3.1X FaceBreakin' Ancestral Warchief Hiero | Budget Friendly | User Friendly | All Content
Final Update!
3.13 Changes
Pursuit of Faith is nerfed. This really only effects map clearing as this does not build up as much for bosses. Certainly not a build killer!
![]() ![]() Ritual of Awakening is a buff. Not sure if the cast totems one by one will be a buff or a nerf... one of the reasons i always went with 6 totems was because of this item. we generate a lot of mana so that should not be an issue. ![]() ![]() Conviction of Power looks like a nerf on first look, but if you can get endurance charges elsewhere, that will be a nice boost to physical damage reduction. I would try and use Enduring cry. Go from 12% reduction to 32%! Damn thats nice! Power charges don't affect the totems. ![]() ![]() Endurance Charges Items Overall should be just fine! Only the Swift Skewering path was changed and is after you hit 100. the DPS goes down a bit (impale goes from 90% to 80%) but you also have 2 points to play with (i added them to life wheel). I do not start using AW until level 42. I start with Smite and go with it. You need to be able to adjust based upon the gear you get along the way! 10 Points: https://pastebin.com/NLV5E7t2 POE Planner 20 Points: https://pastebin.com/G7kigwhm POE Planner 30 Points: https://pastebin.com/QBqeN5cx POE Planner 40 Points: https://pastebin.com/wU8kGQYn POE Planner 50 Points: https://pastebin.com/4A0UnENK POE Planner 60 Points: https://pastebin.com/BQPqLjhY POE Planner 70 Points: https://pastebin.com/BfhTFr2A POE Planner 80 Points: https://pastebin.com/CPg168RX POE Planner 90 Points: https://pastebin.com/L8dMNxkT POE Planner 100 Points: https://pastebin.com/zkF5AnsB POE Planner 110 Points: https://pastebin.com/v4BugjcR 118 Points: https://pastebin.com/XeLq4jc0 123 Points: https://pastebin.com/d2wJUg2i Adjust as needed based upon what jewels you use. My Final character 118 Points: https://pastebin.com/0CikSvzR (check out the Configuration Tab to see where a lot of the DPS comes from) Including the 2 flasks, it has 1.265 million clear DPS per totem and a total of 6 million Shaper DPS! Cluster Jewels: These are the ones i have found to add the most DPS to this build. Large Iron Breaker and Force Multiplier Iron Breaker and Force Multiplier and Battle-Hardened Big Bucks for 3 skills! Medium: Snaring Spirits and Sleepless Sentries Ancestral Might and Ancestral Echo Ancestral Might and Sleepless Sentries Super Shield (see page 8 for details!)
Trade Links for gear
Here are my search links ready to go
Shield with +1 totem, Reduced Mana, 100+ life Jewels with 2 AS and 2 DPS mods Jewels with 3 AS and 1 DPS mods Ryslatha's Coil Steel Rings 18+ dps Amulet 19+ DPS 110+ life Deidbell 28+ str 280+ armor Lion's Roar 24%+ DPS Atziri's Promise 19%+ DPS Chest 6 link 80+ HHP, 80+ resist Facebreaker 790%+ DPS Meginord's Girdle 17%+ cold resist Great Old One's shield 14%+ dps, 9%+ AS, 60+ life adjust the items for where you are at in the league... starting out? lower the values, geared up with money to spend? raise the values to min/max items... look up prices in past leagues here https://poe-antiquary.xyz/Delirium/Armour/Facebreaker/512 A firefox addon for POE Trade looks amazing https://github.com/exile-center/better-trading and i use Awakener POPE trade app https://github.com/SnosMe/awakened-poe-trade And finally my map tracker, Exile Diary https://github.com/briansd9/exile-diary and my personal autokey macros (hideout, whisper responses, leave party) https://pastebin.com/VKdDLegh ___________________________________________________________________________________ ![]()
Act 1-3
Level up based on what rare or unique items you might get.
+ Wands or maces use Purifying Flame - Elemental Proliferation Support + Swords or axes use Smite - Elemental Proliferation Support + Stormblast Mine as needed for extra damage. * Get boots with Speed ASAP * Grab jewelry on the fly based upon your needs. * Keep an eye for linked items with the right colors for your leveling. * use 2 1h weapons for max dps and speed
Act 1 Details
* Get the Coast portal, the Mud Flats quest, and The Submerged Passage portal.
** Take Summon Holy Relic for the life regen. ** Take the Frostblink for teleporting. ** Complete quest in the Tidal Island. ** Take the quicksilver flask. ** Take the Ruthless Support. * Pick up your favorite leveling totem. * Optional: Buy Arcane Surge Support if using Purifying Flame. * Optional: buy Molten Shield or Steelskin for extra defense. * Optional: buy War Banner for extra offense. * Proceed to the Ledge thru the Climb and and the Lower Prison portal. ** Take Added Fire Support. * Optional: buy added Lightning Support for Stormblast Mine * Proceed to kill Brutus and then get the portal in Prisoners gate. ** Take Clarity for mana regen. ** buy Flame Dash to upgrade movement skill. ** Buy Shield Charge and begin leveling it. * Return to Prisoners gate and head to The Ships graveyard and get the quest from Fairgraves and then head to Merveil’s Cavern and proceed to kill Merveil. * Proceed to act 2 and then clean up remaining quests in act 1.
Act 2 Details
* Complete the Dens quest to get a quicksilver flask.
* Complete deal with the bandits. * Complete Intruder in Black quest. ** Take Herald of Purity Gem. ** Buy Herald of Ash Gem. * Go to Weavers chamber. ** Take Melee Physical Support Gem. ** Optional: Buy Faster Attacks Gem. * Enter vaal temple and proceed to act 3. * Clean up act 2 as needed.
Act 3 Details
* Complete 1st quest.
** Take Warlords Mark Gem. ** Buy Pride Gem. * Head down into the Sewers and make your way to the Battle front. * Get portals in Solaris 1 and 2. * Get quests and portal in docks. * Head to barracks and kill the general. * Head to Lunaris and kill piety. * Take any gem. * Buy Ancestral Warchief Gem. * Proceed to scepter of god and kill Dominus. * Proceed to act 4. * Clean up act 3 as needed. Level 28: www.poeurl.com/cyXn
Act 4-6
Smite Leveling Gear
Paid 2c for the 5 link just now and everything else i bought was 1 alch each or found.
Level 42 Tree
Act 7-10
Act 7 now with 5 totems and everything is dying quickly. looking to up dps and resist on rings and ammy and maybe move to boots with more life and resist.
Level 54
Level 60
Level 65 Tree
Level 71 Tree
IT WILL ALWAYS BE CHEAP AND WILL ALWAYS DO EXCELLENT DPS, NO MATTER WHAT NERFS THEY DO TO THE GAME! Good Luck and I will always continue to answer questions... Tallion99 Last edited by Tallion99#0440 on Jan 13, 2021, 3:27:20 PM
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I noticed you had "60% increased critical strike chance if you haven't crit recently" on your boots, but you also have the never deal crits node. Is there an interaction with totems that bypasses that or was it just on the boots when you bought them? |
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"Correct, that enchat was just on the boots and crit does no good for this build. good BOOT enchantments are: Regenerate 2% of Life per second if you were Hit Recently 10% increased Movement Speed if you haven't been Hit Recently 10% Chance to Dodge Attack Hits if you've taken a Critical Strike Recently 8% chance to Dodge Spell Hits if you've taken Spell Damage Recently I always went with either the speed bump, or the 2% regen as it can be a really nice defensive quality of life bump. HELM: 25%/40% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage 24% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Area of Effect 150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Stone Golems there are so many helmet enchats that i never bothered with them at all. |
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Hi, any good tips for the Cast on damage taken combos in this league? Havenot played for 3 years. Current build is trying make a sweeper with a staff, thanks for any advices !
Last edited by H0T#0744 on Jan 22, 2021, 7:12:04 PM
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"Couple of options these days... of course they are not as good as the old immortal call where you were invulnerable for a couple of seconds... Immortal Call still works ok Steelskin can be used also. Mostly today I go with these: Vaal Molten Shell Vaal Cold Snap Molten shell gives you the protection and Cold Snap slows the mob that hit you by chilling it. it also helps to identify who hit you too. and then both vaal skills can be used for defense! here si the cheat sheet for the maven map bonues too https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3008533 Last edited by Tallion99#0440 on Jan 22, 2021, 8:04:31 PM
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You are the man! So I should link both games with it? What can be the 4 gem here? And why Vaal version? I thought it can be only used manually.
Also, what about the immortal call? | |
"link both with cast on damage taken. in the 4th socket i like Siphon trap. it can cause your hp regen to go over 1500+ a second... the normal version are cast when you take damage, the vaal version you can cast yourself for extra protection... feel free to experiment too! |
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So with both vaal versions, I only use it manually in hard situations? Because I've heard, if you cast vaal version and then COD triggers a simple form of the skill, it will cancel the vaal effect ( for example molten shell vaal effect). Thanks for the trap hint, I will try it !
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Just tried Siphon trap, it doesn't work with COD slotted :(
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Level 1
Freezing Pulse:
Freezing Pulse(1) - Arcane Surge(1) Gems to Level: Raise Zombie
Level 4
Summon Raging Spirit:
Summon Raging Spirit(4) || Summon Phantasm Holy Flame Totem: Holy Flame Totem(4) || Flame Wall(4) Consecrated Ground effect on the ground grants 6% health regen every second. Utility: Steelskin(4) || Summon Holy Relic(4) || Frostblink(4) Use as the walk button
Level 8
Summon Raging Spirit:
Summon Raging Spirit(4) || Minion Damage(8) || Melee Splash(8) Holy Flame Totem: Holy Flame Totem(4) || Infused Channelling (4) || Flame Wall(4) Gems to Level: Raise Zombie || Minion Damage(8) || Minion Damage(8)
Level 10
Flame Dash(10) || Vitality(10) || Clarity(10) || Steelskin(4) Gems to Level: Raise Zombie || Minion Damage(8) || Summon Skeletons(10) || Minion Damage(8) || Spirit Offering(12)
Level 18
Gems to Level:
Raise Zombie || Minion Damage(8) || Summon Skeletons(10) || Minion Damage(8) || Melee Physical Damage(18) k
Level 20
Act 1
Freezing Pulse:
Freezing Pulse(1) - Arcane Surge(1) Orb of Storms: Orb of Storms(4) Frost Bomb: Frost Bomb(4) - Onslaught(1) Secondary damage dealer as long as Consecrated Ground keeps them alive. Holy Flame Totem: Holy Flame Totem(4) Consecrated Ground effect on the ground grants 6% health regen every second. Utility: Flame Dash(10) || Vitality(10) || Clarity(10) || Steelskin(4) Run Fast || HP Regen || mana Regen level 7 or less || damage mitigation Gems to Level: Minion Damage(8) || Summon Skeletons(10) || Combustion Support(8) || Melee Physical Damage(18) || Minion Speed(18)
Act 2
Summon Skeletons:
Summon Skeletons(10) - Minion Damage(8) - Melee Physical Damage(18) Secondary damage dealer . Utility: Spirit Offering(12) damage and defense
Act 3
Zombies: Raise Zombies(1) - Minion Damage(8) - Summon Phantasm(4) - Melee Physical Damage(18) || Minion Speed(18) Summon Raging Spirits: Summon Raging Spirits(1) - Minion Damage(8) - Infernal Legion(8) - Combustion Support(8) || Melee Physical Damage(18) Summon Skeletons: Summon Skeletons(10) - Minion Damage(8) - Melee Physical Damage(18) - Melee Splash(8) Gems to Level: Raise Specter(28) x3 || Animated guardian(28)
Act 4
Run Fast to act 5! Auras: Pride(24) || Vulnerability(24) || Dread Banner(24) Gems to Level: Summon Carrion Golem(34) || Maim(8) || Impale(31) || Feeding Frenzy(31)
Last edited by Tallion99#0440 on May 9, 2022, 4:21:23 PM
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