Announcing Path of Exile: Blight

More than I expected, but I'd prefer to just have more Legion :D
Love the changes to Masters.
And everybody was suprise how much scammers are in Legion league.
You will see in Blight league, there will be 300% more scam because who will grind all day for poor income... etc
What is that shit...
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Last edited by _Matusalem_#5939 on Aug 20, 2019, 4:53:49 PM
looks interresting.. cant wait to try it out... well done ;=)
This will be impossible on console. It's hard enough to target shrines and strongboxes midfight, let alone micro manage towers.
This leagues sounds and looks like a rehash of synthesis. Add to that tower defence and you got your self a recipe for me playing borderlands 3 instead of this crap.
I don't get it how GGG fails to see that PoE is ARPG and that most of the people don't wanna play PoE for its long boss phases, waiting for stuff and tower defense..

Not excited at all. Last league was supposed to be a melee league which turned out to be a cyclone league. When can we get a viable melee skillS?

I'm gonna stop, no point. So much potential is wasted.
So... another overly complex league, pigeonholing us into babysitting builds to engage in the content (mirage archer, totems, that sort of thing).

Letting us engage in content when we want is long overdue, but it's hilarious that all previews shown have 0 delve content available. Who knew, delve will still be way too rare, and guess what, sulphite is somehow, mind-bogglingly still in the game. And no trade improvements. Stubborn as ever.

Chris said on reddit that Legion wasn't getting the Breach treatment, but that's actually one-to-one what you did. Did the team not tell him, or something? Also, scarabs and sextants are prohibitively rare for anyone not in the top 100 of players. Using them feels terrible.

Focusing on the poison Assassin archetype and adding specific gems that give very defined ways to play really misses the point of why the builds worked and why they were fun before in the first place. It's clear that these new play styles are intended to be more shoehorned "GGG-approved" builds that will not reach the previous glory of their previous counterparts - as admitted in your own post - which all makes it feel quite a bit underwhelming, don't you think?

Lots of mixed messages here, but Blight league (really, naming it after a skill?) looks like the best parts will be the player QoL changes, and not much else.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Just right off the bat, first impression, the expansion looks pretty puerile.
Playing blight skill in blight league. No not confusing at all.

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