[3.15] 1h Impale Cyclone Slayer. Cheap league starter and strong endgame farmer. No required items.
Updated for 3.15 Expedition league. Please read the 3.15 changes. As always feel free to ask any questions in-game or on Discord.
Introduction Hello and welcome to my build guide. This is an Impale Cyclone build that I made during Legion league that I plan to update consistenly throughout the future leagues. It can be played as any Duelist/Marauder ascendancy except for Chieftain and the main focus is to demolish endgame content without spending a fortune. TWITCH https://www.twitch.tv/dexyn159 YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHJFcmCGZZo 3.15 changes
NEW POB: https://pastebin.com/HMfziznH The great culling is here. Flasks and support gems got bonked big time. Our damage is about 30-40% weaker but the numbers are still looking promising. With the new POB we get 1.5mil shaper DPS on budget setup and 10mil on the lategame version. I've replaced Fortify and Infused Channeling from our 6link wich means our defensives are not as strong anymore, you link the Fortify on Leap Slam instead. The replacements are Rage and Lifetap. We have to use Lifetap now because of the increased mana cost of support gems meaning that we cant fully mitigate Cyclone's mana cost until we get -15 body armour. Because we are now using Rage support we can also start using Berserk as a huge damage boost whenever we need it. I've placed this instead of Cast when damage taken as this support gem now also requires the mana to cast the skills, we didnt necessarily care about this gem before anyway so it's no big deal. The final change I made was to incorporate Ancestral Protector aswell together with Vaal Warchief. Using these 2 with the Panopticon notable on skill tree is a massive DPS gain for bosses. Everything else remains the same. Pros and Cons
Pros + This build can achieve high levels of damage. + League start and SSF viable. + No required items. + Good clearspeed. + Tackles end game easily on a low budget. + Has lots of room for min/max. Cons: - It's perfectly viable in SSF but struggles more than Champion/Gladiator with low access to gear. - While our Cyclone area is very big, we are still playing Melee wich is dangerous at time. - Meta build means some end game items can be expensive. - It's not a tank build so you have to dodge things yourself. Videos
Crafting video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQQ0YDntwFQ&t 3.7 videos
Shaper Guardians Elder Guardians
Cheap Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvp1HyBxkjk
Expensive Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrgwcfL5As8 Bladestorm Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GngTL9ScQQ 3.9 videos
Double Beyond t15 Shore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Lyrhk_q4iU
Sloppy but deathless Sirus 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvO-DOaLGaE Aul Depth 585: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGoamwwnWkE Path of Building
Ascendancy order: Headsman-> Impact -> Brutal Fervour -> Endless Hunger. Overwhelm is great instead of Endless Hunger when you have low crit, despite this Endless Hunger offers stun immunity for free wich helps us out a lot. When you have enough accuracy on gear you can consider swapping out Impact for Bane of Legends. It's stronger for DPS and make us move faster at the cost of slightly smaller AoE. When you get a 6.5%+ crit weapon Overwhelm is not very good anymore. IMPORTANT: I'm currently using the fork to POB from localidentity. In order to see the correct version make sure you also use it. You can get it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/deon82/localidentitys_path_of_building_v141514_fork/ Build link: https://pastebin.com/HMfziznH The cheap gear is based on starting gear that you can easily achieve with self found gear. It doesnt use any cluster jewels either. This version has 1.5mil DPS and around 6k life. The expensive setup includes very well rolled cluster jewels aswell as good rolls on every single item. The setup isnt minmaxed to infinity because that amount of gear would not be realistic. This version is mostly optimizing DPS so defense stays relatively the same but DPS goes up to 10mil+. Check this image to learn how to change between the cheap and expensive versions: https://imgur.com/a/hYWfA1b DISCLAIMER: Certain items have fixes highlighted with red color on them, this simply means the program doesnt calculate it and I added it manually. In addition to that POB doesnt allow for different jewels and config setups between gear sets so the numbers on the cheap variant are a bit higher than they should. Bandit+Pantheon
Alira is the best choice for the cheap variant of the build. When you start using the expensive version and get the cluster jewels you can take 2 passive points instead if it allows you to take a better cluster on the tree. Make sure to check POB to ensure it's actually worth it. Pantheon: Major: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Arakaali and Soul of Solaris are all solid choices. I use Lunaris for maps, Solaris for bosses and Arakaali when I'm in no danger of one shots but want to mitigate damage over time. Minor: Soul of Shakari's upgraded version is really good so I use it a lot. Soul of Gruthkul's upgraded version is also really good as it slows anything that hits you. Mechanics
Stun Immunity
Early on in the game we wont have access to full immunity meaning you will get stunned occasionally. This is dangerous at times, but not really until red maps. Until red maps you should be perfectly fine without it and instead focus on getting your life pool up, wich automatically makes us get stunned less often and for shorter duration. When looking at full stun immunity there are multiple sources we can choose between and they all have their pros and cons. Unwavering Stance - Full stun immunity that costs 3-4 skill points on tree but prevents us from evading hits while in sand stance. Endless Hunger - Full stun immunity with a decent attack speed buff aswell being unaffected by bleed, however it comes at the cost of an ascendancy point and those are quite competitive. Unwavering Focus - Cluster jewel notable. They give 40% stun avoid each aswell as a decent dps buff. You will want atleast 2x of these on medium clusters and preferably 20% elsewhere, most likely in the form of harvest implicit, betrayal craft or anoint. Anoints - There are currently 3 anoints wich all fill the remaining 20% for Unwavering Focus, being Lucidity(Utiliy), Heart of Oak(Life) and Unpredictable Offense(DPS). This also comes at the cost of our anoint slot meaning we will be slightly less efficient in dps/life. Impale
Impale is a debuff you apply to the target that stores 10% of the damage you dealt in the previous hit and deals that amount as extra damage on consecutive hits. Impale stacks up to 5 baseline giving you a 50% MORE damage multiplier. You can increase this to 7 by either using Champions ascendancy node "Master of Metal" or by using a Watcher's Eye with the mod "Impales you inflict last 2 additional hits while using Pride". We multiply this number by getting Impale Effect. With just Impale Support, Dread Banner, and the 2 skill tree clusters we get a damage multiplier of 104%. Mana Cost Reduction
Since Cyclone hits really fast, it can be hard to sustain mana only through leech. For that reason we want to reduce Cyclone's mana cost as close as possible to 0. The best way to solve this is to get a with the mod "Socketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost" however you can also reduce it to 0 via 3x -3 cost veiled crafts on rings and amulet aswell as anointing "Lucidity". The chest needs to be Warlord influenced ilvl 85+ to have access to the mod, then you can choose to harvest craft attack mods or use Serrated Fossils as they make attack mods more likely to appear. Early game the best way to solve the mana issue is to simply link Lifetap support to your Cyclone to make it cost life instead.
2h has a stronger start because it only requires 1 good weapon, Terminus Est is amazing for this. However when you get to maps and you get to use Scaeva and a 300+pDPS foil you will outperform it by a tiny bit. This continues to scale to endgame where we use The Saviour+Paradoxica.
Ultimately it doesnt matter to much wich setup you prefer and the only difference is the 1hand VS 2hand nodes you pick on the tree, they are identical in pathing and points spent.
We get Rampage in this build while mapping through the 2h Axe Sinvicta's Mettle. We use this in weapon swap so you just swap to it, get 1 kill, then swap back to your main weapon/s.
Make sure that you read the stat priority in each item as it will give you a better representation of what we are looking for than simply copying the items. Detailed Gearing
Scaeva: Global Crit in Main Hand>3 Green Sockets>Added Physical Damage Rare Foil: Attack Speed>Added Physical Damage>Increased Physical Damage>Crit Chance Paradoxica: Attack Speed>Increased Physical Damage>Quality. Blind/Bleed/Poison/Impale is a substat from the Physical mod and doesnt matter to much, the Impale does allow us to drop a cluster on the tree however. Blind is also decent for defense. Generally you will always start out with a Scaeva in main hand and a decently rolled rare foil in off-hand. Buy The Saviour when you can afford one as it's the best weapon in the game. Once you've aquired The Saviour you can choose to get a Paradoxica or a well rolled rare foil. They are both end-game viable but scales slightly different. Crafting a rare foil is as simple as rolling Jagged fossils or alteration spam for t1 hybrid phys or flat phys in addition to t1 attack speed, after that you just multimod and add the remaining stats from the priority list. You should always craft on a Jewelled Foil with ilvl 77 atleast, next step would be ilvl 83 for maxed rolls but also a lot of other bad tiers of mods. For minmaxing go with a Warlord base.
Starkonja is a really good item for us and can be considered best in slot. It is however possible to craft a good helm that surpasses Starkonja in end-game. The main concern is the dexterity requirement to use jewelled foils. If you arent into crafting then just use Starkonja.
Stats to aim for on rare: Life+Resist -> Phys to Nearby(Elder) -> Fortify Effect(Crusader) If you dont need the resist you can craft +1 to AoE gems as prefix and socket 3 auras + enlighten in helmet. Phys to nearby is an Elder mod and needs ilvl 85+ and should be crafted with Jagged fossils. Fortify effect is a Crusader mod at ilvl 80+ and is kind of hard to get. Helm Enchant
Listed in order of DPS gain.
15% Cyclone Attack Speed - 6.1% more damage Blood and Sand has 40% increased Buff Effect - 5.2% more damage 40% Cyclone Damage - 5% more damage 12% increased Attack Speed during Blood Rage - 5% more damage Dread Banner has 40% increased Aura Effect - 2% more damage As you can see the dps difference isnt huge between the enchants so just get wichever one is the cheapest. The dps numbers are based off the sample gear that you can find in the POB. For more accurate numbers make sure to compare each enchant with your own character in POB.
Stats to aim for: -15 mana cost -> Life -> Elder/Hunter Base Crit -> Resist The -15 mod needs atleast ilvl 85 of the Warlord chest and the easiest way to get it is just to spam Serrated fossils on it, if you dont plan on combining it then use Pristine fossil aswell. If you decide to get minus mana cost on rings/amulet instead then you can chose either Crusader explode mod for clear speed or Elder/Hunter for base crit and life%.
Stats to aim for: Life+Resist -> Attack Speed -> Phys to Attacks If you dont need the resist you can craft damage while leeching as Prefix. You should always craft on Spiked Gloves and the next step would be Warlord influence although not at all necessary. For crafting aim for ilvl 72 atleast and ilvl 84 for max resistances. Fossil crafted with Pristine+Prismatic for life and resistances.
Stats to aim for: Move Speed -> Life+Resist If you dont need resists you can craft attributes, damage during soul gain prevention or cannot be frozen. High move speed is crucial, minimum 25% because it heavily affects Cyclone. Endgame craft would be Tailwind from Hunter+Elusive from Redeemer in addition to the recommended stats. Both mods need ilvl 75 to roll other than that ilvl 72 for a balanced range of all good stats or ilvl 86 for maximum movement speed. For most people just getting Tailwind, Movement Speed and Life should be enough. Fossil craft these with Pristine+Shuddering, Prismatic aswell for resistances if you can afford it.
Stats to aim for: Life -> Crit Multi -> Intelligence -> Phys to Attacks
You can choose to get the intelligence elsewhere, we need enough to use Infused Channeling. If you dont need the Int you can craft damage while leeching. If you dont have minus mana cost on chest you want -3 to channeling cost on both rings and amulet in order to have 0 mana cost on Cyclone. Anoints
There are a ton of useful anoints for us and the choice will entirely depend on your current gear and budget.
For most people Blade Master or Bladedancer is the best but any Accuracy or Crit anoint is strong aswell. Endgame you will want to get Tenacity as long as you have over 170% life on tree as this rivals the DPS of some of the strongest anoints, aswell as giving us 5% life.
Stats to aim for: Life+Resist -> Phys to Attacks -> Intelligence
If you dont have minus mana cost on chest you want -3 to channeling cost on both rings and amulet in order to have 0 mana cost on Cyclone. Best in slot ring should have either Assassin's Mark or Vulnerability on hit. Assassin is slightly better. If you use Assassin's Mark ring you can use a Mark of the Elder in the other slot. Crafting curse on hit rings require atleast ilvl 80 and the best way to get them is to spam alterations and multimod afterwards. Shaper rings for Assassin's Mark and Warlord rings for Vulnerability.
Stats to aim for: Life+Resist
A very strong early game option is Belt of the Deceiver. It gives us everything we want and then some more, allowing free Intimidate for the 10% attack damage bonus. Ryslatha's Coil is incredibly strong mainly for DPS but also has decent life, it could be considered a best in slot piece, however it doesnt have the flexibility of a rare item so only use it if you can afford to drop resists. You can craft attributes or %increased damage if you dont need resists. If you use a Stygian Vise you want a jewel with life and either attack speed, global crit multi or physical damage to attacks aswell as onslaught on kill if you can. End game option would be a fossil crafted Elder and/or Hunter Stygian Vise with life%. Elder has physical damage% and Hunter has a few useful stats aswell. This is a quite expensive process as you need a Conqueror's Exalted Orb and an Awakener's Orb for Elder influence on a Stygian Vise. For crafting the belt you need Pristine+Jagged and Prismatic if you want resistances also, on an ilvl 80 for Elder or ilvl 84 for Hunter. The cheap alternative is any decent base like Leather, Rustic, Heavy or Stygian Vise at ilvl 72 for a good balance, ilvl 84 for max resistances and its crafted the same way.
The first 5 listed flasks is a very good combination that can do all content. The mod "of the Order" is very good on a Diamond Flask but its pretty hard to get.
Also make sure you get Seething or Bubbling prefix on your life flask. I cannot stress how important this is for survival on pretty much every build in the game. Bottled Faith will replace the Basalt Flask in end-game if you rather have damage over defense.
Best mods for rare jewels are life% and crit multi -> attack speed -> physical damage. Resistances are fine here aswell. Brutal Restraint and Lethal Pride are timeless jewels from legion that adds bonus stats on notables in radius, aswell as dexterity or strength on every small node aswell. These needs to have a lot of strong bonuses to consider using over life%+crit multi rare jewel. Some noteworthy stats are crit multi, attack speed, double damage, life%, melee damage and fortify effect. The best mod for a Watcher's Eye is 2 additional hits with Impale though it's quite expensive. Most of the Pride and Precision mods are good so if you cant afford a 2 stack Impale then just get another mod for either of the 2 auras. IMPORTANT: If you use Paradoxica's then the double damage mod with Pride will not work, it doesnt stack.
You'll want 1x large cluster aswell as 2x medium. Dont take small clusters, they are a trap. Priority of notables: Large jewel: Feed the Fury -> Martial Prowess -> Fuel the Fight. Medium jewel: Precise Focus -> Unwavering Focus(stun immune) -> Rapid Infusion Place 2x rare jewels with life% and 2x dmg stats in the medium jewels, preferably some form of crit multi. Upgrade Path
Throughout the campaign you will want to prioritze life and resists on every single gear piece. Upgrade your weapons using the vendor recipe when you get a better basetype wich is roughly once per 1-2 acts.
Make sure your flasks are always updated, a low level life flask is almost useless. Elemental resistances should always be capped at 75% or more, no exceptions. When you get to maps the first uniques you will want to keep an eye out for are Scaeva, Starkonja and Praxis. These 3 uniques aswell as the previously mentioned priority for rares will carry you for quite a while. Dont forget to upgrade your offhand weapon aswell if you start lacking damage. When you want to start investing in better gear, start by upgrading all your rare items to better life rolls and aim for atleast 5k life before you enter red tier maps. This is also a good time to look at your flasks to see if they need upgrades and pick up Lion's Roar flask for a big damage boost. Your first exalt purchase should be The Saviour if it's less than 10ex in current league. If it's more expensive then save up for it and upgrade your rare items instead, this time with damage stats such as phys to attacks, attack speed and crit mods on rings, amulet and gloves. When you get to endgame and you already have the Saviour, you already have 5-6k life and resists capped you can start investing in cluster jewels, starting out with the large attack damage jewel with atleast Feed the Fury+Martial Prowess and as few passive points as possible, the closer to 8 the better. Proceed to get the remaining expensive items from the POB such as the medium clusters aswell as a curse on hit ring. Now it's time for the big ticket items. A Warlord chest with minus mana cost and a lot of life, potentially combined with Elder or Hunter chest for %life or attack base crit. Next in line is Bottled Faith and Watcher's Eye with the 2 stack Impale mod. Skill Gems
The all purpose link for Cyclone will be Impale-> Brutality-> Rage -> Melee Physical Damage -> Lifetap.
Lifetap is the flexible gem here and should only be used until you can fix the mana cost of Cyclone elsewhere. When you reduced the cost to 0 you can replace this gem with either Pulverise(AOE), Close Combat(DPS) or Infused Channeling(Defense) Both of these Awakened gems are better than their base variants but the difference is negligible so dont stress it.
Unavailable Unavailable You can use Vaal Warchief to help with damage and more clearspeed. Use both Warchief and Protector on tougher bosses as it will tremendously increase your DPS.
Vaal Molten Shell synergizes very well with our build because we naturally use a lot of armour gear, making the absorb much stronger. We also use Enduring Cry on left click to make it auto cast for us, giving a consistent life regen buff.
Finally we are also going to use Berserk here. Use it for the massive DPS gain on bosses primarily or when engaging with dangerous league mechanics.
Either Leap Slam or Whirling Blades works fine. Lifetap is needed given we reserve almost all of our mana and we get 1 endurance charge per use when we hit an enemy with this.
We are also going to link Fortify on our movement skill to proc the defensive buff.
These are the best auras you can get for a balanced setup. In order of importance Pride>Blood&Sand>Dread Banner>Herald of Purity>Precision
You can swap back and forth between blood and sand stance as you want, just keep in mind that blood=DPS and sand=defense. Until you are comfortable with the build, just play in sand stance. Enlighten 3 allows us to use a level 7 Precision together with Herald of Purity, or replace both those auras with Flesh&Stone. If you use Enlighten, link it with Pride, Herald of Purity and either Dread Banner or Blood and Sand.
Blood Rage is very strong, both for mapping and bosses since it gives frenzy charges on kill, but more importantly attack speed. If you want you can rely on this to get your life leech cap and save a few points on the tree.
Portal is just because I'm lazy, if you have portal scrolls you can use blood magic here aswell so none of your skills cost mana. Levelling Section | Work in progress
In addition to the unique items I've linked make sure you cap elemental resistances at 75% at all times and fill out remaining pieces with life on rare items. Levelling Skill Tree
Make sure you click the dropdown as shown in the image to see different levels. https://imgur.com/a/JzJRqR0 This does not include what gear to pick or wich gems to use. That is explained further down.
By vendoring a white sword, a blue or rare rustic sash and 1 blacksmith whetstone will give you %physical damage. After this you can either craft attack speed on it or use a regal orb and craft flat phys damage. This recipe is very useful for levelling, I used it from level 30 until maps.
Starting Gear lvl 1-10
If you struggle with the previous 2 weapons then use the vendor recipe from here on. When you get to level 44 equip Rigwald's Charge. It's very strong for us despite being a 2hand. At level 51 equip a Terminus Est wich is a huge power spike and will carry you the rest of the way.
Oni-Goroshi is most likely the fastest and strongest weapon to level with so if you can afford one this is the best option. In order to trigger it's effect "Her Embrace" make sure you link Combustion together with your attack skill in order to ignite. This can also be replicated with Herald of Ash although not as effective.
We start levelling with Perforate linked with Chance to Bleed, Maim and Added Fire. When you hit level 4 you want to pick up both Steelskin and Blood & Sand. If you are league starting this build and dont have a 4 link then skip Added Fire. You get Dash at level 4 and its pretty good. You can play with it all the way to end game if you want or swap to Leap Slam at level 10. At level 16 you want to get Flesh & Stone and link it with Maim. Replace Maim on your Perforate with Melee Phys when you hit level 18. Link Faster Attacks with your Dash or Leap Slam. At level 28 you can swap to Cyclone or keep levelling with Perforate. Either add Fortify as your 5th link or replace Chance to Bleed when you hit level 31. Cyclone gains AoE with gem levels to feel good so if you dont like it at this point, just stick it in your offset weapons to level. Bladestorm is another great option to try. At around level 50 is where we'll want to swap to pure physical so make sure you have the Impale nodes on the skill tree. If you have a 6link at this point it should be Cyclone-Impale-Brutality-Fortify-Melee Phys-Rage. Gems are listed in priority so just use the first gems you can fit if you dont have a 6link. We also start using both Pride and Dread Banner for Impale and remove the Maim from your Flesh & Stone. Mana is pretty tight at this point so if you dont already have a rare ring with -mana cost you can use a cheap Praxis ring. At this point onwards you have the base of the skill gems. We change a few of these gems later on because of different requirements so make sure you follow the regular Skill Gems section. FAQ
Q: Is "X item" mandatory?
A: No not at all. There isnt a single mandatory item in this build. To find out exactly what each item does, read the detailed gearing section. Q: I struggle a lot with survivability, what can I do to fix it? A: As of 3.9 the whole game became a lot more scarier. Your first step to surviving is to respect the content so pay attention to the map mods. Other than that some suggestions are changing to Overleech, using more defensive flasks, getting more defensive stats such as Fortify effect. Another option is to try Champion since it is slightly tankier. Q: Wich stats to aim for on Paradoxica? A: Physical damage and Attack Speed hybrid with Quality. It's also beastcrafted to 30% quality via the menagerie. In addition to that remember that Paradoxica doesnt show accurate tooltip DPS in-game because of the double damage mod. Q: Champion or Slayer? A: The short answer is that Slayer is faster and Champion is tankier. If you only want to use this build for bosses I recommend Champion but in maps Slayer will be superior by quite a lot due to AoE, speed and you can do every map mod in the game. Q: I dont have enough mana to reserve all auras. A: In 9/10 cases where people asked this their Precision was to high level. Lower Precision level or get a higher level Enlighten for your other auras. Changelog
Jun 27, 2020: Major rework of certain sections with emphasis on upgrade path and explanations of certain items. Mar 29, 2020: Fixed gear section to account for fossil changes added in 3.10 aswell as cleaning up both POB and Levelling sections. Mar 26, 2020: Uploaded first video build guide. Mar 23, 2020: Added Cluster Jewels and rewrote major parts of Gear section for crafting purposes. Mar 08, 2020: Minor tweaks in preparation of 3.10 Jan 07, 2020: Rewrote major parts of the guide and finalized POB, gems and gear section. Dec 31, 2019: Updated major sections of the guide to better suit 3.9 and Metamorph league. Oct 19, 2019: Made the guide easier to read aswell as adding FAQ section. Sep 10, 2019: Cleaned up the POB and fully remade the guide for 3.8. Aug 26, 2019: Minor update with thoughts about 3.8 nerf. Aug 12, 2019: Added more helm enchants and displays the dps difference. Aug 04, 2019: Fixed POB with current gear for both expensive and cheap version aswell as adding ascendancy priority. Expanded levelling section. Aug 02, 2019: Added a levelling section with POB. Jul 18, 2019: Video for Bladestorm. Jul 16, 2019: Optimized skill tree and POB. Jul 15, 2019: Added videos. Thanks for taking the time to read my guide. I'm open to feedback and suggestions and I'll try my best to answer any questions if anything is unclear. If you want to get in contact with me either PM me in-game or on Discord: Dex#0974 Last edited by Dex2644#7139 on Jul 22, 2021, 4:28:01 AM Last bumped on Dec 31, 2021, 1:34:35 AM
Some items in this post are currently unavailable.
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Bump. Videos uploaded.
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Very nice and detailed guide.
Even tho I started as 2h axe cyclone slayer and I'm almost done with the league and its challenges,I'd love to try the 1h variation with a different ascendancy because,hell,I love spinning around and obliterating stuff. So the question is,besides slayer which is undisputedly the king of this league,which other of the 4 ascendancies you posted will be close to it? |
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" Thank you! When it comes to damage Champion is without a doubt the best, they are even better than Slayer aswell because of the Impale scaling. When it comes to mapping both Berserker and Gladiator gets very high attack and movement speed so they map very fast. Juggernaut is functional aswell but it simply lacks damage, however they are by far the tankiest and easiest to play. If I personally had to make a second choice to Slayer I'd pick Berserker just because of the insane attack speed they get. |
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Updated skill tree both on pastebin and online for both 1h and 2h. Now includes acro and another jewel aswell as some extra life at the loss of "Soul of Steel" wich gives +1% max resist. EDIT: Also fixed the configuration on pastebins for mapping dps. 1h has 10.6mil dps and 2h has 7.3mil dps. 2h could be optimized a bit, appreciate any feedback provided. Last edited by Dex2644#7139 on Jul 16, 2019, 8:57:24 AM
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Added video for Deathless Uber Elder Bladestorm. |
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Ok,quick feedback:
Leveled as a Berserker and I have to say you're able to achieve really high DPS numbers with low to medium investment,the more you spend tho,the more this build really starts to shine both in map clearspeed and single target damage. A couple of things tho that we need to take in consideration: A)Taking Aspect of Carnage instead of Blitz highly boosts our dps and it's definitely better to assign it despite the damage taken which isn't a great amount anyway B)We have to ditch Rage support gem (useless anyway since we are already generating rage thanks to the Crave the Slaughter node of our ascendancy) for the sake of Melee physical damage,another huge boost dps improvement. As for single target,swapping Pulverize to Conc.effect (or Infuse channeling if you want to be more tanky) is the best option dps wise,you have to solve the intelligence problem tho. Personally I have assigned an int. node from the skill tree in addition to some intelligence I already have on my gear,it's clearly worthy because of the high DPS benefits. Also the usage of berserk skill improves clear speed/dps while mapping and especially while doing 5-way legion runs. I have to mention tho that using a devoto with cyclone/blood rage att.speed enchant is QoL since movement speed makes this build to reach its peak,yet it might be unaffordable for many people as OP also stated. Here's my PoB for further suggestions/questions etc: https://pastebin.com/4gNFnkck Last edited by Chaioth#5260 on Jul 19, 2019, 9:52:28 AM
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" Hey and thanks for the feedback. I do agree with you on some points and I'll edit the guide to include more options for support gems. Berserk being left out was an overlook on my behalf so I'll make sure to add this as an option for Berserker only. The reason I have Rage support listed for every ascendancy is because flat physical damage scales incredibly well for one handed, not so much for two handed. It also stacks with Berserkers rage generation giving you a much faster build up. If you check Rage support in POB you'll see that it gives a ton of damage. Some of the options you have listed simply dont allign with how I personally like to play the game, like taking Conc Effect over Infused Channeling as a DPS option since it makes your AoE considerably smaller, introducing a more dangerous playstyle where you have to be very close. For me personally, Aspect of Carnage is simply overkill because you dont need that much raw damage, I'd rather have nodes like Blitz that gives crazy attack speed for fast mapping and my other option would be Pain Reaver because it gives some respectable attack speed in addition to saving points on tree with life/mana leech. And finally with the Devoto's Devotion. Yes it is a good helmet, especially so for faster clearspeed. My point is simply that the clearspeed from a Devoto does not reflect the cost compared to fossil crafted rares or a Starkonja. It is THE best helmet for clearspeed but that's about it. For damage and survivability it will always lack compared to the 2 previously mentioned helmets. Yet again, thanks for the feedback it's much appreciated! Last edited by Dex2644#7139 on Jul 19, 2019, 10:45:36 AM
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Added pros/cons to all the ascendancy choices. |
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Does the timeless jewel have to be exactly the same?
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