Boss focused league idea: Replicant League

dunno if gonna happen but if minions and spectres will be buffed and more QOL for spectres and minions why not
Settlers master craft service Settlers My IGN TreeOfDead Vouch
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This is one of the most interesting league ideas, thanks for presenting it!

I'd personally love to experience this, and see an increase in just boss-killing orientated builds, and shift the meta.

I do think you've got the right idea with boss fights being similar in length to Uber Elder, and try to encourage the mass playerbase to engage with challenging boss content as oppose to just Glacier/Burial Chambers farming.

Thanks! It comes down to GGG pulling off the reward structure for this type of league. They have taken ambitious projects for themselves in the past so I think they could pull this off. Also might be fun for their team to work on after so many leagues where they have to design tons of small monsters and just 1 boss to transition to designing multiple boss encounters and no basic mobs.
As much as I like the idea, it won't really happen. People will always gravitate toward zoom-zoom clear in less than 1 minute skip map boss playstyle. Even when they designed a league that has interesting boss fight, like bestiary bosses, delve bosses, Catarina, Synthesis bosses, people won't focus on fighting them. There will be more people that farm maps, get currency, and buy the boss-specific item than fighting the boss itself because of the tedious grind you need to do to unlock the way to them, the rng involved to fight them, the risk and cost vs reward for fighting them.

Back when in bestiary, farric tiger alpha is rare AF and its expensive as hell. Once you get one, you will be thinking of selling the beast rather than using it to open to farrul den. And when you decide to fight it, it doesn't drop the item you desired.

Delve bosses, vaal architect have so many loot in its loot table, kurgal is rare, and aul is rarer. You spent sulphite to make your way through them, could be risky in higher dept, you could die before reaching the portal, or die when fighting the boss, your sulphite is wasted, and finally you managed to kill the boss and boom, it drops 2 alteration orbs.

In synthesis, the bosses are ok but heavy on rng to spawn the right one. The cost is almost 0 as you just need to do maps. The bosses in Synthesis were overtuned AF as they were enhanced by the modifiers, which is stupid. I remember fighting some with 63% more HP, extra crit / speed, and it was risky. Lets say you try to spawn one, then it spawned, a golem one. But unfortunately it enhanced by 50% more life, deal extra 93% lightning and fire damage, and more speed. You get your way there, maybe die once or twice or deathless, and boom, 2 alteration orbs. Golem boss unique is not really that good anyway. Then you try to get the other one, that drop Bottled Faith because it was expensive. Finally you spawned one, also have stupid insane modifiers, died several times because you play glass cannon, or fighting it for over 20minutes because you have low dps, and boom, now you get 4 alteration orbs.

Catarina is like synthesis, as you just need to do maps but she has no rng involved. The fight could be annoying for some, and fun for some. It cost almost nothing to unlock her fight, but the risk is kinda high. And the reward is, kinda ok.

Then lets take a look the big bad guy in the lore / core game, uber elder. Need to spend 8 guardian maps, which you are not guaranteed to get a map refund / drop by doing them. We have really good map drop rates in this league, but in previous league, they were more expensive. They able to get up to like 40c each. You could sell the maps, and continue farming t14 / t15. Then you buy the desired watcher eye, because that is the main reason on farming Uber Elder. Or you could do the maps, risking to spending currency on buying the maps because rng hates you and there were no guardian maps dropped. Finally you unlock Uber Elder, you could die playing a glass-canon build if not experienced, or spending another 5 minutes to fight him, or even spending all the portals and make you to spend the other fragment set. Ok then yaaaay, finally he died. You wait for that sound.... aaaaaaaaaaaand its mark of the lul rings. You repeat the process and fight him again, aaaaaaaaand its indigon. Again, aaaaaand its voidflecther which is better since you can corrupt it and hope to get +1 arrow, but of course it bricks. You said to yourself, one more try, then kaching, you get a jewel. You could sell it un-identified, or identify it (btw it cost like 4-6ex for un-id one in this league). You scrubbing both your jewel and your scroll wisdom to that one luckyass guildmates, and ofcourse its triple purity mod.

In the end, it will be always about risk-cost-efforts vs reward, for fighting hard bosses than just do maps, spam that burial chamber for the doctor card because there will always be people using HH, and get your desired item rather than farming it by yourself.
Last edited by bewilder2 on Jul 19, 2019, 5:31:00 PM
misclick rage, the league, the experience.

Sounds very good idea.
I would play that;) nice idea. I always kill bosses even I know I get nothing from them;)
"There is only one true god in PoE and that is Greed... "

I don’t need anger management, I need people to stop pissing me off!
Last edited by Clypeus3 on Jun 7, 2020, 5:34:57 PM
"that'll never happen"
bewilder2 wrote:
As much as I like the idea, it won't really happen.

You are a god damn fool xD

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