The Necrotic Shield

Nosferat wrote:
:) Conspiracy and tinfoil,the lamest way to shut down an argument when you have zero facts to back up your claims.

I very much doubt you have been here since before launch,considering my account is older than yours. You might have not noticed any change,many others have.

They always had MTX offers, they rarely had overpriced mtx offers and there were far fewer between many quality of life,build of the week and development manifestos. Go back to 2014-15,and compare the MTX offers from then to now. Yeah......thought so.

You are the one not backing anything up with facts.

To me, who also followed the game for a long time, MTX have always been the way to support GGG. They made a free game and kept it free till now, getting their funds to go on and on from things like this. That you get something in return was an afterthought. If you spend more than the game is worth to you, that's on you.

Maybe this time is over. maybe its now just business, like everywhere else. Maybe the Tencent change contributes to this change in perspective.

I understand that without that background, the prices do not seem to make a lot of sense. Well, at least if you forget that the game is free.

The game has an insane value proposition for investing only time, not money. If you spend a reasonable amount of money on tabs, you are set and can play an awesome game. Everything else is your vanity and up to you to engage with it at all. It is completely optional.

I personally don't see any change here either and would agree with the "conspiracy and tinfoil" argument made. Any relation to Tencent is really far fetched.

Well, you got me, I am guilty of feeding the trolls...
pbmichel wrote:
Nosferat wrote:
:) Conspiracy and tinfoil,the lamest way to shut down an argument when you have zero facts to back up your claims.

I very much doubt you have been here since before launch,considering my account is older than yours. You might have not noticed any change,many others have.

They always had MTX offers, they rarely had overpriced mtx offers and there were far fewer between many quality of life,build of the week and development manifestos. Go back to 2014-15,and compare the MTX offers from then to now. Yeah......thought so.

You are the one not backing anything up with facts.

To me, who also followed the game for a long time, MTX have always been the way to support GGG. They made a free game and kept it free till now, getting their funds to go on and on from things like this. That you get something in return was an afterthought. If you spend more than the game is worth to you, that's on you.

Maybe this time is over. maybe its now just business, like everywhere else. Maybe the Tencent change contributes to this change in perspective.

I understand that without that background, the prices do not seem to make a lot of sense. Well, at least if you forget that the game is free.

The game has an insane value proposition for investing only time, not money. If you spend a reasonable amount of money on tabs, you are set and can play an awesome game. Everything else is your vanity and up to you to engage with it at all. It is completely optional.

I personally don't see any change here either and would agree with the "conspiracy and tinfoil" argument made. Any relation to Tencent is really far fetched.

Well, you got me, I am guilty of feeding the trolls...

The facts are there, you could easily browse the announcement section,many forum topics,and even reddit years and years in the past and see that the mtx offers weren't nearly as oftenly and strongly pushed as they are now,nor did they cost as much overall.

There is no need to look specifically for a backround when it's already there. Hey, if people want to spend 50$ on a hideout,or something else from the shop, that is their issue, however that was not at all what this argument was about, but you already knew that.

But then again, when you have zero facts to back up your argument,why not resort to a strawman here and there,some ad hominems. I mean that will surely prove that the truth is on your side,and you won the argument.

Last edited by Nosferat#4431 on Jul 26, 2019, 6:32:40 AM
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