demon7310's mirror shop

Hi and welcome to my service thread!

Quant Duplicating Service [STANDARD]

Everything you need for your MF character is here.

Let's start with a bit of history, MF comes from the Diablo II game and it means Magic Find which was the common term for items with the "% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items" mod. It increases the chances that monster would drop magic/rare/unique items.

The same thing exists in PoE as "% increased quantity of items found" (quant) and increases the amounts of drops for both items and currencies.
That's why people are using the MF term.

However the 20% quant mod is now legacy and the only way to create more items is via beastcrafting on those magic bases.

---------- 1 - Jewelry ----------

---------- 2 - Evasion Set ----------

---------- 3 - Armor Set ----------

---------- 4 - ES Set ----------

---------- 5 - Rarity Set ----------

To duplicate those, you need to provide the following beasts : one craicic chimeral, one fenumal plagued arachnid and 6 yellow beasts (see the "Beast Information" section below).
I am also charging a 1 ex fee per try.
As of right now, a set of beast is around 5 ex while buying a magic base is around 20~25 ex on the market.

This is how it works :
1) Use the imprint beast to create an imprint of the item.
2) Use a Regal Orb to make it rare. I always link the regal to prove it matches the split.
3) Split the item into 2, the result that drops to the ground is yours and it will have 2 mods, see below for outcomes.
4) Use the imprint from step 1 to return the item to what is was.

Possible outcomes for a split using quant + life base :
- 33% chance quant + life, best outcome
- 33% chance quant + regaled mod (will be rare if it's a suffix)
- 33% chance life + regaled mod (will be rare if it's a prefix)

If you need more details, you can check out demi's video (not mine) that shows the process with a 1 mod quant ring.

I am providing crafting advices below on this thread if you need.
You can also leave a vouch on this thread with your items (see the "How to vouch" section below).

All of my bases are listed in trade, you can use this link to contact me.
Feel free to pm me if you want to do the service or if you have any questions.

My profile is public if you want to take a look at my own MF ranger ExaltedDigger.
I am also streaming sometimes, you can find me on my twitch.

Special thanks to Morgoth92 (IGN Exosta) for selling me many copies of his collection.
He is one of the founders of the MF Academy. You can join us on the MF Academy discord if you need help with your build, advices on how to make money or just want to hang around and talk with other MFers :)

Beast information

You need two red beasts.
Craicic chimeral : Creates an imprint a magic item. Buy here
Fenumal plagued arachnid : Splits an item into two randomly. Buy here
Yellow beasts have 1 red mod while red beasts always have 2 red mods like craicic chimeral.
You can take them out of your bestiary by using Bestiary Orbs that you can buy from Einhar.

Crafting Information

You can craft 3 mods with multimod and the mod used to craft multimod counts as 1 of those 3 so you basically craft 2 mods instead of 1 for 2 ex. Using this craft is the best way to get a good item without spending too much.
You have different options depending on what item you got.

[Magic Item]
Magic items can only have 2 mods, so first you need to make it rare with a regal orb.
I would recommend to imprint before regaling in case you regal bad mods so you can imprint it back.
Keep in mind that if you want to multimod resistances you need to regal a prefix because quant and multimod are suffixes unless you hit good resistances with the regal then that works too.
If you regal a suffix you don't want, you can also use the suffix to prefix beast for a 50% chance to remove it and get a new random prefix. Use this at your own risk if you did not imprint before because it can remove quant!

[Rare Item]
When you get a rare, to me the best option is to multimod it so it has 5 mods, you can use an Exalted Orb for the last one if you want to. You could try some conqueror's exalted orbs to try to get some fancy mods.
You could also split it to get a magic base with quant alone but it would cost alot in imprints to make it rare with 3 mods (augment + regal) before multimodding so you could also sell it and spend those beasts trying to get a magic one instead.

[Higher budget crafts]

Influenced crafts
You need a 2 mod magic base for this. You can imprint and try to annul the regaled mod (1 in 3) then slam the rare item with a Conqueror's Exalted Orb to hit some influence-specific mods and then multimod.
Keep in mind that the magic item you imprinted had no influence so if you imprint it back it won't be influenced.

Popular influenced mods
Helmet : Reduced mana reserved from Redeemer influence (suffix).
Gloves : Culling Strike from Warlord influence (suffix).
Boots : Tailwind from Hunter influence (suffix), elusive from Redeemer influence (prefix).
Amulet : Reduced mana reserved from Redeemer influence (suffix).
Rings : Crit multi from Warlord influence (suffix).

You can get many interesting mods, for more infos on all available mods check out poedb.

Meta crafting
For this you need to get a rare with 3 good suffixes because quant is legacy so you don't want to go for 3 prefixes because you can't slam 20 quant later.

Step 1 - You need to use an imprint, regal it then slam looking for 3 good suffixes.
I recommend that you craft the most common prefixes like mana or life after the regal, this will block them so that they won't roll on exalts and you have more chances to slam suffixes.
While doing this if you get 3 prefixes, imprint back because you will not be able to craft suffixes cannot be changed in case you get the suffixes you want.
Repeat the process until you hit 3 good suffixes.

Step 2 - You slam 2 prefixes at a time and if they are bad you craft suffixes cannot be changed which is prefix and scour.
Just like before you can craft something common that you don't want like mana for example to block it so that it won't roll.
Your suffixes will never change so you repeat the process until you get 2 good prefixes and craft the last one.

Good luck with your regals!

How to vouch

Follow those steps :
- Equip the item on your character
- Relog on your character in-game so that your items are updated
- Write a reply to this thread
- Click on your character top left on this page (you need to be logged in)
- Click on the item once and it will add a link to your item in the message
The link will remain even if you unequip the item later on.
Adding a nice message is also appreciated :)
Last edited by demon7310#6336 on May 29, 2022, 11:25:39 AM
Last bumped on Feb 13, 2021, 6:16:45 AM
Thanks for the successful dupe mang. I just used 1 of each beast and got it first try. GGWP
Last edited by AsunaDesuDesu#3946 on Sep 5, 2019, 12:52:55 PM

thanks alot got it first try :D
Thanks a lot got on first try
super friendly and trusting service!
good rng on top of that, successful dupe on the first try!

Thanks a lot got it first try :D
Reccomend the Services, in the first try I am Gothing the Ring Service, is a very nice player

tysm for the dupes man really like it
it works
Last edited by CMETANbI4228#5511 on Sep 21, 2019, 6:39:58 AM

took 2 times but still cheaper than the market

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