Game Crash and "present"-exception in Syndicate Research encounters

Had this happen as well just now, well in the last 15 mins twice.
Research encounter, waterways map, not sure about the bandit.

Oddly enough, it did not only crash my game, but my whole pc came to an halt. For the most part i have not been cursed with crashes of any kind the past leagues, like so many others have reported.

Sure from time to time the game just crashes. But the whole rig going "no thanks!" ??

This is alarming tbh and my guess is the hotfix today is the root.
My gfx settings are mostly default or lower/disabled. dx11. However i didnt have fps issues or similar.

Nvidia driver 416.16
No special entries in the client.txt, last lines are npc voice lines. I assume cause my whole rig crashed it couldn't write anything into the log file.

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