[3.9] Fire BV Chieftain | All content | Delve 600+ | Fast , Tanky, 5M+ Shaper DPS | Possible starter

Truman1997 wrote:
Can You tell me how you crafted the bow?

I'm not familiar with fossil crafting so I bought one and multimodded it.
Found this on reddit, it may helps :
[edit] *url removed* See demondied1's post below, his method is looking good and much cheaper.

Crêpo wrote:
Any thoughts on Elementalist/Chieftain Scion with Avatar of fire for immunity to Elemental Reflect?

Can't say anything yet on this.
Last edited by Kobalk#1885 on Jul 6, 2019, 5:24:34 PM

Anyone looking to make the bow just use Aetheric fossils in a single resonator on an ilvl 50 short bow. You can use alterations prior to fossils to try and get the mod 18% reduced attribute requirements to make it easier to hit 4 blue 1 green 1 red colours. Using 1 blue craft on the crafting bench should take around 300-400 chromes with this mod. You can get a ilvl 50 6L short bow for cheap with the porcupine divination cards.

Your goal is to have a bow with 20% spell damage mod and 2 open prefixes with 1 open suffix. You may need to use annulment orbs to get a bow like this if you hit say 20% spell damage with 3 suffixes, just hope you hit a suffix and not the 20% spell damage.

Once you have a bow with 20% spell damage and 2 open prefix 1 open suffix you can craft cannot roll attack mods (which blocks all mods except +1 gems) for 1 exalt and then use an exalted orb for guaranteed +1 socketed gems. Then you just craft prefixes cant be changed and scour the bow.

Double check you have 2 suffixes before crafting cannot roll attack mods or you can accidentally exalt a suffix mod!
IGN: Raise_Ur_Donger
Last edited by demondied1#4937 on Jul 6, 2019, 5:08:34 PM
take blood rage out of cwdt and put in wave of conviction instead for an additional 25% fire pen
Aevra wrote:
take blood rage out of cwdt and put in wave of conviction instead for an additional 25% fire pen

You may swap it for bossing but I won't do this for clearing.
We don't take damage all the time and you only need one proc from cwdt to get a perma blood rage that lasts more than 20s while being refreshed each time you kill an enemy. The buff itself grants 25% chance on kill to get a frenzy charge, which is a flat +12% dmg increase and +12% cast speed.
Last edited by Kobalk#1885 on Jul 7, 2019, 9:14:53 AM
demondied1 wrote:

Anyone looking to make the bow just use Aetheric fossils in a single resonator on an ilvl 50 short bow. You can use alterations prior to fossils to try and get the mod 18% reduced attribute requirements to make it easier to hit 4 blue 1 green 1 red colours. Using 1 blue craft on the crafting bench should take around 300-400 chromes with this mod. You can get a ilvl 50 6L short bow for cheap with the porcupine divination cards.

Your goal is to have a bow with 20% spell damage mod and 2 open prefixes with 1 open suffix. You may need to use annulment orbs to get a bow like this if you hit say 20% spell damage with 3 suffixes, just hope you hit a suffix and not the 20% spell damage.

Once you have a bow with 20% spell damage and 2 open prefix 1 open suffix you can craft cannot roll attack mods (which blocks all mods except +1 gems) for 1 exalt and then use an exalted orb for guaranteed +1 socketed gems. Then you just craft prefixes cant be changed and scour the bow.

Double check you have 2 suffixes before crafting cannot roll attack mods or you can accidentally exalt a suffix mod!

Thanks for the quick guide, worked like a charm.

But the coloring is much easier than you make it sound since the bow only has 26dex requirement to begin with. Vorici calc says it should take 68 tries with regular chroming on average.
Nevermind, I forgot we need 4B1R1G.
Last edited by Syperek#6004 on Jul 7, 2019, 12:30:19 PM
Isn,t Scorched fossil + aetheric fossil the best combination for those who don't have enough to multi mods?

- 20% spell damage
- 16-20% fire pen?

+ possibly +1 to socketed gems?

Thanks for the build it's really nice
(still struggling with the wps) :p
Just wanted to say a big thanks for a great build, and the build maker is a really nice guy, helped me out on his stream. Tyvm =)
I made some bow following demondied1's guide, working perfectly... Added to the FAQ, thanks !

For people who aren't confident, I can craft the bow with all the mods, I unlocked the last recipes this morning ("+2 to level of socketed support gems" etc). I can help you without extra fees if you can provide me the base materials, just ask me on my live.
so i switched to this build and have been using it to farm Glacier maps. finally got my bow done. I have been using unleashed support instead of intensify support. for low level crap it easier for me to keep up my blade vortex. Whats your thoughts on it? in POB it doesnt show much differnt in damage just in aoe radius.
cremates wrote:
so i switched to this build and have been using it to farm Glacier maps. finally got my bow done. I have been using unleashed support instead of intensify support. for low level crap it easier for me to keep up my blade vortex. Whats your thoughts on it? in POB it doesnt show much differnt in damage just in aoe radius.

With intensify you get a nice aoe radius boost when you are moving, casting & so (pob only show the calculation with 4 stacks and malus to area of effect)... tbh I don't know which one is the most convenient for leveling or low level stuff and I don't see any problem to use another gem if it makes the gameplay better for you :)
Last edited by Kobalk#1885 on Jul 10, 2019, 9:09:46 PM

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