New Gems for Summoners in Path of Exile: Blight

This update alone is better than anything else I could have expected for this expansion. Just because of this you got me back again. I didn't last very long in Legion. I got bored of cyclone (and every other skill being inferior).
DunklerKoenig wrote:
I would love to see a comeback for SRS

If minion instability works (ie. no bugfest), then yeah , sure.
meh, more gems instead of a better AI
Steeldraconis wrote:
Ok, couple of questions:

1. Is the Carrion Golem cooldown impacted in any way by present in game mechanics? Can we lower or change this cooldown at all?

2. Does deathmark has a duration tag?

3. Does deathmark have a cooldown (either displayed, or internal?)

more to come maybe, that's all i can think of so far.....

1. prob not... cooldown rrductions onely apply to you. You should know this. And if there is a way. Its prob not worth investing in.

2. wy? You going to sacrifice a minion support gem for increases duration?

3. I dont think so. But If so its very short. Did you watch the video?
Nenomitrosis wrote:
The Infernal Legion support gem causes supported minions to take a large percent of their maximum life as fire damage over time. They all gain a burning damage aura, dealing fire damage over time to nearby enemies. The effect doesn't stack, but is modified by minion damage increases and other support gems.

Infernal Legion deals fixed DoT, or it's dependant on the minion maximum life?

You are literally linking the answer to that question your self.... wtf
PopeJo wrote:
meh, more gems instead of a better AI
Well, these gems seem to provide more minion damage. But yeah, the last time I made a summoner I ran out of sockets, even using 2 unset rings
One of the primordial gems reduces Golem skill cooldown (and it reduces the cooldown for you to recast the golem as a separate line too, just in case you're worried it's only the latter. It's both.). Probably not worth a jewel slot by itself though unless you're going for the triple primordial +1 golem bonus.

You are literally linking the answer to that question your self.... wtf

The news release says nothing about whether or not the fire does more damage if your minion has more life.

Well, these gems seem to provide more minion damage. But yeah, the last time I made a summoner I ran out of sockets, even using 2 unset rings

Yea, for me at least, the hype over this update kinda gets crushed a little when I can't find where to cram the gems into without a huge cost to another aspect of my build, and that's with two unset rings as well.
Last edited by TiamatRoar#4443 on Aug 22, 2019, 1:37:30 AM
Im super happy to see summoners getting the love they deserve, but i really think carrion golem was a missed opportunity to give us a really big flesh golem (IE hillock, Brutus, kole). Other than that, I dont think ive been this hype for a new league since last league. im also probably gonna buy both supporter packs, because they look the best out of like the last 4. Come at me about it.
As a bow user I am so jelly.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214
Ive always been under the impression minion ai was just kind of bad honestly.. these support gems show that has never really been the case, just unfinished work. Never the less I am very happy to see these new gems and will be making full use of them on my summoner.

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