[3.13] ICE CRASH BERSERKER Build. 4M DPS + 700% CRIT, ALL Content & UBER ELDER Viable!
Just when 3.7 launched i really wanted to play reworked Cleave with Ahn's Might.Once i started and got to maps though, i quickly faced the reality of SHITTINESS that Cleave is. It's just bad and reworked threshold jewel does not fix it :(So i've started looking for options WHAT ELSE can work with my original plan to use Ahn's Might and Berserker and stumbled upon Ice Crash and OMG it just perfectly fits! AOE! Great single target! Fantasic eye cancer effects! P E R F E C T!This build is balanced around offense and defense. Berserker in general is very glass cannon and can be very frustrating to play through rippy League content. Esepecially if you are a new player. So after decent amount of experiments i came to an optimized balanced setup which allows you to sustain most incoming hits while dealing enough damage to destroy pretty much everything.
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+satisfying AOE and single target that does not suck +crazy mobility and jumping speed with berserker TRIPLE enRAGEd Attack Speed. +Can reach very decent damage numbers (2-3 million) with low investment +bosses can be frozen to death +is actually cheap since uses unique swords 2-10c each. It was my league starter as well. ====================================================================================== 2) CONS
-Eye cancer cold explosions. You either like them or hate them. -You can't see shit, so very hard to prevent ground-based and projectile attacks. Because you CAN'T SEE SHIT! -Melee, so in general is harder to boss (need some melee skill!) -Pretty squishy. You can't tank as much as JUGG. 3) Skill Tree Progression / Path of Building / Ascendancy / Bandits
Path of building:https://pastebin.com/Fg14GFy5
IF YOU GET AN ERROR WHILE IMPORTING OR ANY OTHE ERRORS, IT MEANS YOUR POB IS OUTDATED ORIGINAL VERSION THAT IS NO LONGER SUPPORTED. YOU NEED A "COMMUNITY FORK" ONE TO MAKE IT WORK: https://github.com/PathOfBuildingCommunity/PathOfBuilding For Ascendancy: Crave the Slaughter, Rite of Ruin, War Bringer, Flawless Savagery (Aspect of Carnage for absolute madman) Bandits: Alira / Kill All ====================================================================================== 4) Early Levelling Gear / Skills
In current state of the game you can level with whatever skill you want: Cleave, Sweep, Sunder. I personally used Cleave. Link it with Melee.PhyS.Damage + Ruthless + Multistrike (when you get it) and you are good to go till maps. In terms of gear there are plenty of good swords that can be used: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_unique_swords My route is: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Princess https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Tempestuous_Steel https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Lakishu%27s_Blade https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Story_of_the_Vaal https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Innsbury_Edge https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Prismatic_Eclipse https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Scaeva https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ahn%27s_Might ====================================================================================== 5) My Actual Gear / End-Game Skills
Chest with bowht Maim and "Attacks Have +% Critical Strike Chance" is very expensive, but is a nice stretch end-game goal (that's what i have in PoB) JEWELS: Life, Crit Multi with Elemental Skills, Global Multi Crit, Crit with One Handed weapons, Crit while Dual Wielding, Crit with Cold Skills. Cold damage. Intelligence, Melee Damage. 1 PACIFISM For Uber Lab enchant: 15% of Ice Crash Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage. 40% Ice Crash Damage is second best! ------------------------------------------ I use different setups for different content. Another reason why i like this build. It's flexible and you don't need to recolor anything! Mindless Mapping 6L: Ice.Crash-Melee.Physical.Damage-Increased.Critical.Strikes-Fortify-Multistrike-Pulverize (this ensures guaranteed crit and good AOE. You can use Fortify in Leap Slam 4L) Bossing 6L (Uber Elder/Shaper): Ice.Crash-Melee.Physical.Damage-Concentrated.Effect-Elemental.Damage.With.Attacks-Multistrike-Fortify Maximum AOE with Carcass Jack 6L: Ice.Crash-Melee.Physical.Damage-Increased.Area.of.Effect-Pulverize-Multistrike-Fortify For 5L setups just move Fortify to Leap Slam! Carcass jack is AWESOME for aoe! https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Carcass_Jack ====================================================================================== 6) Flasks
====================================================================================== 7) Pantheon Gods
Major: Arakaali Minor: Ryslatha ====================================================================================== 8) Hardcore Viable or not?
It can be done, but you need to be very careful and take warcry as an early point. You need to know what you are doing since berserker is literally a glass cannon sofrtcore POWERHOUSE! ====================================================================================== 9) FOR THE RICH GUYS
Watcher's Eye with Hatred Penetration + Precision Crit Multi (40-50 ex). Triple Crit Multi jewels. Double Currupted Ahn's Mights ====================================================================================== MORE VIDEOS:
Uber Elder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYosnnrpViM T16 Hydra Map https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ue3JL4BWQNo Early Shaper on a 5L without Maim or Crit or anything. Friend asked to help lol https://youtu.be/ER0l-7w7qi0 T15 Shaped Bog https://youtu.be/zxAT6bxf7wE ====================================================================================== FAQ 1) What is the best base for a chest?
item level 86+ Elder Astral Plate 2) How can i craft Maim + Attacks have Critical Strike Chance?
Pristine + Serrated Fossil (+ sanctified if you are super rich) 3) I tried using these fossils and never got Crit Chance!
Check if your chest is ELDER or not. Crit is an ELDER mod. 4) Can i get Maim in any other way other than fossils??
5) I can't for the life of me get Maim + Crit! I've spent million of fossils!
6) How did you get 30% Quality on your weapon?
8) Can i use something else other than Ahn's Might?
You surely can use some 400+ pdps Jewelled Foils. They are a billion times more expensive though 9) You have just over 4M dps in PoB, LUL clickbait LUL!!
Close Combat is not calculated and it's 59% MORE DAMAGE lul. Put some Ruthless and you'll get the numbers. LUUUL. Maim double dipping on Blood and Sand is not calculated as well. LUL https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 Last edited by Angry_Roleplayer#6657 on Jan 18, 2021, 4:04:19 AM Last bumped on May 3, 2021, 4:50:05 AM
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No one has replied to this so I will.
Thanks for making another ice crash build. Fave skill! |
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Thanks for your work. I think these cheap good builds are the key to enjoying this game. Keep it 100% angry!
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" Thanx!! One of my fav too! https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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V 1.1 UPDATE (10/07/2019)
-Fixed Pob routing near Herbalism area for +1 node saved! This happened because of the Primevil Force being an optional choice in later end-game. https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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I am thinking about transforming my Frost Blades raider to a version with Ice Crash. It uses The Pandaemonium (that penetration and blind is awesome) and other different equip of course, also makes full use of Frenzy etc.
But basically it should work well with Ice Crash, don't you think? To not suffer less frenzy charge I need advice on weapons, though. I thought Cameria's Avarice (might also help with drops) maybe? (+ shield) Also, what exactly is the point of Melee Splash if the skill already has insane AoE? For mapping, wouldn't Ancestral Call be an awesome choice because you launch 3 crashes each hit? Why Combat Rush and not, for example, Hypothermia or Ruthless? No Rage, why? I trust of course the build is well-made and there are good reason not to pick these gems, I'm merely interested why. Thanks for all advice. I'd love to see hyper-speed raider with Ice Crash :D |
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" Pandemonius is not so awesome as it gives you no resists or life. You chill be default because Ice Crash is a cold skill, but since enemies are frozen most of the time Melee Splash is actually an ERROR lol, sneaked from my skeletron build as i copied it as a template. Frenzies are great, but you won't get them for bosses anyway, and there's a reason why Ahn's Might is here. Insane swords. Close Combat gives insane multiplier for close range, which is where bosses are. Rage is not needed, most map bosses die in a few seconds, and you will 50 all the time. It's berserker here. He naturally gains Rage. Absolutely no shield here, if you want to do damage https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 Last edited by Angry_Roleplayer#6657 on Jul 12, 2019, 3:57:33 AM
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Why skill tree in pastebin. ı dont use pastebin why you use path of exile's skill tree ?
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" poe skill tree is always outdated. Pastebin is for Path of Building https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 |
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V 1.2 UPDATE (06/09/2019)
-POB updated for 3.8 https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/ https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2143469 Last edited by Angry_Roleplayer#6657 on Sep 5, 2019, 6:00:31 PM
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