Path of Exile: Blight Gem Information

ty ggg! but spectres rly nerfed.... so sad and so unfair
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the new Golem and the Meatshield Skill are awesome. and the Rest of the new Skill also. GGG are best Gaming Company in the whole World. Thank you.
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In case anyone wants it, more info here:
Last edited by jmsmadrigal#0754 on Sep 5, 2019, 9:52:25 PM
I dont like the Cyclone nerf . Couldn't you have just made a 1 handed melee cyclone but call it something else? So now cyclone will work with any weapon type ? How about making some of the spell attack skills work for melee builds then ?
Gem tab incoming :D
Scourge arrow now pierces all targets, which imo is a huge buff.
Gomer12 wrote:
Multisrike nerf again stop it!!! XDD

It's not a nerf. It's about a 5% buff in DPS overall.
First and second hit damage is buffed moderately, while third hit has a slight nerf.
Life witch Necro with Dominating Blow, Bone Shield and Unnatural strength. Carrion Golems... Going to be the best League start ever.
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. " ~ Hunter S Thompson ~

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