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Eadles wrote:
Did Mathil say "increased"? Because it should be "more" if you want to simulate that mod.

I thought he said increased, and that is what I used. I can fix that.

I also forgot about Bubonic not having 4 sockets, so I will probably remove the Wither/Totems setup and use 2 link for Withering Step with some support. I haven't memorized all the gems yet.

I edited my comment with some things that could be improved on your tree. Just so you notice the edits.

And yea, it 100% needs to be "more" instead of increased to simulate the mod. You will get the 60% more damage with poisons inflicted by this weapon on both your daggers, but as you simulate it with "60% more damage with poisons" you only want to get that once in PoB.
Last edited by Mecielle on Sep 5, 2019, 6:48:14 PM
Yes I changed those up, and thank you. Ironically I had changed it to what it was from the changes you said to make :P

I am still wondering about using Bubonic, but it is basically another good life node on top of a huge damage increase with the jewels. Just not sure how realistic I am being with the jewels and whether those will be incredibly expensive to both craft or buy.
Eadles wrote:
Yes I changed those up, and thank you. Ironically I had changed it to what it was from the changes you said to make :P

I am still wondering about using Bubonic, but it is basically another good life node on top of a huge damage increase with the jewels. Just not sure how realistic I am being with the jewels and whether those will be incredibly expensive to both craft or buy.

Yea, those jewels will be 5ex+ at the end of league, no telling what they would cost after like two weeks :D Even if you remove one of the mods and make them 3-mod jewels they will be insanely expensive. I will probably go with normal rare boots. Will make gearing all the other slots a lot easier too as I will get some resists from the boots. Bubonic is really just a min/max kind of deal I think. After a week or more you can think of getting them, but don't expect 2-socket Bubonic to be below 10ex at that point :D

And as an added thought, normal jewels can roll all those mods too. Even more chances as you get multi and attack speed for dual wield, one handed and daggers. And those have even higher values. So when looking for tree jewels, look for both kinds.
Last edited by Mecielle on Sep 5, 2019, 7:03:37 PM
Mecielle wrote:
Eadles wrote:
Yes I changed those up, and thank you. Ironically I had changed it to what it was from the changes you said to make :P

I am still wondering about using Bubonic, but it is basically another good life node on top of a huge damage increase with the jewels. Just not sure how realistic I am being with the jewels and whether those will be incredibly expensive to both craft or buy.

Yea, those jewels will be 5ex+ at the end of league, no telling what they would cost after like two weeks :D Even if you remove one of the mods and make them 3-mod jewels they will be insanely expensive. I will probably go with normal rare boots. Will make gearing all the other slots a lot easier too as I will get some resists from the boots. Bubonic is really just a min/max kind of deal I think. After a week or more you can think of getting them, but don't expect 2-socket Bubonic to be below 10ex at that point :D

Yea, this is my first time to start a league. Haven't experienced the prices yet. Obviously the endgame would be Bubonic/Multimod Ambushers/Abyssal Jewels. But the build I think is more than capable of all content with 2xTaproots and Rare Boots. Haven't done much crafting so I am going to be trying to focus on that this league.
braniels2 wrote:
Hello, this build is good for delve? with the new ring "poisoned enemies shatter on kill"

I am actually thinking of using that just to not constantly get one-shot by the quill mobs. For everybody wondering what we mean:

Honestly, it should actually not be that bad for the build. Shattering + 100% chance to chill enemies? Insane defensive mechanics. And some damage on top.
Last edited by Mecielle on Sep 5, 2019, 7:20:38 PM
Hey all, I think I've decided that I want to league start with something like this. What would be our stat priority for the non unique items?
First time in 7 years of playing this game that I see someone talking about stat priority in relation to PoE :D

Only thing I can think of is get as much life on your rares as possible and enough resists to cap at 75%. Not sure if that is what you mean though.
Last edited by Mecielle on Sep 5, 2019, 7:28:54 PM
Another thing... why not take Atrophy and/or method to the madness in the tree??

Specially if we take out Perfect agony from the tree, we could use this extra 8points to take atleast atrophy.. or not?

sing12 wrote:
Another thing... why not take Atrophy and/or method to the madness in the tree??

Specially if we take out Perfect agony from the tree, we could use this extra 8points to take atleast atrophy.. or not?

EDIT: Nevermind, Atrophy is out for me. No worth it for 5 points.

Instead of Atrophy you could use 3 points to finish the claw wheel. It is more DPS per point than Atrophy. Then we have 5 left. 2 go towards the jewel node in Ranger area. And 2 I will use to take the phys/chaos nodes at the start instead of the dex nodes. Last one probably for a 4% life node.
Last edited by Mecielle on Sep 5, 2019, 7:41:53 PM
Mecielle wrote:
sing12 wrote:
Another thing... why not take Atrophy and/or method to the madness in the tree??

Specially if we take out Perfect agony from the tree, we could use this extra 8points to take atleast atrophy.. or not?

EDIT: Nevermind, Atrophy is out for me. No worth it for 5 points.

Instead of Atrophy you could use 3 points to finish the claw wheel. It is more DPS per point than Atrophy. Then we have 5 left. 2 go towards the jewel node in Ranger area. And 2 I will use to take the phys/chaos nodes at the start instead of the dex nodes. Last one probably for a 4% life node.

It took me the same amount of points to get the 3 pts in the dagger wheel above shadow area as for Atrophy and it was 50k total dps more to take the dagger nodes. I'd say not worth. Also the attack speed nodes were higher damage than the phys/chaos damage nodes to start the tree off. Just what I found.

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