Announcing Path of Exile: Blight

Overall it looks great especially with the masters change and such but I am worried about how console users will be able to interact with towers with mobs around due to mobs being autoselected (you tend to have to flick your stick around to select anything else which is very fiddly e.g. while trying to pick up a stone of passage).

I also hope that accessing the extra skill bindings wont be too taxing to do with a controller.

Keep up the good work GGG!

P.S. I still get semi regular crashes on my standard PS4 - I always send the crash report through to you guys so hopefully you can debug it.

UnclePobatti wrote:
Oh look, a league designed from the ground up to cause console versions to run absolutely terribly. And another skillbind? Nice, but again it's not like console players can just grow another button...

I haven't played for 2 months and really wanted to like this league. I really did. But nothing in that trailer really excites me, and my concerns above just make things worse. Ah well... 3.9 in December?

Should have just made it to where the monsters swarmed the center-point and the less monsters that make it to the center = more loot... sigh over complicated and unappealing. Looks like I know what I’ll be skipping next league. I was so hype for legion after synthesis and now it’s happening all over again.

Please GGG think of reworking before release.
nazgul29 wrote:
Synthesis to Core?

Long live flippers!!!!!!!!!! then people who kill mobs for loot and hope for good implicit will get there from where?
Honestly with insane results from legion and shit results from synthesis you still go synthesis on core?
let'see cyclone nerf, destroy molten strike and forced us to search for xxxxxxxxx websites to know what we want and what we don

It seeems ARPG is now more on google search then kill mobs and get loot

They put lots of work in Synthesis kid and many of us love strategy playstyle, you can't just dump your years or even months of hardwork instead you try to make it good which they do for example the Bestiary league.

You are just here playing free game shitting at developers, just for a once try to perceive things from the developer perspective
Last edited by AdmiralGhost#6683 on Aug 20, 2019, 10:04:31 PM
I like this plant but we couldve burn it with some cool and special magic this new girl teach us after we kill monsters to gain powers for those towers and extra stuff to look at and activate make me less happy. But the masters we can farm now a lot...1)nerfs incoming or 2)gonna be legen-wait-for-it-dary!
Slow down for a minute to enjoy the beauty around us.
Lynerus wrote:
I dont really like TD games but seeing how i just wasted money for tabs im playing it anyways

Also everything looks all over the place so much stuff going on here it looks like

I'm going to suggest that if you think you wont enjoy something either don't play it or play it but less.

forcing yourself to play something because you give tencentggg some money isnt going to change anything this is the new game for the next 3 months.. it could burn you out or you could enjoy it, test it whenever you can but never force yourself to play something just because you paid money
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
It reminds me the tower defense of Van Helsing game, but im not excited at all with this one

With Borderlands 3, the league can go terribly wrong if not well implemented
AdmiralGhost wrote:
nazgul29 wrote:
Synthesis to Core?

Long live flippers!!!!!!!!!! then people who kill mobs for loot and hope for good implicit will get there from where?
Honestly with insane results from legion and shit results from synthesis you still go synthesis on core?
let'see cyclone nerf, destroy molten strike and forced us to search for xxxxxxxxx websites to know what we want and what we don

It seeems ARPG is now more on google search then kill mobs and get loot

They put lots of work in Synthesis kid and many of us love strategy playstyle, you can't just dump your years or even months of hardwork instead you try to make it good which they do for example the Bestiary league.

You are just here playing free game shitting at developers, just for a once try to perceive things from the developer perspective

One should not throw stones when inside a glass house.

Years or months of work doesn't justify bad outcomes either, it just means they wasted years and months worth of work from bad decisions. In that regard, Bestiary is still regarded as one of the worst releases of a league, and overall presence as a league choice. It was a horrible league, that had taken far too much time and effort to design with the result we got.

This upcoming league is just another example of GGG having this very archaic and sadistic design philosophy of there always needing to be a negative outcome before players will appreciate when a good one shows up. They design these leagues to be good, bad, or indifferent based on which point in the year it is, just like their justification for trading and other elements needing to be painful in order for players to enjoy the game as a whole.

A normal design / outlook would be to strive for improvement, or at the very least continuation of what is already working. Only very peculiar people inflict negative outcomes or pain on their subjects in order to achieve a desired outcome. Humility, is also not one of GGG's strong points, or actual cognitive learning.

Hence, we keep seeing this repeating of past mistakes; and then some players going "just give them/it a chance!". Um, no, we've done this already the past several years ...we know how this is going to go, we already know we won't like it because its a stark similarity to every other time they tried to make us wait and like it.
Play mechanics looked too first glance... :/
TencentGGG: We know players dislike stopping their map momentums to do masters missions so now you can do it later.
Players: Great! tencentggg rocks!
TencentGGG: We think that the new game tower defending style is amazing so the next league mechanic will be a tower defense which will obviously interrupt your map momentum by building towers and defend your loot chest.
Players: What?
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.

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