«*Unofficial Low Level PvP*» [Unofficial PoE PvP Site LAUNCHED]

sellin my dude

Armor, weapons and other gear that you get from quests and dungeons is PvE gear and will not work well in PvP environments because it has no resilience. After you're properly geared up with a lot of resilience, maximizing your level and playing in a lot of PvP environment will help you get better at playing in PvP environments. Thank you.
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santa55 wrote:
Armor, weapons and other gear that you get from quests and dungeons is PvE gear and will not work well in PvP environments because it has no resilience. After you're properly geared up with a lot of resilience, maximizing your level and playing in a lot of PvP environment will help you get better at playing in PvP environments. Thank you.
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If you have a LLD toon and feel like having a match, add me in game. You might have to try both..

IGN: Touchmydps (main char)
IGN: prettyshocking (LLD)
Can we make an unofficial bracket for lvl 9?

With all the cool low level uniques i think this would be a good level, anything under 12 because that's when support gems start coming into play

What do you think?
i would do level 9 or 12 pvp, but for normal you have to be level 20 or over and fighting at bandits would suck
i pvp with my level 9 all the time... awesome fun, regularly beat down on players 2+ times my level

anyone want to make one and start a lvl 9 bracket with me?
IGN: indiemontoya
add me level 19 player looking to play some pvp
IGN: indiemontoya
Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/impatek
exmse wrote:
i would do level 9 or 12 pvp, but for normal you have to be level 20 or over and fighting at bandits would suck

I made a level 10 pvp guy awhile back. Went as far as the bandit quest (completed). Also had a level 16 pvp guy that I went to the end of act 3 with (killed piety). Did both solo but had quite a few deaths.
IGN: _Firebitch
Ill roll up a level 9 dewd.
Current best dueler: SlowAndSteadyFisting

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