[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Never played ED/Cont and not sure if im going to next league.. but this is an absolutely great written guide. The explanations und your patience in answering questions here is exceptional.

Maybe i should give this build a go for next league... Could be a great league starter until the end.
Darkxellmc wrote:
Cruonit wrote:
I am trying to play this build since long time, however can't kill any serious boss with it.
Small arenas are impossible to manage, elder guardians, even black core boss, are easily oneshotting me on sight.
If mobs dont dodge or block I can kill them easily, ED projectile is slow af and cant pierce.
I am stressed every time I go to arena to face a boss because it takes minutes to kill them or I run out of portals.
Probably I am doing something wrong or its not suitable for my playstyle.

Damn, that's a lot of currency spent on poor gear, sorry ^^'
Not gonna lie, you look like you obtained currency in questionnable ways. I don't know how you can have a lvl 19 ED ith a level 4 empower, a 10ex bow with a trash pair of gloves, and a 50ex jewel with gear that shows you don't understand fundamentals of the game yet.

Ok so, first, you need to be rescapped on any build. The game is balanced around you having 75% all elemental resistances. Get 75% allresistances. Anything that deals cold damage currently deals tripple damage to you because you're at 37% cold res. You should aim at 80+ total res on rings, 70+ total res on gloves, boots and amulet, and 90+ on belt. Get 75% to all 3 elemental res, chaos doesn't matter as much.

Then, you have 3600hp with 1800es. This is very very low. You want at LEAST 4k hp and 2k es, that's a bare bare minimum you should have for ~t10 maps. Get at least 60 life fomr rings and amulet (they need to have both life and resistances), 80 on boots, gloves and belt.

Upgrade your jewels. Why are you using emperor's mastery? It's like 50ex, how tf did you obtain this when you don't know how resistances even work? Get a watcher's eye with malevolence DoT multi if you can afford it, and rare jewels with 5-7% life and at least 2 damage stats that affect you.

Get a level 21/20q Essence drain gem, and as soon as your support gems hit level 20, vendor them with a GCP to get 20%quality support gems.
Also, buy a level 21/20 vaal blight, level 14 isn't gonna cut it.

Your belt should be a stygian vise with an abyss jewel with 30+life and onslaught on it, not a heavy belt.

And please watch this video:

Peace out...

Well, you are right about most things. It will look weird to anyone looking at it. I bought Emperor's mastery 2 leagues ago, because it is better than 'brawn'. Maybe was 5-6 ex at most, then I don't know why it tenfolded. I have emperor's might too, again because it is better than brawn. While I already have mastery, I don't want to buy inertia, so I use it.
I only play standard and look for a build I can enjoy. That's simple like that for me. I don't hurry to finish it in 3 months and start a new league with a new build. I should be more careful about resistances, but gem levels is something else. Even with 21/20 gems boss killing will be slow and we need to run around dodging manually.
Character progress very fast, cleans very fast. I leveled up so fast, that I had to go back to playing another build to be able to finance this one, because at some point this build cant benefit from low tier content and can't succeed at high level content.
I bought the bow for damage, ehh without enough damage there is no meaning how tanky you are. For watcher's eye I am waiting to find one with discipline in addition to malevolence.
I changed from cwdt to blight yesterday for obvious reasons, didn't start to use it yet. However that doesn't solve problems about mobs blocking or dodging projectiles.
My main problem is that the build is not flexible. To be all content safe gameplay, all the equipment has to be as specified. If I want to use another amulet or belt vs. something will be missing. If I am curious about a mechanic, another thing will cause a problem. Its fast, tanky and fun only if u build and keep as it is.
Thanks for the video, I like killing mobs and kill them, even t15 mobs, easily with this build, unfortunately I lose all exp in arena phase.

Cruonit wrote:

My main problem is that the build is not flexible. To be all content safe gameplay, all the equipment has to be as specified.

That's pretty much the point of a build guide.
I'm putting gear pieces that synergises between each other and explain why they form a good character able to take on all content in the game smoothly.

Cruonit wrote:

Its fast, tanky and fun only if u build and keep as it is.

Yes, that's... the point. Again, that's exactly the point of me making a build guide.

All gear pieces should have life and resistances. This is not about this build, but about PoE in general. I understand that you wanna play with different mechanics, but first you should know that when you integrate a mechanic into a build, your character must be rescapped and not loost too much ehp for it to be worth it.
Toying with different uniques and mechanics requires base knowledge of the game, and making full builds able to clear the most endgame content available necessitate good understanding of the available mechanics.

Currently, a good EHP amount given by the community to survive t15+ maps is around 6k. You're running around with about 1.5k ehp against elemental damage. Of course you'll die all the time. Your level 95 necro is sitting at 3k ehp too...

So, I don't know if you bought this account or if your temporary russian friend "gave" you 20ex, if you dropped a headhunter or if you farmed mud flats for 420 hours. What I know: you need to learn the basics of this game if you want to create your builds.
These concepts are things you should have learned while leveling your first character. To reiterate, they are:
- Have 75% elemental res by act 4.
- Have about 200 life per act (~2000 when killing kitava), and at least 4500 to clear red maps reliably.
- Killing things quickly is a good way to not die.
Your ED offence is fine. Almost 2M combined dps, it's really not bad. But you can't be running around with 1.5k ehp and expect to not die. It's not a "I can't customise builds how I want???" problem, it's a "I die on endgame bosses with as much life as I had at level 30" problem.

So remove your rings, belt and gloves and equip items with life and enough resistances to get you to 75%. Magic, you're dying 10 times less.
Also, use a bubbling divine life flask, so you can get life back when you take damage and don't have ED up regening you for some reason. You should probably do the same on your necro.

I don't really know what else to tell you. PoE is a complex game, and its main appeal is the build diversity made possible by the sandbox created by its item system. Maybe diablo3 would be a better suited game for you.
Yo Dark, do you plan on running this in Delirium league as a main build? Metamorph was my first league, so I'm trying to do research now for a strong starter/endgame build that are either the same or not to difficult to switch from starter to lategame.

I enjoyed this build a lot, but to say I struggled when transitioning from early to mid to late game, would be putting it lightly.

I took a break a couple weeks ago, so I'm not really looking for gear advice or anything. Just your opinions on next league and strong potential starter/endgame builds. I respect your opinion a lot. Cheers!
Swigg90 wrote:
Yo Dark, do you plan on running this in Delirium league as a main build? Metamorph was my first league, so I'm trying to do research now for a strong starter/endgame build that are either the same or not to difficult to switch from starter to lategame.

I enjoyed this build a lot, but to say I struggled when transitioning from early to mid to late game, would be putting it lightly.

I took a break a couple weeks ago, so I'm not really looking for gear advice or anything. Just your opinions on next league and strong potential starter/endgame builds. I respect your opinion a lot. Cheers!

Idk. I have the same problem with it. It absolutely destroys levelling and white tiers, and is amazing when minmaxed for endgame. But there's that dirty spot in the middle where you wanna run red maps and don't have the currency to upgrade stuff that's really tough to get through.

That said you have really good gear now, so gratz on pushing through!

I don't know if I'll be starting with it again. Already played all legion and metamorph with only this specific ED trickster setup, I'm kinda burned out. I'll probably play ssf anyways so... yeah. We'll see how it goes. Also new BV looks insane, especially for ssf.
That said, it looks very strong. The more mobs there are, the better ED becomes comparatively to everything else. And having a fast-tanky char seems to be the way to go this time around, where metamorph was more singletarget-tanky oriented (ED didn't shine hard in metamorph let's be honnest).
So... Idk. It looks good, might start with it in ssf... But don't count on me to build it fully a 3rd time.
I'll update the guide regardless anyways...
Darkxellmc wrote:
Cruonit wrote:

My main problem is that the build is not flexible. To be all content safe gameplay, all the equipment has to be as specified.

That's pretty much the point of a build guide.
I'm putting gear pieces that synergises between each other and explain why they form a good character able to take on all content in the game smoothly.

Cruonit wrote:

Its fast, tanky and fun only if u build and keep as it is.

Yes, that's... the point. Again, that's exactly the point of me making a build guide.

All gear pieces should have life and resistances. This is not about this build, but about PoE in general. I understand that you wanna play with different mechanics, but first you should know that when you integrate a mechanic into a build, your character must be rescapped and not loost too much ehp for it to be worth it.
Toying with different uniques and mechanics requires base knowledge of the game, and making full builds able to clear the most endgame content available necessitate good understanding of the available mechanics.

Currently, a good EHP amount given by the community to survive t15+ maps is around 6k. You're running around with about 1.5k ehp against elemental damage. Of course you'll die all the time. Your level 95 necro is sitting at 3k ehp too...

So, I don't know if you bought this account or if your temporary russian friend "gave" you 20ex, if you dropped a headhunter or if you farmed mud flats for 420 hours. What I know: you need to learn the basics of this game if you want to create your builds.
These concepts are things you should have learned while leveling your first character. To reiterate, they are:
- Have 75% elemental res by act 4.
- Have about 200 life per act (~2000 when killing kitava), and at least 4500 to clear red maps reliably.
- Killing things quickly is a good way to not die.
Your ED offence is fine. Almost 2M combined dps, it's really not bad. But you can't be running around with 1.5k ehp and expect to not die. It's not a "I can't customise builds how I want???" problem, it's a "I die on endgame bosses with as much life as I had at level 30" problem.

So remove your rings, belt and gloves and equip items with life and enough resistances to get you to 75%. Magic, you're dying 10 times less.
Also, use a bubbling divine life flask, so you can get life back when you take damage and don't have ED up regening you for some reason. You should probably do the same on your necro.

I don't really know what else to tell you. PoE is a complex game, and its main appeal is the build diversity made possible by the sandbox created by its item system. Maybe diablo3 would be a better suited game for you.

At the time I started playing PoE there wasn't even a labyrinth, but I was always focused on playing necromancer. Necro and Shadow playstyle are very different and maybe I have to stick with it. You insist that I don't understand mechanics etc. maybe you are right. I understand necromancer mechanics, because I have experience in it. Like you have 350+ hours of trickster experience.
My necromancer has around 13k Ehp (you may have checked wrong) and deals maybe more than 5 mill shaper dps, even it is oneshotted at times. I made some currency crafting and selling minion items. Then yes I change that build all the time, I change items or try different mechanics and it doesn't stumble. If I want to equip a headhunter one day it will not fail.
Then again I have good understanding of necro and feel comfortable with it. Sometimes necromancer doesn't feel active enough. This is why I tried your build, to enjoy killing stuff by myself. I like the playstyle, but I want to be able to improvise things too. I dont want to be afraid of trying a new unique or mechanic.
I am able to multimod my boots with extra resistances, craft a fancy pair of gloves or change my rings with endurance charges if u say this will solve my problems.

Darkxellmc wrote:
Maybe diablo3 would be a better suited game for you.
Tbh Diablo3 has zero build/gear flexibility, vast majority of your skill setup and off-tier gear is very, very specific and tied to the build, that's one thing why I moved away from Diablo3 because in a build even support skills can be set in stone, not even mentioning every slot of gear, and you actually have to drop every piece (or use alternate means like craft-rerolling or shard gambling), you can't trade for them, also your character is useless until you get some whopping 20000% set bonus which luckily isn't the case in poe and you can see the character grow slowly over time instead of having these jarring jumps in power from arbitrary bonuses. Even the most powerful item in poe doesn't make character jump from rags to riches like that.

Sorry for slight off-topic, but if people think gear inter-dependence is bad in poe, it's much worse elsewhere.
Swigg90 wrote:
I enjoyed this build a lot, but to say I struggled when transitioning from early to mid to late game, would be putting it lightly.

I feel you, but then again - I leveled as a Low-life Righteous Fire Guardian twice in a fresh league in the past - now that was tough. Compared to that, this one feels like vacation :)

But that was probably my best PoE experience ever - starting with a clunky mess that can barely stay alive, and watching it grow to become an endgame powerhouse, upgrade, after upgrade, after upgrade.

This ED build offers something similar, but milder, and that's why I love it. So many tiers of upgrades available, gems, cane>bow>better bow, jewels, empower, and all else. And it's so satisfying to play.

I have now finally realized I hate high dps glass cannons, need to play a tanky, solid build.

Will roll this one again in Delirium unless patch notes destroy ED (knock on wood!)
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Which passives are you going to drop in favour of the new jewels?


SchyzoBlue wrote:
Which passives are you going to drop in favour of the new jewels?

I don't know, it's rough... I have passives I wanna take everywhere, and we'll definitively need to save some for jewel sockets...
Corruption and unnatural calm will surely go, saving 9 points. The inertia socket as well, as we can socket inertia near perfect agony and it's good enough. This saves us 12 points on my lvl 100 tree (I'd probably also drop the 20%aoe and 2 es nodes near witch start for 3 more passives).

Then I think we should socket the new 3sockets large cluster jewel near accrobatics. This leaves us with 5 passive points and 3 medium outer jewel spots. We'll see if that's enough and worth dropping corruption for.

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