[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

End of league so I decided to post my opinion. Thank you for the build. It's been great fun to play this. Done all content, today I've decided to finish some bosses. Shaper, Elder, Kurgal, Architect - all done deathless and really fast. I thought Shaper would be harder as they've buffed him significantly. I'm a casual player which means this build is exceptionally well created :)

thanks for the build, it looks really promising for the upcoming league and im looking forward to try it.

during my testrun today i was surprised about the recommended ascendancy order.
Not sure how i can benefit alot from the ghost dance/ escape artist one in the early game.

Could you elaborate on that?

Intuitively i would have went for swift killer first, followed by patient reaper and ghost dance/escape artist as the last ones (since id think that my ES/evasion is pretty low without decent gear at start)

have you compared swift dance/ prolonged pain (im sure you did, but i dont see why you would skip swift dance).

cheers and have a good one
ingame: SylvanaWhisperwind or DemDischargesOP or DualStrikerOP
Huansdreck wrote:
I am kind of confused: If we should go for wither totems, why go for spreading rot then given I am using a 6l blight setup for bossing? It just gives us more hinder duration I suppose? Or is its main purpose to just keep withered permanently on max stacks?

It's just to reach wither stacks faster. While technically not a dps increase on PoB, some things dies much quicker if you're using spreading rot.
There's a few bosses where totems just don't stay alive (alto spell totem life is getting buffed significantly in 3.10), and a few encounters (morphs) where it's just faster to stack a few blight and an ED, they're dead before wither totems could start channeling anyways.

In the ultra endgame, I actually dropped spreading rot on my char for a rare jewel with life, which I prefered once I got the damage.

judger91 wrote:
End of league so I decided to post my opinion. Thank you for the build. It's been great fun to play this. Done all content, today I've decided to finish some bosses. Shaper, Elder, Kurgal, Architect - all done deathless and really fast. I thought Shaper would be harder as they've buffed him significantly. I'm a casual player which means this build is exceptionally well created :)

Thanks for the feedback!

I'm cringing a bit at the use of shaper's mark (especially uncorrupted) and there's a few weird things in your tree, but otherwise you have nice gear! But the bosses are dead, that's what truly counts.
Gratz on deathless shaper, it's not trivial on your first try! ^^

have fun next league :p

Pasanius92 wrote:

thanks for the build, it looks really promising for the upcoming league and im looking forward to try it.

during my testrun today i was surprised about the recommended ascendancy order.
Not sure how i can benefit alot from the ghost dance/ escape artist one in the early game.

Could you elaborate on that?

Intuitively i would have went for swift killer first, followed by patient reaper and ghost dance/escape artist as the last ones (since id think that my ES/evasion is pretty low without decent gear at start)

have you compared swift dance/ prolonged pain (im sure you did, but i dont see why you would skip swift dance).

cheers and have a good one

Ghost dance/escape artist gives a bit of cast speed, and 10% movement speed. You're right, the ES bonus is the main thing in the endgame and we can't really use it early.
To be fair, before maps I just find chaos dots to deal an absurd amount of damage (sad it changes after kitava! ^^'), so I don't really see why we should go for slightly more damage instead of precious movement speed.
Also, as soon as you hit maps you'll start benefiting heavily from Escape artist. If you took prolonged pain as cruel lab, you'll need to wait for eternal lab for ghost dance, which might is just annoying.
While prolonged pain is really good, it's just more damage, not build defining. You don't want to pick escape artist last.
Maybe you want to take patient reaper first, then escape artist and prolonged pain last. This is possible, but patient reaper isn't even noticeable early on, so again i'd rather taken 10% movement speed.

I'm assuming you mean swift killer instead of swift dance, not weave the arcane. There's been a discussion about it a few pages ago.
TL/DR: it's less damage than prolonged pain, and we get frenzies anyways from green nightmare. On bosses, 4 frenzies + 40% inc damage is 20% more damage, same as prolonged pain. While clearing, prolonged pain is significantly better since we have frenzies anyways.
Prolonged pain also makes us take reduced damage over time (very useful against chaos damage) and gives good skill effect duration which makes blight do more damage.
Do you feel this would work ok as SSF or is it pretty heavily reliant on the core items?
Aueberon wrote:
Do you feel this would work ok as SSF or is it pretty heavily reliant on the core items?

It plays out a bit differently. The items that are relatively difficult to aquire in trade league aren't much harder to obtain in ssf. You'll want to abuse kalandra's craft for the +2 supports, but other than that you can get an endgame ED bow without much trouble. Same for the vertex, it takes a bit to farm but is very achievable.

You most likely won't get hyrri's ire, but kintsugi is really easy to farm, and a good rare will work fine as well. The main thing is that your dodge chance will be much lower, and you won't benefit from wind dancer, so it'll feel squishier. Damage wise it won't be much different.

That said, ED is a pretty good pick for SSF. But never forget that SSF is about making a build with what you find, that's how you'll be the most sucessful. If you can put your hands on core items for a build, consider switching ^^

Gl hf in ssf! ^^
Aaaaand this is my starter build. Look kinda nice :)
There is any chance to update pob after patch notes with leveling trees? And some Notes in Notes section in pob? This will be very nice :)

Tysm for build.

Nice strong defensive build but i can't see where do you het 2m dps ED. POB shows 800k only
Freakymist wrote:
Nice strong defensive build but i can't see where do you het 2m dps ED. POB shows 800k only

800k on ED + 1.2M on blight = 2M dps

That said I'm closer to 1.5M on ED alone now... But as a starting goal hitting 800k ed dps is good enough.

BzyxXx wrote:
Aaaaand this is my starter build. Look kinda nice :)
There is any chance to update pob after patch notes with leveling trees? And some Notes in Notes section in pob? This will be very nice :)

Tysm for build.

I have levelling trees at the bottom of the guide, I don't really like putting them in PoB. I think they are confusing since there's already multiple PoBs in order, having multiple trees in the first one wouldn't be very consistent (and it'd be even more of a pain to update).

What would you like as notes in PoB? Everything is explained in the build guide.
I don't really want to duplicate information, I'd rather have it all in one place if possible.

Sorry ^^'

About endgame: What do you think about using weapon swap for another 6L dot? like bane or soulrend.
Is this worth it? (for hard bosses).
Wolfin43 wrote:

About endgame: What do you think about using weapon swap for another 6L dot? like bane or soulrend.
Is this worth it? (for hard bosses).

ED/bane instances are destroyed if you unequip/weapon swap an item that had the source gem. You can't do this.

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