The Salvage Box has been Scrapped
I actually liked this and was going to buy a couple next time I bought a pack or points. I am willing to pay to get rid of the few dupes I have but I think that the salvage packs should have been a bit cheaper and should have guaranteed an upgrade in rarity tier.
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im not buying any more boxes, i did last box type, the chances are just not to my favour. there should be a way not to get so many duplicates, and get all the items cheaper from the box. but for now it is actually better to buy them when they come out separately in store.
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" is that not the point of the boxes in the first place, to get them cheaper, so more ppl buy them right at release, instead the few who buy single items |
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Unpopular opinion: this game is free, and leagues and event reward you with free micros and boxes, its updated and curated for free and you never have to pay a dime. This box offers an alternate avenue of spending to people who already invest money in what is essentially gacha that supports the developer that is, once again, making this game available to you for free. Bullying them to take something off the market that you dont need to pay for, because again its your own choice to buy the product or not, then celebrating the dismisal of a path to monitization the company that, again, is making the game FREELY AVAILABLE, is childish woke bullshit. This isnt EA or activision implementing paywalls its a cosmetic gacha that allows them to generate revenue and keep the lights on.
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" Three things: One, the "risk" is not knowing what you're getting. There are 100's of items available. Getting something you actually want/would use is already a reduced chance. However, at least you walk away with something. The having the possibly that you can potentially walk away with nothing puts it more in line with gambling. Two, many of the microtransactions are grossly overpriced. Sixty-four dollars for a pair of wings? Are you kidding me?! Even so, if a person who wanted said wings decides to "roll the dice" in hopes of getting those wings cheaper, the odds of them getting them for less than $64 are not great. Three, spending the amount of money required to acquire every cosmetic item available even at $3 a pop is still a shitload of money. |
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" People gambling for these boxes are not "investing". They are gambling. This box was an additional layer of gambling which was badly implemented, scummy and greedy - evidenced by the fact that it got removed so fast. The community doesn't support this level of greed. Your opinion is unpopular because offering a free-to-plpay game can, and should, be separate from predatory manipulative gambling functions targeting the people most likely to be at risk, those who open random boxes and have pages of dupes. Dupes should be recyclable or excluded from the pool, or this box should have guaranteed new drops without the chance for new dupes. The argument "just ignore it if you dont like it" never teaches publishers or developers the lessons they need to learn, it just excuses poor behaviour. |
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I actually wanted to buy few of those to get rid of unused or duplicate MTXs... I don't care about community feedback, this was a great addition to the MTX store. PLACE IT BACK TO THE STORE!
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" No, it's not. ='[.]'= =^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled / =-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie |
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Can't believe some people are defending GGG over these boxes and lamenting that they were removed from the store. I guess that's why GGG went ahead with it - they know some people just don't know better and are 100% willing to be scammed if it comes wrapped in a cute ribbon.
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Want it back as well -.-. We do have duplicates on mtx, with no use. Should be our decision to use it or not.
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