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Lunartuna wrote:
teknik1200 wrote:
upgraded my claw yesterday, yeah that's a huge difference. I need a little more accuracy but getting there.

Nice claw! That's the exact mods i want except i want damage with poison instead of poison duration.

If you spend the exalt on the 100-130% phys, divine that until its over 125%. then corrupt it to 30% it would be amazing..

here is mine

If you get curse on hit temp chains on your gloves then you can change your ammy to something pure dps.

but with whispers of doom on it

I feel Despair should just be from flask though.. lvl 21 Despair

YOLO Corrupt like 10 glove before got 1 with temporal chain omg i'm so happy

old glove:


New Glove:

got to replace the accuracy I lost from replacing yriel's with a rare chest as well..

This will be even higher dps that that unique amulet

Anyway thats what I did, went full dps + life Ammy and Full Dps Corrupted Glove too.. since I'm usinv Male aura + watcher's eye, not enough for spider.
Last edited by Neyeah on Sep 30, 2019, 3:12:42 AM
I_SAG wrote:
is there possibly anyway to craft "Adds xx to xx Chaos Damage"?

yes definitely

for example:

and the post above this.

Almost all my items if have free prefix slot will have that crafted on
Last edited by Neyeah on Sep 29, 2019, 3:31:14 PM
Killed Shaper Recently with one death due to stupidity or a bug idk you decide.
Here is the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roAi6MRTMmU&feature=youtu.be Enjoy!
Neyeah wrote:
I_SAG wrote:
is there possibly anyway to craft "Adds xx to xx Chaos Damage"?

yes definitely

for example:

and the post above this.

Almost all my items if have free prefix slot will have that crafted on

Sorry i meant on claws, how does some "Claw" get [Adds xx to xx Chaos Damage]? is it random? above 50 chaos damage

Last edited by I_SAG on Sep 29, 2019, 6:25:28 PM
jrelthewise wrote:

Also Atziri's does very little for this build. You're better off with a defensive flask such as a basalt.

While this might be true, and there are probably some other BIS flasks, the original guide that started this thread still has it in their POB, and is a very cheap flask for a quick decent chaos dps upgrade until you can spend more on better stuff. The particular person who was looking for improvements, it's a DPS improvement for them until they can max out their rings.
I_SAG wrote:
Neyeah wrote:
I_SAG wrote:
is there possibly anyway to craft "Adds xx to xx Chaos Damage"?

yes definitely

for example:

and the post above this.

Almost all my items if have free prefix slot will have that crafted on

Sorry i meant on claws, how does some "Claw" get [Adds xx to xx Chaos Damage]? is it random? above 50 chaos damage


Ah I think somewhere in the post someone mentioned you can use the fossil with chaos modifier, despite not having it in the list of modifiers...

Need help/confirmation from the crafting masters though
Build almost done:

I have to buy gems, malevolence/precision watcher, replace sulphur with bottle faith, multi mod stygian for bosses and a lot of divine orbs.
Hi all,

Looking for some help. Recently in maps and it seems to be going alright but want to know where i should focus on upgrading first.

Also how do you keep the beast alive from the Yriels chest....that thing just does not want to live...

I went the bleed one cause i got the temp chains on hit Haemophilia gloves.

Also i see most people don't seem to have Int on their gear is there enough on the tree to sustain the gems? Cause i am having to take a 30 node for now.

Thanks for the help!

Last edited by chinpokemon2905 on Sep 30, 2019, 5:09:19 AM
I loves this build, I have now some ridiculous budget ways, please don't laugh too much if you check my char :D I just wondering, why no one seems to use this amulet?
Rarity: Unique
Onyx Amulet
Level: 64
Item Level: 83
+14 to all Attributes
36% increased Damage over Time
Adds 19 to 27 Chaos Damage
+66 to maximum Life
+22% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has 100% reduced Mana Reservation
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
Elder Item
Note: ~price 80 chaos

Can someone explain me, why it is not a good idea?

P.S.: Do anyone know how can I link an item I don't own? I haven't found it.
Last edited by Tamasakiegri on Sep 30, 2019, 4:57:42 AM
The guide says the 4th ascendancy should be opportunistic.
But wouldn't unstable infusion be better? Crit is an important factor in this build and we will get plenty crit from power charges.

Maybe you guys get power charges some other way or completly ignore it?

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