[3.13] LIGHTNING ARROW/BARRAGE Deadeye Build / Zap your way forward! UBER ELDER DONE!

Valley52 wrote:
I need a lot of help with this build guys, I'm barely pulling 13k DPS, don't have enough mana to reserve all the auras, don't have enough mana to cast my spells especially Barrage, how do I improve, what am I doing wrong, please...


Doing everything wrong tbh. I wonder how you made it to 76 with that gear :) No life rolls...
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Angry_Roleplayer wrote:
Valley52 wrote:
I need a lot of help with this build guys, I'm barely pulling 13k DPS, don't have enough mana to reserve all the auras, don't have enough mana to cast my spells especially Barrage, how do I improve, what am I doing wrong, please...


Doing everything wrong tbh. I wonder how you made it to 76 with that gear :) No life rolls...

Well, what can I do to fix it? This was the first build I ever tried.. I was ultra noob then (still am obviously). I mean, I've killed Sirus on my Necro but it isn't the build I want to play, this is..
Last edited by Valley52#3370 on Jan 28, 2020, 7:24:49 PM
Valley52 wrote:
Well, what can I do to fix it? This was the first build I ever tried.. I was ultra noob then (still am obviously). I mean, I've killed Sirus on my Necro but it isn't the build I want to play, this is..

This build is a diagonal opposite of a Necro. It does 0 damage while afk, isn't even 10% as survivable, and getting it to a great state of gear costs approximately 200 times more (if not 1000 times more, depending on the state of the game), with pretty much none of it's gear being self-craftable.
Non-dot bow builds are the most expensive thing in this game by far. Wrath Aul's alone costs ~20 times more than everything your Necro has combined. Don't expect to ever kill AL8 Sirus, unless you really know the game and invest heavily.

That said, here's what you would need to do:

- Cap your elemental resistances.

- Push to at least 5k life.
Your rings and amulet need to have at least 50 life. Your boots, helmet, gloves, and belt at least 80. All those pieces should at the same time be used to cap your resistances as mentioned above, while also providing you damage increases (added elemental damage, increased elemental damage with attacks, accuracy, etc).

What your rings should look like

What your amulet should look like if it's not Aul's

- Get your 4th ascendancy. This should have been done at around lvl 70.

- Anoint your amulet.
Anointment suggestions

- Sort out your flasks.
How to setup your flasks

- Get your gems to 20/20.

- Get decent (50+ added elemental damage, 30+ life) abyssal jewels.
What your jewels should look like

- If you can't afford Wrath Aul's run Wrath, Herald of Ice and a lvl1 Precision. Link Herald of Ice to Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark.

Once you realize clearing T11's on a Bow costs ~200 times more than afk farming T16's and Sirus on a summoner, and you're shaking before entering an alch'ed map 'cause there's a big chance you'll just get global'd, sell all the gear you've acquired so far on your Bow chick and go back to Skeletons. At least that's what 90% of the players did this league lol.
vetroxbl wrote:
Valley52 wrote:
Well, what can I do to fix it? This was the first build I ever tried.. I was ultra noob then (still am obviously). I mean, I've killed Sirus on my Necro but it isn't the build I want to play, this is..

This build is a diagonal opposite of a Necro. It does 0 damage while afk, isn't even 10% as survivable, and getting it to a great state of gear costs approximately 200 times more (if not 1000 times more, depending on the state of the game), with pretty much none of it's gear being self-craftable.
Non-dot bow builds are the most expensive thing in this game by far. Wrath Aul's alone costs ~20 times more than everything your Necro has combined. Don't expect to ever kill AL8 Sirus, unless you really know the game and invest heavily.

That said, here's what you would need to do:

- Cap your elemental resistances.

- Push to at least 5k life.
Your rings and amulet need to have at least 50 life. Your boots, helmet, gloves, and belt at least 80. All those pieces should at the same time be used to cap your resistances as mentioned above, while also providing you damage increases (added elemental damage, increased elemental damage with attacks, accuracy, etc).

What your rings should look like

What your amulet should look like if it's not Aul's

- Get your 4th ascendancy. This should have been done at around lvl 70.

- Anoint your amulet.
Anointment suggestions

- Sort out your flasks.
How to setup your flasks

- Get your gems to 20/20.

- Get decent (50+ added elemental damage, 30+ life) abyssal jewels.
What your jewels should look like

- If you can't afford Wrath Aul's run Wrath, Herald of Ice and a lvl1 Precision. Link Herald of Ice to Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark.

Once you realize clearing T11's on a Bow costs ~200 times more than afk farming T16's and Sirus on a summoner, and you're shaking before entering an alch'ed map 'cause there's a big chance you'll just get global'd, sell all the gear you've acquired so far on your Bow chick and go back to Skeletons. At least that's what 90% of the players did this league lol.

That's a great response, thanks a lot man!!
vetroxbl wrote:
Once you realize clearing T11's on a Bow costs ~200 times more than afk farming T16's and Sirus on a summoner, and you're shaking before entering an alch'ed map 'cause there's a big chance you'll just get global'd, sell all the gear you've acquired so far on your Bow chick and go back to Skeletons. At least that's what 90% of the players did this league lol.

Hello Vetroxbl,

Thanks a lot for all your input in this thread! I think I've gotten my gear to a much better place (minus some life on some parts). Is it bad that I have my resistances in jewels? I'm still making my way up to T16, gotten very lucky on some parts.

I'm hoping I'll be able to do T16 in my current setup, could you take a look to see on what should I add to be able to run T16? I haven't given it a try yet, bit nervous. Thanks again!
Last edited by Nazara#9820 on Jan 30, 2020, 2:32:28 AM
SINTHES wrote:
Hello Vetroxbl,

Thanks a lot for all your input in this thread! I think I've gotten my gear to a much better place (minus some life on some parts). Is it bad that I have my resistances in jewels? I'm still making my way up to T16, gotten very lucky on some parts.

I'm hoping I'll be able to do T16 in my current setup, could you take a look to see on what should I add to be able to run T16? I haven't given it a try yet, bit nervous. Thanks again!

Thanks for the kind words. I'll provide you with some bits and pieces from a semi-written guide I have going on, you take from it what you can.

First and foremost go through your flasks, to make sure you have all the required immunities.

Flask Setup

- Seething / Bubbling Divine or Eternal Life Flask of Staunching;
- Ample / Chemist's / Experimenter's / Perpetual Diamond Flask of Warding / Heat;
- Ample / Chemist's / Experimenter's / Perpetual Quicksilver or Silver Flask of Warding / Heat (pick the suffix you didn't get on the Diamond);
- Dying Sun.

The 5th flask depends on your budget and prefference. Strong options include:
- Bottled Faith;
- Atziri's Promise;
- Cinderswallow Urn;
- Silver Flask if you're not already running one.

The Wise Oak is practically worthless in this build, since Dying Sun uptime messes with your resistances, and setting up your resistances to make use of it is pretty tedious anyways. Plus you need 3 non-unique flasks for the must-have suffix immunities.

Capping resistances via jewels should be avoided at all costs. You pigeonholed yourself into this by using Tombfist and Bubonic Trail, which is a bad idea no matter what the build creator wants you to believe. I personally consider those 2 items completely worthless outside very specific scenarios (having an aurabot to cap your resistances so you can go full mongo on DPS).

Before buying any piece of gear put it into PoB to check if it's an actual upgrade.
Learning to use PoB is probably as important as learning how to move your character in this game.

The Bow
This is your most important piece of gear (what a surprise, I know), and as such should be upgraded as often as possible and invested into as much as possible. Your bow should in general be 50% of your investment, or in other words be worth as much as all your other gear combined.

Don't cheap out on your bow, or expect to get a good bow for cheap. Bow builds are, alongside DW melee, the most expensive ones in the game by far. If you want cheap stuff go summon Skeletons.

White maps:
- Windripper;
- The Tempest;
- Any bow that shoots arrows, really.

Yellow maps:
Here's where the cheap stuff starts to fall off, especially when it comes to single target and you need to start looking for rare bows.

Use these exact stat weights, and play around with the minimum total until you find something you can afford.

The stat weights are based upon my own character, but should be 99% correct for pretty much anyone playing the build. Feel free to modify them to your own advantage.

Anything above a 300 total should just flat out annihilate a Windripper / Storm Cloud when it comes to Barrage DPS.

Red Maps:
Up the total weight in the trade search to 500. Go as high as you can afford.

Eventually, for single target, what you really want to go for is a %chance to gain a Power Charge on crit, but those are likely to either cost mirrors or only be offered for mirror service.

The Quiver
Another purely offensive item in the build.

Options include:
- Hyrri's Demise
Decent all around stats and added damage. Great option for map clear.

- Voidfletcher
Great boost for single target damage, which is what the build struggles the most with. This item is hard to calculate in PoB since it doesn't account for the Void Shots. In general just count it as an upgrade over the Hyrri's.

- Rare Quiver
In order to beat the Hyrri's / Voidfletcher look for:
• Bows fire an additional arrow (must have);
• Crit Multi;
• Flat Added Elemental Damage;
• Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills;
• Crit Chance.
Use the same stat weights from the Bow search.

Rare Quivers can be master-crafted with a very specific suffix mod that's one of the largest, if not the largest, 1 mod single target damage boosts for your build:

This enables you to get frenzy charges on bosses. Since your crit chance during Diamond Flask is ~90% it takes ~1 second to get full Frenzies which are all straight up %more multipliers.

This bench mod is the hardest mod in the game to obtain, since it literally can not drop and can only be (un)veiled from quivers via Aisling in Research.

Helmet / Gloves / Boots
I've merged these into one since they basically serve the same purposes - capping resistances and buffing your life pool.

There are certain unique options:
- Fractal Thoughts;
- Starkonja's Head;
- Tombfist;
- Bubonic Trail.

I personally don't like using any of these, but if you decide to do so pick only one and fill the other 2 slots with rares. If you decide to go with Fractal Thoughts make sure all 3 conditions are met. If you decide to go with Tombfists make sure to have a Murderous Eye Jewel socketted for the intimidate.

When it comes to rares look for:
• 70+ Life;
• 70+ Total Elemental Resistances.

Additional mods to look for on Helmets:
• % increased maximum Life;
• 1 abysal socket;
• Stats you need (Int / Str).
• Additional Barrage projectile;
• Any Lightning Arrow enchant.

Additional mods to look for on Gloves:
• Attack Speed;
• Flat Added Elemental Damage;
• Stats you need (Int / Str).
• Commandment of Fury is my favourite. Pick whatever you like.

Additional mods to look for on Boots:
• Movement Speed - as much as you feel you need. It's perfectly fine to go with lower MS boots if it means getting more life and resistances. Not everyone enjoys the zoom-zoom gameplay. I personally find it so annoying that I don't even run a Quicksilver flask anymore. Go with whatever you think you need, but please don't gimp yourself out of other stats just because your search filter includes only 30%+ MS boots;
• % increased maximum Life;
• 1 abysal socket;
• Stats you need (Int / Str).
• % increased Attack and Cast Speed if you've Killed Recently, for more clearspeed;
• # to # Lightning Damage if you haven't Killed Recently, for more single target;
• Damage Penetrates 10% of Enemy Elemental Resistances if you haven't Killed Recently, for more single target.

Examples made up in PoB

Amulet / Rings / Belt
These 3 are your offense / defense combo items. These 3 slots should be used to buff both your damage and survivability.

To get the obvious contenders out of the way, since they both do things no other item can:

- Headhunter
By no means even remotely mandatory. Can be your late game goal. I'd personally only go for one once you've already obtained the best Bow money can buy. Perfectly fine to never get it, since it does fuckall on bosses. The only reason I mention it is so that people who already have it don't end up asking 'should I use it?'.

- Aul's Uprising (Intelligence) - Wrath Reserves no Mana
This one enables you to run Wrath entirely free, and as such is one of the cornerstones of the build. The 50% mana it frees up can be used to run an additional Herald and an Aspect of your choice.
Unlike Headhunter the Aul's should be an item you're actively looking to obtain as soon as your budget allows.

With those 2 out of the way, you should go for rare options.

A rare amulet should have:
• 70+ Life;
• Crit Multi;
• Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills;
And a mixture of:
• Flat Added Elemental Damage;
• Accuracy if you're not capped;
• Attack Speed;
• Crit Chance;
• Stats you need (Int / Str);
• Missing Elemental Resistances.
Use the same stat weights from the Bow search.

This entirely depends on your budget.

Whispers of Doom is beyond Godlike for clear, but to be effective on bosses it requires a CoH ring and/or enough gem slots to fit a CWDT curse(s) setup, since manually cursing bosses consumes way too much time that's better spent DPSing. This is by far the most expensive option, since both the anointment itself and the rest of the setup are hard to get.
2 curses clear setup involves 1 CoH Assassin's Mark Ring & CoH + Herald of Ice + a curse of your choice. I prefer Poacher's Mark for Frenzies (frees you up from using Blood Rage) and the insane flask recharge;
2 curses bossing (assuming the boss has no adds to proc CoH HoI off of) setup involves 1 CoH Assassin's Mark Ring & CWDT + curse of your choice. I prefer Projectile Weakness.

Freedom of Movement is great on clear, but more or less useless on bosses.

Throatseeker is a great semi-affordable all-arounder. More crit multi is welcome in all situations. If you're not sure what to pick I suggest you just take this one.

Acuity is also a great DPS option, but only useful if you're not hit-capped.

• Decent defensive options include Cloth and Chain, Survivalist, Silent Steps, Crystal Skin and Revenge of the Hunted.

• +30 Int nodes are actually a decent option if you lack it on your gear otherwise, and should not be shied away from.

A rare ring should have:
• 50+ Life;
• Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills;
And a mixture of:
• Crit Multi;
• Flat Added Elemental Damage;
• Accuracy if you're not capped;
• Attack Speed;
• Crit Chance;
• Stats you need (Int / Str);
• Missing Elemental Resistances.
Use the same stat weights from the Bow search.

A great and relatively cheap option for rings is combining a Mark of the Elder with a Shaper influenced ring in the other slot, for a pretty large (up to 80%) attack damage modifier.

Rings can also come with the Curse Enemies with Level 12 Assassin's Mark on Hit Shaper suffix, which is amazing for bosses.

A rare belt should have:
• 70+ Life;
• 70+ Total Elemental Resistances;
• Increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills;
And a mixture of:
• Abyssal socket ;
• Stats you need (Int / Str).

If you have the Aul's Uprising (Intelligence) - Wrath Reserves no Mana get a Ring or Belt (only one) with a beastcrafted Aspect. I prefer Spider over Cat, but you do you. If you're running Farrul's Fur you have to go with Cat.

Examples made up in PoB

Abyssal jewels
Start of with a search somewhat like this:

As with everything else, gradually increase the weighted sum as your budget gets higher.

I'd also consider:

- Replacing Slower Projectiles with Inspiration for Barrage:

This does require getting 1G-2R-2B on your Shroud.

- Replacing Inc. Critical Damage with Inspiration for LA:

The great thing about Inspiration is that it doesn't require any Quality.

- Getting Awakened Added Lightning and replacing Hypothermia.
Last edited by vetroxbl#4122 on Jan 30, 2020, 8:41:50 AM
Hey vetroxbl. I'm trying to go through what you just posted on here. Great stuff, thank you! Would it be possible to get some specific advice about the items I have? I don't know what would help my build get stronger. I see you said don't put res on jewels. I'm overcapped right now, and so I don't need the res on those 2 jewels at the moment, anyways.

Inspiration doesn't do much for me, unless it is at 4 charges; which 60% of the time, it isn't at 4 or 5 charges. Not sure if it's worth or not.
Awakened added lightning doesn't seem to be a pob dps increase over hypothermia. Any other reason to swap it out?

I'm trying to figure out how to change to voidfletcher; i need alot of int elsewhere if I do. How can I figure out if it will really be a dps upgrade?

I'm using bubonic trail (2 abyss sockets) but not tombfist. I think the 10% for each jewel is just ridiculous. Maybe I need to heed your advice and find somewhere else to use those skill points. I have alot of jewel sockets right now.
I'm looking forward to your opinion.
philthechil wrote:
Hey vetroxbl. I'm trying to go through what you just posted on here. Great stuff, thank you! Would it be possible to get some specific advice about the items I have? I don't know what would help my build get stronger. I see you said don't put res on jewels. I'm overcapped right now, and so I don't need the res on those 2 jewels at the moment, anyways.

Inspiration doesn't do much for me, unless it is at 4 charges; which 60% of the time, it isn't at 4 or 5 charges. Not sure if it's worth or not.
Awakened added lightning doesn't seem to be a pob dps increase over hypothermia. Any other reason to swap it out?

I'm trying to figure out how to change to voidfletcher; i need alot of int elsewhere if I do. How can I figure out if it will really be a dps upgrade?

I'm using bubonic trail (2 abyss sockets) but not tombfist. I think the 10% for each jewel is just ridiculous. Maybe I need to heed your advice and find somewhere else to use those skill points. I have alot of jewel sockets right now.
I'm looking forward to your opinion.

Not so sure your bow is better than windripper.
Also drop Immortal Call from CWDT setup, you can't really have 2 guard skills at a time
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Didn't see you mention this in the OP, but wouldn't this build benefit from 2x curses (double curse on hit ring)? Grab the +1 curse amulet anointment. Should add that to the luxury upgrades section.
Angry_Roleplayer wrote:
Not so sure your bow is better than windripper.
It is, but quite marginally. 3-4% depending on the Ripper's rolls.

Angry_Roleplayer wrote:
Also drop Immortal Call from CWDT setup, you can't really have 2 guard skills at a time
Run Decoy Totem instead of one of 'em (it wont proc from CWDT but it's the best spell in the game lol).

philthechil wrote:
Hey vetroxbl. I'm trying to go through what you just posted on here. Great stuff, thank you! Would it be possible to get some specific advice about the items I have? I don't know what would help my build get stronger.
• Get Point Blank lol. It's 30% more. How do you not have this? WTF?
• Upgrade your Bow.
The Bow
This is your most important piece of gear (what a surprise, I know), and as such should be upgraded as often as possible and invested into as much as possible. Your bow should in general be 50% of your investment, or in other words be worth as much as all your other gear combined.

Don't cheap out on your bow, or expect to get a good bow for cheap. Bow builds are, alongside DW melee, the most expensive ones in the game by far. If you want cheap stuff go summon Skeletons.

White maps:
- Windripper;
- The Tempest;
- Any bow that shoots arrows, really.

Yellow maps:
Here's where the cheap stuff starts to fall off, especially when it comes to single target and you need to start looking for rare bows.

Use these exact stat weights, and play around with the minimum total until you find something you can afford.

The stat weights are based upon my own character, but should be 99% correct for pretty much anyone playing the build. Feel free to modify them to your own advantage.

Anything above a 300 total should just flat out annihilate a Windripper / Storm Cloud when it comes to Barrage DPS.

Red Maps:
Up the total weight in the trade search to 500. Go as high as you can afford.

Eventually, for single target, what you really want to go for is a %chance to gain a Power Charge on crit, but those are likely to either cost mirrors or only be offered for mirror service.

• Upgrade your rings. Warlord's Mark provides no damage benefits. Combine a Shaper Assassin's Mark on Hit Ring with Mark of the Elder.
• Drop Profane Chemistry for Thick Skin. Flasks with boolean effects don't scale with flask effect. Your crit chance is either lucky, or it's not. You either fire 2 extra arrows or you don't. You either have Onslaught or you don't. Can't % increase that.
• Get curse immunity on a flask.

philthechil wrote:
Inspiration doesn't do much for me, unless it is at 4 charges; which 60% of the time, it isn't at 4 or 5 charges. Not sure if it's worth or not.
How are you getting this? Inspiration takes 1sec to get to 5 charges, then remains at 5 until you spend ~1000 mana, then gets to 5 again in 1sec. Look at my charges here.

philthechil wrote:
Awakened added lightning doesn't seem to be a pob dps increase over hypothermia. Any other reason to swap it out?
In no universe known to mankind could this be true. Without a chill applied Hypothermia is worthless. Added Lightning helps blow up packs instantly. This is something you invest into later on, once there's very little other stuff you can improve, so just ignore it for now.

philthechil wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to change to voidfletcher; i need alot of int elsewhere if I do. How can I figure out if it will really be a dps upgrade?
It will always be an upgrade over Hyrri's, no matter what. You'd be better off looking for a rare Quiver tho.
As for the Int issues, you can always get a Fertile Mind and be done with your Int forever. Especially a 'Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you' one. Combine it with your Rupture ascendancy and you can drop the Staunching suffix.

philthechil wrote:
I'm using bubonic trail (2 abyss sockets) but not tombfist. I think the 10% for each jewel is just ridiculous. Maybe I need to heed your advice and find somewhere else to use those skill points. I have alot of jewel sockets right now.
I'm looking forward to your opinion.
It's not for each jewel, it's for each type of jewel, which is 2 at best. A 20% increased in exchange for not being able to use a pair of rare boots is a joke. Worthless item. Not even worth the time of vendoring it.
You call 20% increased 'ridiculous' yet don't spec into Point Blank for 30% more. SMH.

Quitetriggered wrote:
Didn't see you mention this in the OP, but wouldn't this build benefit from 2x curses (double curse on hit ring)? Grab the +1 curse amulet anointment. Should add that to the luxury upgrades section.
It's mentioned a myriad of times throughout the thread.
Don't go double CoH rings tho, lol.
Last edited by vetroxbl#4122 on Jan 31, 2020, 12:13:14 PM

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