carrion Golem was there for damage boost. Since I can't use those nodes until I find another timeless jewel for north-west part of the tree this could be a better idea but in any case my minions never died even once. I guess that is because of 80% minion life increase and 120% resistances on minions. I guess this a flexible gem slot for me. I also have 1050 strength and AG is properly equipped (only the cheap version). " Purity of elements is there just for watchstone chaos resistance buff with Purity of Elements. I am using molten shell (vaal) with CWDT with Immortal Call and Enduring Cry for more survivability. " This could be a better setup. I will try to manage fit these to my gear. For belt, rings, amulet, I usually have strength, elem and chaos res. If you can get a socketed ring, that's a good place to put either withering step or flame dash. " I am also using same setup except for they of tul I use a second retainer. " I am doing the same thing. Except I am just cycloning around the action. Prefer to be away from the heat. " I guess this is the problem. I thought it is similar to your PoB because I've started with it and only changed it to fit timeless jewel for minion damage. Maybe I should just get rid of it and just use cluster jewels. I don't know. " I guess this is a golden tip. " Since we don't have PvP in PlayStation I have no idea about this :D " Thank you very much for your advice and time. Good luck to you too. Last edited by Okman_X#9045 on Mar 11, 2021, 1:42:58 PM
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" Thank you very much. I guess It is time for me to go for a 6*link and better gem positioning on my armor. |
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I've noticed the common questions... So I have written some (covers all) material to compliment the Tanky Build on Page 1. (Based Brunowa's TANKY BUILD on Page 1 as of Ritual League 3.13) After using the TANKY BUILD SETUP ON PAGE 1 for the last 5 leagues, I have made custom changes because of the nature of the changes/mechanics/nerfs in each league, and this is what I have now been using while continuously adjusting the tanky build from every previous league. I will try to add an explanation why to choose this over that so that with a better understanding of how it works, you can make adjustments to suit your needs better because you need to make fine adjustments depending on your gear, level, and survivability. 1. Intro:
This is not POB theory-crafted/optimized, it is battlefield tested and adjusted. It's not numbers-based, it's based on how it feels/handles better in the field, just like when you tune a car and drive it around. It is all based on the TANKY BUILD ON PAGE 1 that I have used since 3.9 Metamorph league. Also note, am only a casual player whose primary motivation in every league is getting rewards from the challenges done. I am still able to achieve 24 up to 37 challenge rewards, level 94/95 with the tanky build setup of page 1. Going beyond level 95 is too much work. For Ritual league and the previous, I have "quit the league" after reaching about 24 challenge rewards, because getting to 36 is too tiring for me (I get tired after playing TWO maps and need to take a longer break haha). I now only aim for 36 if the reward is something I want. So I've done 36-37 challenge rewards twice before, but I now know it burns me out. BURNED OUT and barely able to start the next league physically (shoulder pains and all) and psychologically. So I am not sure how people can play 800+ maps and keep going. I rely on efficiency as much as possible: Do less to achieve more...which is why I let minions do all my work, I only play NECRO and absolutely nothing else. I just need to stay alive until I quote: "EVERYTHING DIES". I can make it to Act 10 Oriath by level 64-ish in 2 days of playtime (just running straight to the quest goals, spending half the time in PVP and trades), am done with 24 challenge rewards by 10 days of playtime based on the last 2 leagues. I also spend a fair amount of time in the hideout, trade to make currency, do specific prophecies for crafting, but generally avoid farming anything and doing more work than necessary. Yes, the build can do T16 maps, Sirus, Simulacrum, Delirium, Shaper, Elder, Heists, Harvest, Maven's "tenth" invitations... sorry could not test it on Maven herself, as I am done with the Ritual league at 24 challenge rewards completed. Too tired to continue the league content (am old, need more sleep haha). So....that being said.... 2. TLDR, Tanky Build Setup on PAGE 1:
Look for the tanky build setup on page 1. Read it. Apply it. Feel it. Adjust it based on your current needs, gear, level, and survivability. 3. Elem and Chaos Res:
Cap all elem and chaos res. You can probably ignore chaos res for a while, but as soon as you start getting 1-shotted, cap it. 4. League start and gearing up to level 40:
With the skill tree found on page 1, you should easily make it to level 40 deathless using junk gear you find on the ground. I normally avoid changing the gear (color, sockets, links) at the league start. Whatever I don't need, I try to sell or vendor, so I can save up for the correct tanky build gear that I always use and change to as soon as my level allows it. Skill Tree Passives I normally have by level 40: lord of the dead deep wisdom heart and soul arcanist dominion sacrifice spiritual command enduring bond retribution discipline and training sanctity grave pact might ancestral knowledge expertise I've modified the above slightly when doing PVP at level 40. For PVP, I try to put in Minion Instability. If I have currency at level 40: I will try to have at least two jewel slots. A thread of hope (medium) so I can allocate Cruel Prep and Ravenous Horde with just 2 skill points total. I also allocate Heart and Soul if I have a spare skill point. I use the extra jewel slot to give my minions a boost (Fortress Covenant jewel). 5. Gear in General:
Take note of the stats on the gear you are buying on trade. Get the best numbers you can afford on them, you technically only need to buy the end-game gear once. 6. Femurs, Minion Bow Weapon:
I start with a 5L+1 socket femurs then 6L femurs then 6L minion bow plus a quiver. I'd like to jump straight to the bow, but it all depends on currency. The quiver allows me to cap elem and chaos res, sometimes a nice dexterity bonus, and preferably up to 10% movement speed bonus, since the boots I normally use (Alberon's Warpath) only have a 20% speed bonus. 7. Gems on Weapon:
Raise Zombie, Feeding Frenzy, Melee Phys, Impale Sup, Multistrike, all linked eventually to a cheap Empower 3 then 4 (better). That feeding frenzy keeps the zombies engaged with the enemy, very helpful in all situations specially simulacrum clear. So I suggest feeding frenzy instead of minion damage or minion speed. It just works better on the battlefield. 8. Gems in General:
Apply quality on all gems starting with the summon minion gems. Normally once I have currency, I just buy new level 20/21 gems with 20/23% quality and discard/sell the old ones. Quality gives a huge boost, take note of what the gems provide before and after applying quality. 9. Baron Helm Gems, AG, Spectres, Spectre Bank:
The Baron helm needs 1000 strength for it to work properly. I link raise spectre, AG, blood magic sup, and always minion life to keep the AG from dying and losing all that gear I gave it. (Refer to page 1 on AG gear). I start using the AG once it reaches level 20, and I initially equip AG with Dying Breath and see how well he survives the league content before I give him an expensive kingmaker axe for the fortify buff. For spectres (refer to page 1): You must use 1 carnage chieftain, 1 host chieftain. For the next 2 spectres, it is a preference. Normally I use 1 they of tul so I can run around in his snow cloud and get added protection. I also use 1 merveil's retainer as a 4th spectre. Some use Arena Master, but I can't stand the noise it makes. You can get 4 spectres using a level 21 raise spectre gem and a Death Attumentment anointment in your amulet. Creating a Spectre Bank for convenience:
If you want to avoid losing spectres and getting them again, create a spectre bank. This involves creating a new level 28 PVP-only witch armed with a Queen's Decree, a desecrate and raise spectre gem and nothing else. Use the skill points to get Death Attunement and whatever is necessary for the witch to use a Queens. Each time you need to save/load spectres, desecrate in your hideout, switch to the other character, desecrate and raise the spectre you need. 10. Geofri Chest Gems, Auras:
5L+1 socket is sufficient. All my aura gems on early maps are initially on the 5L chest: discipline, purity of elements, flesh and stone blood stance linked to maim sup, enlighten 3 is sufficient. The extra socket is normally for my v.molten shell. Once I do not need purity of elements (because all my elem res have been capped), I sometimes move the chest gems linked to enlighten 3 to either the gloves or boots and I move the v.skeleton, feeding frenzy, stone golem chain to the chest where I can link another empower 3 or 4 and melee phys to them. I now have much stronger skellies. Also since I removed purity of elements, I normally replace this with Aspect of Avian aura found on the minion bow. 11. Shaper's Touch Gloves, Alberon's Warpath Boots Gems, Auras:
Your 4th aura is dread banner linked to generosity sup. Running 4 auras total normally leaves me with about 90-ish mana even if just using enlighten 3 and no sovereignty skill points allocated. 90-ish mana is still enough to cast everything I need in my skill rotation. I socket desecrate, spirit offering, which does not necessarily need to be linked together or be in the same gear. I still use Alberon's Warpath, because it is very cheap and easy to obtain at the start of every league. This leaves 4 more sockets to be allocated in either gloves or boots. One socket is for a stone golem (defense) instead of a carrion golem (offense). The reason for this is the earlier nerf to discipline some leagues ago. A stone golem grants at least 105 life regen per sec, which when combined with the geofri chest turns into at least 105 ES regen per sec. This can go up with the help of global modifiers (in my case it is about 127 ES regen per sec). A carrion golem can still be used, at the cost of giving up the ES regen per sec. For the next 2 sockets: I normally use these for v.skeletons, linked to feeding frenzy (and the stone golem). Linking feeding frenzy to skeletons makes them zoom/dash to their targets, very useful for mapping and PVP. The final socket I use normally for withering step or flame dash. I normally use withering step to move and wither monsters and phase, while I use flame dash in maps that need it (like Pillars of Arun). I also use flame dash to beat Sirus. I don't use a cyclone setup or convocation anymore. 12. Rings, Belt, Amulet:
On rings: I normally have strength on rings, elem and chaos res, and for ring anointment, I now use "Minions summoned by Your Summoning Towers have 25% increased Damage" for blight flights. If I can get a ring with a socket, that's where I'd put either withering step or flame dash. For the amulet, while astramentis is nice at the start, it has no elem or chaos res to offer, so I find a rare amulet that can give me 80 to 100 strength plus the elem and/or chaos res, and sometimes added dexterity and or intelligence bonus. For the belt, the same thing, I look for a belt with over 70 strength total plus elem and chaos res. I also craft + to maximum life on each ring, belt, amulet when possible. 13. SKILL ROTATION, and how to drive your necro around:
In dangerous maps, and with a higher risk of getting 1-shotted, I first cast skeletons, the zombies follow them automatically. In boss fights, I cast v.skeletons next, I then cast desecrate, spirit offering, molten shell. I go in with withering step, cast v.molten shell in a boss fight or densely packed mobs, sometimes I pop all the flasks, and I run around the snow cloud of the they of tul spectre. Repeat. In delving, I move ahead of the cart. I zoom past all the mobs and guess where the cart is supposed to go. Once I know the map is less dangerous to my necro, I zoom in and storm into everything and my minions just hack away automatically. I also avoid dangerous maps just before I am about to level up. One time, I was 10% away from level xx ...and just kept on dying back to 0%. This taught me to keep investing in the character rather than lose all that exp. and time. Spend those exalts. 14. Flasks:
Refer to the recommended flasks on page 1. You don't need to use a mana flask after you reach a certain level. 15. Pantheon:
Refer to the recommended pantheon: Solaris, Shakari on page 1. I tried getting ALL the pantheons in previous leagues and started changing to other pantheons (like lunaris), and Arakaali+Abberath for Sirus, but settled on the recommended pantheon as found on page 1. 16. Ascendancy:
I do the trials, labs as I level because they provide huge buffs to my minions. As stated on page 1, recommended to get in this order as soon as able to: Mindless Aggression Unnatural Strength Commander of Darkness Mistress of Sacrifice By level 40, you should already have gotten Mindless Aggression. As for getting Bone Barrier instead of Mistress of Sacrifice, I have tried using Bone Barrier, but ultimately prefer v.molten shell which lasts a lot longer. You can't use both. As for the divine font enchantment applied to gear, you could benefit from the "Twice Enchanted" prophecy before entering the labs, but normally, I would just buy the gear with the divine font enchantment I would want. I won't farm the labs for it. 17. Jewels on Passive Skill Tree:
I try to get a Thread of Hope (MEDIUM) jewel so I can allocate Cruel Prep and Ravenous Horde with just 2 skill points total. I also allocate Heart and Soul if I have a spare skill point. Usually, I have 2 brawn and 2 efficient training jewels to initially achieve the 1000 strength needed for the Baron helm to work. Try to get the best attributes/stats on all these jewels. I also normally have room for a 1 Fortress Covenant and 1 Quickening Covenant jewel to give bonus stats to my minions. Sometimes the corrupted ones also offer a bonus such as: "Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" "You cannot be maimed" "You cannot be cursed with silence" "You cannot be hindered" I try to get those on the jewels, but they normally cost a bit more, and I prioritize "Corrupted blood cannot be inflicted on you" which is needed for the Sirus fights. I don't normally use cluster jewels, or watcher's eye, or lethal pride/elegant hubris in my skill tree in the last 5 leagues.... because I am normally done with the league before I can even decide to modify my skill tree for those. However.... 18. Cluster Jewels:
In Ritual League, I had a lot of spare time, I was done with the league (24 challenge rewards accomplished) in under 10 days (that's with a lot of PVPing, trading, wasting time in the hideout). So, I modified my skill tree to use 1 set of cluster jewels (1 large, 2 medium, 2 small). Refer to page 1 on the cluster jewels setup. I kept my bow, gear, and as much of my original passive tree as possible. Normally my minion damage modifier (press C, misc) is around 400% to 435% using the minion bow. Minion life modifier is about 115%. With the 1 set of cluster jewel setup, the Minion life modifier is now at 245%. Sorry, I did not bother to use POB to get "better" numbers. To use a cluster jewel setup, see page 1. At level 94/95 though, I calculate I don't have enough skill points to make it to 2 complete sets of cluster jewel setup. The big boost of 245% allowed me to PVP even more hehe. There are builds out there that wipe out all my minions in 2 seconds. The boost keeps all my minions alive now. It could also better deal with Maven's "tenth" invitation. While PVPing in Act 3 and 8, I also learned: Use Minion Instability and SRS which I believe (to be tested in the future) will work better in HoGM. 19. Finally, the PASSIVE SKILL TREE of the TANKY BUILD on Page 1:
Refer to page 1. I repeat, refer to page 1. TLDR: Just copy the POB on page 1. Start there, adjust later. Once you have a feel for the tanky build, make changes as you level, as you need the skill. Don't be afraid to reallocate, because I still change my tree depending on my needs depending on my level, available gear, and survivability. Use those Orbs of Regret to change your tree. That being said, I normally aim for this tanky build tree in every league. Thread of Hope (medium) as discussed above. Death attunement on amulet as discussed above. I normally take the nearest +30 to strength, intelligence, dexterity as needed by my gear/gems. I take all 6 points on Sacrifice. I take 2 points on Spiritual Command. I normally take: Discipline and Training Gravepact Faith and Steel Devotion Righteous Army and most of the time Redemption Barbarism Juggernaut to Diamond Skin to Heart of the Warrior Utmost Might Normally I go to Bloodless but completely stop at the Bloodless notable. Normally I take Enduring Bond unless I need the points somewhere else. Normally I take 2 to 4 points in Purity of Flesh if needing more chaos res. A 1% chaos res is better than a negative chaos res. Sometimes I take Constitution but no other extra life nodes near it. I rarely take Indomitable Army, as my minions normally do not ever die after reaching a certain level in the early Acts, except when facing certain builds in PVP or have to do phys refl maps. In which case, I exchange the zombie gem and the v.skeleton gem and keep casting skellies from the weapon to clear the map while the weakened zombies just stay alive mostly. An alternative is to use a unique glove that I have not tested in the field. The other alternative is don't do phys refl maps at all, as your minions will definitely die, and when they do, so does your necro. I don't use Sovereignty anymore. Even with an enlighten 3 I can still run 4 auras I discussed above. I will still have about 90-ish mana to cast whatever I need. I don't use Born to Fight anymore. I don't use Soul of Steel anymore so I can get Diamond Skin. At this point, calculate if you will have enough skill points by level 94/95 to go for 1 complete set of cluster jewels (see Page 1 on cluster jewels). If not interested in complicating your tree with cluster jewels (the large cluster jewel described on page 1 can cost upwards of 1-2 exa), what I did as in 4 other previous leagues, is I normally go to the right side of the tree. I normally take Written in Blood and the nearest jewel slot. I sometimes take Grave Intentions, I rarely take Melding, and rarely take Arcane Focus. This all depends on my situation with current gear, level, maps, survivability. When in doubt on what to do: Again, refer to the tanky build found on page 1 :) 20. How to make currency:
Just keep playing, you will get currency. I do trade, vendor recipes, sell what I don't need or will ever use, sell crafted items. Those blighted and heist maps do seem to drop more currency than other areas of the game. But I will never farm, too much work. In Ritual League, I have made the most exa so far, twice more than the last league. With nothing else to buy or gear for or change with my necro setup, I peaked at 25 exa stored in the stash, in just 10 days of playtime. That's about it, and I can't comment on the other special builds, since I only use the Geofri TANKY BUILD setup on page 1 for the last 5 leagues. GOOD LUCK NECROS. (Based Brunowa's TANKY BUILD on Page 1 as of Ritual League 3.13) Last edited by 10011001#5138 on Mar 12, 2021, 7:05:36 AM
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I reached level 96 last night, the highest ever in PoE. I focus mainly on gearing & leveling so far. Gears can still improve, but I wanted to start pushing Atlas & end bosses SIrus & Maven then hang the boots.
Here is my gear. I made some changes, but not major. Bow/Quiver as it's easier to cap resist. I have 10.6K Ehp & I think it's pretty decent, but it can always improve for sure. Lots of currency was used to harvest craft some of the gears. The ring has an open slot that I can aug life, but I was pondering to get a minion damage ring instead. I use a 2nd unset ring so I can sqeeze in skeleton to be used as meatshield & extra minions to procs Culling/maim/Taunt/blind There isn't a lot of interesting option for quiver for the minion build so the one I have is just a stat stick, & it's pretty cheap also. I think it was only 35chaos or something. I am also pondering for a +1 zombie Amulet, but it's hard to get or craft one with +1 zombie, %str/Attribute & flat str. Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Mar 12, 2021, 12:47:49 PM
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Man, this game is love & hate...
Palace map boss (Maven controlled) (I think T15) killed ALL my minions & me in like 1-2 sec. You can be killed same tier bosses within 10 sec, & then out of nowhere when all stars aligned against you, & the damage is off the chart & you get one shot no matter the def/heath pool. My AG has 70k health pool at least...Zombies at least 40k. The game just all over the place in balancing with crazy one-shot damage spike. Its rare for sure, but its only a matter of when, not if. Last edited by KiadawP#5072 on Mar 13, 2021, 9:47:07 AM
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Hello Gentleman's and Madame's
One question, Feeding frenzy or Awakened Minion Damage Support?? |
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" I have tried both, I definitely prefer Feeding Frenzy. |
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