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[3.13] SRS Necromancer (2021 Edition) Build - 5M DPS on 1EX budget! Uber Elder DEATHLESS in 3 days!

Before 3.7 even started i've been theorycrafting a fresh, strong, 2019 ready SRS league starter, as a tribute to Yoji's SRS build that i've used back in 2.6 to reach level 90 for the first time ever! When 3.7 launched though it all became even better!
I was totally surprised by the damage and the smoothness of current SRS. Killed Uber Elder on a 5L in just 3 days at level 88 which is the LOWEST LEVELLED character kill i've ever had, and i am not your super "i dodge everything" guy. And i am pretty bad at bossing :)
Check out my other NECROMANCER builds out there! :

With over 25+ active builds it is becoming hard to keep up with replies and comments, so make sure you follow me on discord, twitter and more importantly = twitch to ask for anything!
➤ All here: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/
► TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/angry_roleplayer
► PATREON to be real BRUH: https://www.patreon.com/angryroleplayer
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► TWITTER to keep notified on shit: https://twitter.com/RoleplayerAngry
► DISCORD to chat offline: !discord on stream
VIDEO BUILD/GUIDE: https://youtu.be/PlYLgr6zjA0
V 1.8 Update (15/01/2021):
-POBs (both starter and end-game) updated for 3.13
V 1.7 Update (01/07/2020):
-POBs (both starter and end-game) updated for 3.11
V 1.6 Update (12/03/2020):
-POBs (both starter and end-game) updated for 3.10
V 1.5 Update (20/01/2020):
-POBs (both starter and end-game) updated
-dropped Wrath for Skitterbots. You can get over 20% More damage (through shock) with these guys.
-Fortify staff is actually back!! Looks like the mod has been downgraded to level 1 and splitted apart from phys damage. But it's still there and an Elder base and i managed to find a couple of very decent and pretty affordable bases. It is back into END-GAME POB and gives about 20% more damage over Realm Ender.
-replaced Temple Minion one-handers with the current versions (from 90 down to 74) in both pobs and gear section to avoid confusion.
-took Gravepact annointment.
-Command of the Pit completely removed as it's too expensive over Grip of the Council.
V 1.4 Update (12/12/2019):
-POBs (both starter and end-game) updated for 3.9 (added Pantheons so make sure you use FORK for POB). No new gems yet!
-With the nerf to FORTIFY staffs i've reused Realm Ender as a main weapon for now (until some new mods will resurface). Still 7 MILLION DPS.
V 1.3 Update (11/09/2019):
-END-GAME Pob updated for 3.8 with new gems.
-Feeding Frenzy can potentially be used instead of Multistrike / Ruthless. Totally up to you.
-Greatly changed the FAQ section to clarify changes on Staff crafting (+2 to ALL and +3 tp Fire).
-Switched Animated Guardian to Carrion Golem which gives a default 5% more dps.
V 1.2 Update (04/09/2019):
-Pob updated for 3.8 (no new gems yet!)
-Damage increased by around 20%.
-Taking Enduring Bond for Duration and Damage, Ravenous Horde for Onslaught (simulated on a jewel for now)
-Dropped Lord of the Dead, also Grave Pact is dropped as it's too far away now.
-+2 Fire Staff cannot be crafted anymore, since Essence of Rage changes to Fire Penetration. Now only alt + chaos spam. +3 staff is now possible though!
-added Ascendancy choices
-levelling POB is UPDATED as well.
V 1.1 Update (30/06/2019):
-Pob updated. Unclicked Vaal Haste (Forgot to unclick it)
-Dropped Relentless Fury + Victario as well as Frenzy minion Charges from PoB. AG aggresiveness is shit and he barely attacks anything to get any charges. I once got 2 in delve and that's about it. Back to Dying Breath
-Still 5 MILL in POB.
-Upgraded Boots
-Added some gearing options
-Added jewels
-Extended FAQ section
How does it work, in general?
Summon Raging Spirits are physical & fire-based minions that are attacking everything on sight. They fly in all directions and try to kill everything everywhere. They are short-living, but very fast and deadly. You can get up to 20 flying skulls at once.

+safe across most content. Bosses offscreening.
+fast for map clearing
+very cheap (highest single expensive item is 50 chaos)
+chest does not need to be a 6L
+around 50% potential Phys Damage Reduction (Basalt, Taste of Hate, Rumi etc)
+decent recovery and sustain with nearly 40% attack block (2H staff + Rumi)
+flexible, can stack a lot of block chance if eeded
+one the highest single target damage (around 14 million with the charges. 10 without charges) among ANY summoner builds


-Prone to Chaos damage (can fit in Chayula's Presence though)
-You can't control SRS as much as you do for Spectres, Skeletons and everything else. Can be a problem for control freaks lol

3) Skill Tree Progression / Path of Building / Ascendancy / Bandits
Path of building:
1-70 Setup with Tabula and levelling tress: https://pastebin.com/GtDnpnnm
Path of building:
End-game Setup: https://pastebin.com/eJXwZK6u
For Ascendancy: Mistress of Sacrifice, Mindless Agression, Unnatural Strength, Commander of Darkness
Bandits: Kill All

4) Early Levelling Gear / Skills

Get Explosive Trap after the very first quest, use it along with ZOMBIES.
Once you get Multiple Traps, attach it to the Explosive Trap.
2L Explosive Trap: Explosive Trap-Multiple Traps
You can also use Arc Traps later instead of Explosive Trap
3L Arc: Arc-Trap Support-Multiple Traps
You can also link Phantasms to your Explosive Trap or Arc Trap
4L Arc: Arc-Trap Support-Multiple Traps-Summon Phantasm on Kill.
3L Zombies: Zombies-Minion Damage
3L Zombies: Zombies-Summon Phantasm on Kill-Minion Damage
4L Zombies: Zombies-Summon Phantasm on Kill-Minion Damage-Melee Phys.Damage (melee phys gem can be bought from Yeena in act 2)
You can use Zombies up till maps as meat shields and drop them if you wish or just put them into Flesh Offering link, dropping Increased Duration there.
They will still die all over in end-game...

You can start using SRS at level 4. You will get it as a quest reward after "Breaking the Eggs" quest in Mud Flats.
If you have Tabula then make something like this:
SRS 6L: SRS-Minion.Damage-Melee.Physical.Damage-Melee.Splash-Zombies-Summon-Phantasm.on.Kill
Melee.Phys, Multistrike and and Ruthless gems are unavailable till act 4 (Siosa Library Quest), so you will have to buy them off trade or get from another STRENGTH-based character in order to use earlier.
Summon Holy Relic and Stone Golem are also very useful across all ACTS and ealy mapping!
Without Tabula for early game:
SRS 3L: SRS-Minion.Damage-Melee.Splash
SRS 4L: SRS-Minion.Damage-Melee.Physical.Damage-Melee.Splash
SRS 5L: SRS-Minion.Damage-Melee.Physical.Damage-Unleash
Start Using Auras as soon as they are available: Hatred and lvl.1 Precision with Generosity first. Then Anger, then Vaal Haste in the Victario chest. Wrath is optional if you can fit it.

There are many cheap uniques that you can use:
I also really like https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Nycta%27s_Lantern as a cheap weapon to put SRS into. As well as https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ashrend for yet another potential extra link source.
This helm can carry you well across ALL ACTS. It's well worth it as you don't need to recast your SRS often.
If you don't have money to buy a good mace with minion damage then just get Scourge
. The real problem here is hitting something every 4 seconds.
The easiest way to get minion damage is to use BOUND FOSSIL though, on a level 75 MACE!
You can craft up to 80% Minion Damage this way.
But BETTER way is to drop %Minion Damage gear from a level 3 Temple of Atzaotl room called https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Hybridisation_Chamber (Hatchery->Automation Lanb>Hybridisation_Chamber) or just buy yourself a 70+ (previously was 90+) Minion Mace. They are pretty cheap now (1-5C) and you can start using them since level 40! And you can add a minion veiled mode to it:

and that would be your GG weapon till you switch to a 2H staff.

5) My Actual Gear / End-Game Skills

For jewels looks for flat physical minion damage, minion attack speed, minion damage if you've used minion skill recently. 2x Minions Blind on Hit. For defense: life and es hybrid jewels, as well as any resists.

For Uber Lab enchant: SRS Has a 18% to Summon an Extra Minion
SRS 5L: SRS-Minion.Damage-Melee.Physical.Damage-Unleash-Melee.Splash
SRS 6L (mapping): SRS-Minion.Damage-Melee.Physical.Damage-Unleash-Melee.Splash-Elemental.Damage.With.Attacks
SRS 6L (bossing): SRS-Minion.Damage-Melee.Physical.Damage-Unleash-Multistrike/Ruthless (both good)-Elemental.Damage.With.Attacks
For the gear i would prioritize:
1) Tabula Rasa and any levelling gear
2) lvl.20: Astramentis
3) lvl.26: Mark of the Red Covenant
4) lvl.40: 70-74% Minion Damage 1H weapon with 5% Double Damage (you can also get Realm Ender at this level)
5) lvl.50: Victario's Charity Shield
6) lvl.52: Victario's Influence
7) lvl.60: Grip of the Council
8) lvl.68: Realm Ender 5L or keep Using 1H+Shield for now
9) Helm enchant / jewels
Realm Ender is a fantastic cheap weapon which beats most crafted +2 Staff out there.
Chober Cairn is also not terrible, but does less damage than Realm Ender
https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Tavukai is an interesting Amulet to experiment with Minion Instability notable, but it crteates a STR/DEX problem for the gems.
For the END-GAME STAFF you need at least + Level 1 Fortify Elder Staff with Minion Damage and then multimod +2 supports and minion attack speed on top

6) Flasks

7) Pantheon Gods

Major: Arakaali
Minor: Gruthkul / Ryslatha

8) Hardcore Viable or not?

It can be done, but you need to be very careful to CHAOS DAMAGE/POISON/DOT and buy a lot of hybrid gear. Also stacking chaos res is important for HC. You need to know what bosses do chaos damage. Temple can be rippy too. Delve is dangerous.


+1-2 Victarios Chest, GG jewels, Corrupted gear, Minion Damage rings, Minion Movement rings, HATRED corrupted amulet/rings.


All Shaper Guardians Deathless
Esh's Domain
T13 Shaped Dunes
T16 Minotaur

1) Animated Guardian setup. You can just use Carrion Golem (default in pob now).

He is not entirely necessary, just to beef up your damage ven more.
Start using Animated Guardian when he gets to at least level 19. Better use him in a +1-3 minion Helm.
Gems: Minion Life, Minion & Totem Resistances are VERY USEFUL to keep him alive in high-tier content.
These items make him last the most and be most useful/effective:
you can also use https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ambu%27s_Charge, but Bloodbond is better for Uber Elder.
Drop them all on the ground and click (in a map on in lab) on Animated Guardian to let him use these items.
If he dies = all will be lost and you have to rebuy/restock/reequip again.
If you LOGOUT or quit the game you don't have to rebuy/reequip everything. Just resummon him.
Use https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Surgebinders instead of Southbound if you want to equip Relentless Fury as well, as the gloves prevent culling.

2) Why Staff? Can i use a sword?
You can, but you won't have block

3) How can i craft +2 All Spell Skill Gems or +3 to FIRE Spell Skill gems?

Unfortunately only alt-Spam now since Essence craft is gone. After Regal you can also craft BOTH minion damage AND minion attack speed.
This is an example of WHAT mods you can potentially achive:

For +2 ALL you need at least a lvl.55 Staff.
To hit +3 Fire you need lvl.77.

4) What happened to +2 Fire Gems staff you have in video?

Essnce of Rage was changed and now gives Fire Penetration instead.

5) What is more important: +2 to All gems, Level 1 Fortify, +2 to melee gems, + 2 to support gems, +2 to fire??

Since Fortify is weak now, i would say +2 to all and +2 to fire are probably more important. You still kinda need Fortify and Minion Damage on top of that to beat Real Ender though.

6) What is the best base Staff for crafting? What about item level?
20% Block based ELDER staff with at least 80 item level

7) Why do i need to 6L my Victario chest at all?
To use enlighten and free up more mana for SRS spam
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Last edited by Angry_Roleplayer#6657 on Jan 18, 2021, 5:01:40 AM
Last bumped on May 30, 2021, 5:45:42 AM
Looks nice- but how is the build working with the current Legion mechanic?
Do you also have a clearing video up?

Anyway, good job!
YKMN85 wrote:
Looks nice- but how is the build working with the current Legion mechanic?
Do you also have a clearing video up?

Anyway, good job!

yeah i will be posting more videos. These are just the first for basic showcase.
Does Legion just fine. Not cyclone of cause, and you need be close to the CHESTs to cast srs but i am triggering most of the stuff on screen.
You can check build live in action on stream for now
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
PS: added a cleaner #2 Uber Elder fight: https://youtu.be/FIo8MP9xTVs
Still on a 5L though lol. On a 6L it would probably be a 2min fight
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
How would a +1 gems/+2 fire gems bow compare to the staff you recommend? Thanks in advance :)
puaiohi wrote:
How would a +1 gems/+2 fire gems bow compare to the staff you recommend? Thanks in advance :)

Bow can't get 7L Fortify as it's not a melee weapon :)
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
Angry_Roleplayer wrote:
puaiohi wrote:
How would a +1 gems/+2 fire gems bow compare to the staff you recommend? Thanks in advance :)

Bow can't get 7L Fortify as it's not a melee weapon :)

Understood, just wondering if you thought the +1 gems plus ability to put on a quiver would make up for the lack of fortify?

And, any pointers for crafting the staff or link to a guide?

Thanks again :)
Last edited by puaiohi#6483 on Jun 27, 2019, 2:38:34 AM
puaiohi wrote:
Angry_Roleplayer wrote:
puaiohi wrote:
How would a +1 gems/+2 fire gems bow compare to the staff you recommend? Thanks in advance :)

Bow can't get 7L Fortify as it's not a melee weapon :)

Understood, just wondering if you thought the +1 gems plus ability to put on a quiver would make up for the lack of fortify?

And, any pointers for crafting the staff or link to a guide?

Thanks again :)

Unfortunately not. Even a crazy 100% minion damage +3 bow would still be worse than a Fortify staff.
Crafting is through alts. But better idea is to just buy a staff from trade since noones gives a shit for now :) 6L Realm Ender is 70c now and is also a sweet option
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/
very nice build, i was waiting for a good srs build since day 1 of the league finaly it has arived. thank you so much for this !
allready lvling 1 lvl 40 atm very smooth so far, loving it.

got this waiting for me, its not +2 but for the 4c i bought it for its a good start lol
Last edited by Voca89#6092 on Jun 27, 2019, 9:07:41 AM
Voca89 wrote:
very nice build, i was waiting for a good srs build since day 1 of the league finaly it has arived. thank you so much for this !
allready lvling 1 lvl 40 atm very smooth so far, loving it.

got this waiting for me, its not +2 but for the 4c i bought it for its a good start lol

Very nice staff!! Good luck and thank you!
All builds: http://www.angryroleplayer.com/path-of-exile-builds/

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