All NPC audio dialogue clips - for use in Loot Filters, etc

MasterAxe wrote:
Rainbowvomit wrote:
I looked all over for a complete download link of the NPC audio lines, specifically the Betrayal dialogue lines for use in a custom loot filter.

I decided to upload everything so that other people could also use them.

You can also see a list of all the NPC audo as Text so you can more easily pick and choose what you want to use.

Seeings how you seem to be into this kinda stuff, would you know how i could get a sound file of the old "YAHOOOOO" chat? been wanting to make that so bad, lol

I honestly don't know sorry. I found a guide on Reddit from over a year ago where he explained what you needed to do.

I just downloaded Visual Studio and Visual GGPK to extract only the audio lines. I wouldn't have a clue how to turn other stuff into audio files tbh. I would imagine if you just go here and then you should be good to go. It will download it and convert into a .mp3 file.
A couple of days ago I was just thinking about it. Thanks for this!
In fleeting reality, you step into the realm of madness.
Seriously my friend!

Oh Hooray,
Hop About!
Clap Paws
Squeal with glee!!

Thx for this, gonna check it out to see if some can be used as message alerts on my phone :D :D
how did you get this sounds?
can you get the peoms from the labyrith?

thanks for this gift
Thank you so much for putting this together :D

Is Jorgin's audio missing from Betrayal or am I just blind?
Man, this is so awesome.
Not sure how I ended up here but this is a good surprise.
Thanks for putting this up together!

Much appreciated!
"Rainbowvomit wrote:
I looked all over for a complete download link of the NPC audio lines, specifically the Betrayal dialogue lines for use in a custom loot filter.

I decided to upload everything so that other people could also use them.

You can also see a list of all the NPC audio as Text so you can more easily pick and choose what you want to use.

I've attempted to get the templar dialogue through the same reddit "step by step Visual studio post"... but for some reason it wont allow me to bring up the tree in order to extract the files it keep telling me
"Failed to read file: The given key was not present in the dictionary."

Is there anyway YOU could help me with this issue?
How would I gain access to the Templar dialogue? all i see here are the NPC dialogues...


Me: Hey babe, I'm going to the grocery. Do you need anything?

Zana: click
- here's my sig

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