[3.25] The Warbringer Slaming Serker [League Starter | Cheap | Smash the Atlas | MELEE BUFFED]

Semuy wrote:
OP what do you think about Rage Support instead of fist of war? Should give us everything we want

rage isnt a bad support, its just outshined by our other pics, especially since it only gives dps

its good to keep rage stacks high but we already do that due to warbringer

i like the AoE more, but both are viable
glad to see lots of people trying the build and making it their own! also love people jumping to answer questions; thank you so much

Vultein wrote:
Hey guys. Absolutely love the build. Normally, I do not comment since I am a dirty casual but I really want to kill awakener this league. I was dominating yellow maps and since my step into red maps, I have been getting crushed. I have 6000 health and thought I should be doing ok.

I am wondering what you all think I should upgrade next. I was thinking make the move to thread of hope and get the overlord cluster jewel. Maybe even look for warcry medium cluster jewels to free up the onslaught flask.

Again, love the build. Thanks for keeping the thread going!

POB: https://pastebin.com/siBkJuAA

EDIT: just noticed my tidebreaker is not correct. I am working on 6-linking it. My current 5 link is earthshatter-fistofwar-ruthlessness-brutality-pulverize.

i didnt see an attack skill in your setup but some general upgs

deidbellow is a very strong dps and War cry QoL helm, however no HP roll means we lose out a fair bit if dying is our biggest concern. can try to replace it with a nice juicy life rare, maybe with -9 phys resistances

chest is good but can be better, can get % max life rolls

gloves are good too, use blessing to get to 20% melee damage and maybe go for more life/resists, attack speed, or corrupt a vuln on hit or +1 frenzy charge

boots are good res and life, aside from a dodge temple roll they are pretty good

necklace is a stat stick, could be alot smoother. pride auls, bigger res/hp rolls would probably go a long way

both rings seem fine, maybe look into HoP circle of guilts if you want more DPS (yours are fine though)

get 20% quality on ryslathaths

get 25% more lions roar

if you rework your rings/neck to have 1x phys leeched as mana, swap our honour solace for attack speed/attack speed with maces/attack speed with 2h weps, chaos res and % max life

fulgent is decent, could get more res or life if you improve your rings and neck to make up for it

the thread of hope versions seem very strong for the points they save, allowing for more jewels

i havent dug into any cluster jewels except overlord, are the war cry ones that got nerfed decent?

overlord lets you drop fortify in main link allowing for more dps/aoe

6 link tidebreaker is an obvious upg, or even just a nice 2h mace with 550+ pdps
Last edited by frawrst on Jul 17, 2020, 1:35:29 PM
Man, the mana reserve when running Herald of Purity is rough. I am sitting at between 14-21 mana after all the reserves. Are no leech maps bad? No/low regen? Am I missing something in the build that should give me more mana?
OUAriakas wrote:
Man, the mana reserve when running Herald of Purity is rough. I am sitting at between 14-21 mana after all the reserves. Are no leech maps bad? No/low regen? Am I missing something in the build that should give me more mana?

lvl 4 enlighten, conqs efficancy, reduced mana cost craft on rings/amulet help a ton if you go the full aura version

no leech maps are doable with an enduring mana flask, just pop it 5x and mash it regularly while killing mobs to get 60+ seconds of mana

no life leech maps are a bit difficult but with enduring cry we do fine. no life regen maps means we must hit, but thanks to martial expereince wheel we heal fairly quickly from attacks

no secret to "more mana", aside from managing it. if its too annoying to deal with you can always drop an aura
frawrst wrote:
Vultein wrote:
Hey guys. Absolutely love the build. Normally, I do not comment since I am a dirty casual but I really want to kill awakener this league. I was dominating yellow maps and since my step into red maps, I have been getting crushed. I have 6000 health and thought I should be doing ok.

I am wondering what you all think I should upgrade next. I was thinking make the move to thread of hope and get the overlord cluster jewel. Maybe even look for warcry medium cluster jewels to free up the onslaught flask.

Again, love the build. Thanks for keeping the thread going!

POB: https://pastebin.com/siBkJuAA

EDIT: just noticed my tidebreaker is not correct. I am working on 6-linking it. My current 5 link is earthshatter-fistofwar-ruthlessness-brutality-pulverize.

i didnt see an attack skill in your setup but some general upgs

deidbellow is a very strong dps and War cry QoL helm, however no HP roll means we lose out a fair bit if dying is our biggest concern. can try to replace it with a nice juicy life rare, maybe with -9 phys resistances

chest is good but can be better, can get % max life rolls

gloves are good too, use blessing to get to 20% melee damage and maybe go for more life/resists, attack speed, or corrupt a vuln on hit or +1 frenzy charge

boots are good res and life, aside from a dodge temple roll they are pretty good

necklace is a stat stick, could be alot smoother. pride auls, bigger res/hp rolls would probably go a long way

both rings seem fine, maybe look into HoP circle of guilts if you want more DPS (yours are fine though)

get 20% quality on ryslathaths

get 25% more lions roar

if you rework your rings/neck to have 1x phys leeched as mana, swap our honour solace for attack speed/attack speed with maces/attack speed with 2h weps, chaos res and % max life

fulgent is decent, could get more res or life if you improve your rings and neck to make up for it

the thread of hope versions seem very strong for the points they save, allowing for more jewels

i havent dug into any cluster jewels except overlord, are the war cry ones that got nerfed decent?

overlord lets you drop fortify in main link allowing for more dps/aoe

6 link tidebreaker is an obvious upg, or even just a nice 2h mace with 550+ pdps

Thanks for the reply man! Since this post, I killed Awakener 5. Super excited. Anyone struggling in red maps and do not have a 6 link tidebreaker, I STRONGLY recommend upgrading that. That upgrade alone carried me to T15 and allowed me to buy other upgrades for Sirus.

My goal for awakener 8, in no particular order:
-6 link the chest or get a new chest to 6 link. This frees up my gems a bit.
-replace both rings with HoP rings
-replace diedbellow with rare helm
-get warcry cluster jewels to replace onslaught flask
-fix jewels for more life and chaos resist
-find more chaos resist
- get aul amulet

Has anyone tried lethal pride yet to get the keynote that makes your rage regenerate? Might be real good for mapping and berserk. Awesome build my man!
Vultein wrote:

Thanks for the reply man! Since this post, I killed Awakener 5. Super excited. Anyone struggling in red maps and do not have a 6 link tidebreaker, I STRONGLY recommend upgrading that. That upgrade alone carried me to T15 and allowed me to buy other upgrades for Sirus.

My goal for awakener 8, in no particular order:
-6 link the chest or get a new chest to 6 link. This frees up my gems a bit.
-replace both rings with HoP rings
-replace diedbellow with rare helm
-get warcry cluster jewels to replace onslaught flask
-fix jewels for more life and chaos resist
-find more chaos resist
- get aul amulet

Has anyone tried lethal pride yet to get the keynote that makes your rage regenerate? Might be real good for mapping and berserk. Awesome build my man!

glad to hear you are enjoying it =]

6 link tidebreaker allows for a psuedo 7 link due to its innate ECoS. Since we run 6+ endurance charges, its a free 24% more multi with 0 downside, not to mention endurance charge generation outside of GS jewel or enduring cry

as we became more gem starved in 3.11 due to war cry stacking, its hard to recommend kaoms. while the HP is nice, a good solid chest with max life, resists, and QoL like explode mod or phys dmg reduction truly outshines it imo.

remmber that if you want to run HOP plus our current auras, you need a lvl 4 enlighten and reduced reserved mana HoP rings. this also leaves you with minimal mana, sometimes under 50, meaning its very easy to swing, not hit anything, and have no mana for attacks. i would try it out by linking some supports to your current auras so you can see how it feels

keep us updated on the war cry cluster info! I knew that the way war cry clusters in 3.10 were going they would not survive; so did not plan the guide around any of them. the onslaught one already seems smart, allows for a chaos res flask or granite or jade. All very powerful

jewels are so amazing for this build, since we are RT attack speed is truly our bottleneck and attack speed withy 2h/attack speed with maces are in such low demand (even in a slam league like this one) that good ones with %max life and chaos res can be found at dirt cheap prices

aul amulet allows for great aura utility (can run pure damage HoP rings instead of mana reserved ones). it also feels good to annoint it, since once we do so it becomes our BiS unless you truly need more hp or res. It is probably the most expensive single item our the endgame build unless you count min maxed rares.

I believe the lethal pride you are refeering to is chain breaker? If so, it may be a bit less than ideal since it also causes us to lose rage on attacks. Crave/Rite ascend helps get it back, but consider the opprotunity cost of getting a keystone, plus the jewel, vs how it actually feels to play

also, stuff like divine flesh and other defensive timeless keystones can really provide tangible defensive mechanics, vs just getting rage a little bit sooner with chainbreaker

love to hear your feedback as you keep pushing the build, looking forward to more updates :)
Really love this build! After some improvements i am doing t12-t13 easly. For now i farmed ~15 ex and want to improve my equipment. At his moment i am res capped. I want to replace helmet for rare with hp and chaos res( now is about 5% on plus only ). How to get better equipment? I am totally fresh in POE. I Heared about crafting services etc. but i dont even know which mods or improvmentes look for now. I am looking for help buddies :D Which things look for in items and how can I get them? I played poe many years ago, and I am totally green with delve, oils etc. craft

bizonmwk wrote:
Really love this build! After some improvements i am doing t12-t13 easly. For now i farmed ~15 ex and want to improve my equipment. At his moment i am res capped. I want to replace helmet for rare with hp and chaos res( now is about 5% on plus only ). How to get better equipment? I am totally fresh in POE. I Heared about crafting services etc. but i dont even know which mods or improvmentes look for now. I am looking for help buddies :D Which things look for in items and how can I get them? I played poe many years ago, and I am totally green with delve, oils etc. craft


hey friend

heres some general tips after reviwing your profile

your enchant on tidebreaker actively reduces your damage. since we are pure phys, the wepaon quality phys dmg is GG. but your tidebreaker removes it for ele damage, which is useless for us

multistrike and exerted attacks do not work afaik, so replace it with another support

helmet can be improved. look for a warlord + elder for fort effect + -9 phys resists, or just big life roll and resists

chest is good but can get max % life rolls. also not sure why you have a maim here

gauntlets are good, nice life and chaos res. since you are not using tomb fist, look to get a source of intimidate. awakened melee phys can do this and a good upgrade

get 20% attack quality on rysalthas, its a big dps boost

25% more lions roar

boots and neck are fine, nice res and life. can look into a pride auls for a temple boot with dodge if you have extra $$$

jewels and tree is good, you can reset butchery wheel since you connect on bottom

can look into thread of fate jewel and unskill most of 2h mace wheel near RT, saves alot of points and can get you more jewels with attack speed and life
frawrst wrote:
bizonmwk wrote:
Really love this build! After some improvements i am doing t12-t13 easly. For now i farmed ~15 ex and want to improve my equipment. At his moment i am res capped. I want to replace helmet for rare with hp and chaos res( now is about 5% on plus only ). How to get better equipment? I am totally fresh in POE. I Heared about crafting services etc. but i dont even know which mods or improvmentes look for now. I am looking for help buddies :D Which things look for in items and how can I get them? I played poe many years ago, and I am totally green with delve, oils etc. craft


hey friend

heres some general tips after reviwing your profile

your enchant on tidebreaker actively reduces your damage. since we are pure phys, the wepaon quality phys dmg is GG. but your tidebreaker removes it for ele damage, which is useless for us

multistrike and exerted attacks do not work afaik, so replace it with another support

helmet can be improved. look for a warlord + elder for fort effect + -9 phys resists, or just big life roll and resists

chest is good but can get max % life rolls. also not sure why you have a maim here

gauntlets are good, nice life and chaos res. since you are not using tomb fist, look to get a source of intimidate. awakened melee phys can do this and a good upgrade

get 20% attack quality on rysalthas, its a big dps boost

25% more lions roar

boots and neck are fine, nice res and life. can look into a pride auls for a temple boot with dodge if you have extra $$$

jewels and tree is good, you can reset butchery wheel since you connect on bottom

can look into thread of fate jewel and unskill most of 2h mace wheel near RT, saves alot of points and can get you more jewels with attack speed and life

thanks a lot for response! i will try to apply your comments. Could you please provide me link to jewel thread? I can not find it


after i removed multistrike build is unplayable. Attack speed (2.18) is low and all monsters or bosses are killing me. Before maybe with wrongly placed multistrike, i was multi stunning them. I dont know how to increase attack speed in other way. I placed gems with speed perks etc. and its not enough.
Last edited by bizonmwk on Jul 21, 2020, 10:11:04 AM

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