pillshatner wrote:
Can we please get a option in menu to lower effects and things that make this game lag so horrible on non ps4 pro. I love this game i really do havent been able play since ambush cuz of pc problems now i can play again but at late game its almost impossible i was gonna buy some stash tabs untill i realized how pointless it would be if i cant play correctly i mean why even have legion league on console if the console cant handle it. Please add this function to reduce quality ill definately fork over some money if u do
Totally feel you, the game in the current state is unplayable for me, non-ps4pro user, don't know how I still play, guess it's the addiction kicking in. Such a shame, they launch a game with these kind of problems, even in high-end plataforms, we wouldn't mind if they downgraded a little, but all they care is the image of the game, that need to be "beautiful" as a Marketing thing, They don't even mind fixing it. I heard Xbox has the same problem with FPS since launch and they don't care even to adress it. When we complain, we get no response, and it's impossible to not see the problems, to launch this game they sure tested in the low-end consoles, they experienced the problems and launched anyway, that's what make much, much worse. They are more concerned about making more content and MTX than fixing the game. Last patches they said the crashes, the rubberbanding, the "X" problem were fixed, but when you hop into the game, all of them are still there, feeling untouched. We don't get love from the DEVs, they don't care about us low-end users, unfortunently. I feel so sad when I think about that. In addition, with PS5 lauch announcement, that'll be much worse. Just getting all of this out of my chest. I bought some MTX at the start of the game, regret it until now. Every patch I hope they adress something related to that, but they don't even touch our problems.
Last edited by Oxford009#9349 on Jul 2, 2019, 10:08:38 AM
Posted byOxford009#9349on Jul 2, 2019, 10:06:33 AM
LogannagoL wrote:
Hellooo and thanks for the update! First off i just want to say that i've bin playing like never before since i saw this gam came to ps4. And here is the 2nd. Fixing crashes is ofc a prioraty and great to focus on that, next in line is smooth general gaming experience?
May i suggest looking into Diablo3 console verison on how they fixed scrolling through piled loot on the ground. There you simply hold down an actionkey and scroll through the list. Don't get me wrong, X-pickup should be possible, but maybe hold R2, to highlight possible loot? Something should really be looked into there, because after a legion encounter, you can spend 3 minutes picking upp the right items. Over all impression, love how faar you've gotten with the game!
Thanks <3
U can scroll thru loot in PoE using the right thumbstick on ur controller...
Theres also loot filters in the options menu..
Hope this helps
Last edited by Joshkozi#7857 on Jul 2, 2019, 1:09:14 PM
Posted byJoshkozi#7857on Jul 2, 2019, 12:34:15 PM
MallwayTweep wrote:
Joshkozi wrote:
I dunno man I got a call of duty edition basic bitch ps4 and no special internet connection. Running into 6 million units with all these ridiculous animations will probably lag you out. Have turned down all your graphics, shadows all that junk? This is a pc game and a console is a crappy version of a pc game hasn't even been out for a year yet and it's very playable(theres alot of ps4 titles I cant say the same for). Just gonna take some time.
This is a PC too:
CPU: Info
CPU SPEED: x86-compatible 2.6GHz or better
OS: Windows XP SP3/Windows 7 SP1/Windows 8
VIDEO CARD: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 650 Ti or ATI Radeon™ HD 7850 or better
Those are the minimum specs for the game to run on PC. Who has a 650 or 7850 now? I don't know but the game states it will work on those cards.
This is a PC game that is made to run on crappy and non-crappy PCs.
Posted byTJ_Solo#9315on Jul 2, 2019, 1:36:18 PM
Ppl need to realize especially if you are playing a party not all desync issues are dev related the console versions of pc ports are horrible with these things lay off the devs this is a great game there’s temp works around use them or play in the next patch they gave a reason as to why it wasn’t in the patch that they will have it in the next.ffs the entitlement is amazing.
KrazyAceOfSpades wrote:
Ppl need to realize especially if you are playing a party not all desync issues are dev related the console versions of pc ports are horrible with these things lay off the devs this is a great game there’s temp works around use them or play in the next patch they gave a reason as to why it wasn’t in the patch that they will have it in the next.ffs the entitlement is amazing.
There is no need for this post really.
This is a forum to provide players a platform to get our concerns heard.
To sit there and complain that your precious game and developers is being criticized makes you look like a fool.
Posted bygarthginger#9512on Jul 2, 2019, 4:38:58 PM
garthginger wrote:
KrazyAceOfSpades wrote:
Ppl need to realize especially if you are playing a party not all desync issues are dev related the console versions of pc ports are horrible with these things lay off the devs this is a great game there’s temp works around use them or play in the next patch they gave a reason as to why it wasn’t in the patch that they will have it in the next.ffs the entitlement is amazing.
There is no need for this post really.
This is a forum to provide players a platform to get our concerns heard.
To sit there and complain that your precious game and developers is being criticized makes you look like a fool.
Seriously, sometimes I question the age and/or experience of the internet when I see those kind of posts. Complaining about complaints does not make the original complaints go away. Nor does it prevent complaints being posted in the future. All it does is it throws another complaint onto the pile, and make that person look like the worst kind of arrogant whinger.
I don't think anyone in the history of the internet has ever seen that type of post and gone "gee, better not ever post negative feedback here", deleted the original negative feedback and never posted any more... aside from all the times people responded "gee, people around here are jerks, I'm going to leave and find someplace nicer".
Posted byUnclePobatti#9877on Jul 3, 2019, 4:14:36 AM
GGG, thanks for the updates. However, with the recent patch, I would like to point out that the frequency of desyncs have increased again as compared to last patch. I was having less than 5 blue screens in the regular 4-5hours last week then the one night I had since the recent patch. I encountered a back to back crash when I entered the unique map - The Twilight Temple. A possible bug? A note to check it out for us peeps here?
Posted byr3Dsnowww90#9696on Jul 3, 2019, 8:12:43 AM
Hi there and thank you for fixing the X-button issue.
In other news the PS4 client still crashes way too frequently and sporadically than what could be considered acceptable. Please prioritize stability and performance improvements.
Posted byGashery#9796on Jul 3, 2019, 10:06:00 AM
UnclePobatti wrote:
garthginger wrote:
KrazyAceOfSpades wrote:
Ppl need to realize especially if you are playing a party not all desync issues are dev related the console versions of pc ports are horrible with these things lay off the devs this is a great game there’s temp works around use them or play in the next patch they gave a reason as to why it wasn’t in the patch that they will have it in the next.ffs the entitlement is amazing.
There is no need for this post really.
This is a forum to provide players a platform to get our concerns heard.
To sit there and complain that your precious game and developers is being criticized makes you look like a fool.
Seriously, sometimes I question the age and/or experience of the internet when I see those kind of posts. Complaining about complaints does not make the original complaints go away. Nor does it prevent complaints being posted in the future. All it does is it throws another complaint onto the pile, and make that person look like the worst kind of arrogant whinger.
I don't think anyone in the history of the internet has ever seen that type of post and gone "gee, better not ever post negative feedback here", deleted the original negative feedback and never posted any more... aside from all the times people responded "gee, people around here are jerks, I'm going to leave and find someplace nicer".
The grammar and spelling is the give away ;)
Young people (not exclusively unfortunately) use short hand and no punctuation in their writing.
Posted bygarthginger#9512on Jul 3, 2019, 10:25:56 AM
I'm playing Necromancer, still leveling but the game already crashed twice in a row on Act 5, and the rubberbanding on Flame Dash is annoying me asf. Please GGG fix this game already.