Have jun for the last 3 days on different maps and everytime she failed to spawn! Bought prophecies to force her to spawn, the prophecy procs but she still doesnt turn up ??? frustrated to say the least! please fix
Last bumped on Jan 20, 2020, 7:55:26 PM
Not spawning for me either on PS4. If I do the map she's supposed to be in, she's not there and the icon just moves to a different map.
This is a known issue and we are working on a fix for it.
This is a failsafe triggering that would otherwise CRASH your PS4.
I am emotionally & mentally drained through the sharking waters.
Still no fix for this? I miss 2-3 % on two safehouses :(
Still no fix for this? I miss 2-3 % on two safehouses :(
Hi. The problem is fixed in the upcoming 3.8 patch.
Alexander_GGG wrote:
Still no fix for this? I miss 2-3 % on two safehouses :(
Hi. The problem is fixed in the upcoming 3.8 patch.

Great! THanks for the good and hard work! Fingers crossed for even more console optimisation and crash fixes <3
How far away is patch 3.8 for consoles it feels so bad to do jun’s atlas missions. To only have her spawn one group feels bad :(

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