How To Be All Elemental Ailment and Stun Immune On Any Build

鬼殺し wrote:
I think the takeaway from this is the devs significantly buffed Crystal Skin at some point and no one cared or noticed.

Eh, the crystal skin cluster has ~always given a total of 50% ailment avoidance (at least since 2.6, probably since 1.2) it just didn't use to have the other resists and elemental damage avoidance.

Still a bad cluster!
Exile009 wrote:

Anyway, have fun playing the piano all day with your beloved flasks. I'll just be here not doing that or, instead, fitting in more powerful (including unique) flasks. To each their own, bro.

Everyone plays piano all day that has any intention to play the game, I mean your saying it yourself, nor was I suggesting nobody should take it i'm saying why would they look for options for ailment immunity when its so easy to come by.

I play raider all the time and I take the ailment immunity node I love it lol but most don't care in the slightest and will flask it.

Also Charan LUL at 2 lines being belaboring forgive me for such an extensive post
Last edited by Draegnarrr#2823 on Jun 25, 2019, 1:16:12 PM
Draegnarrr wrote:
i'm saying why would they look for options for ailment immunity when its so easy to come by.

I play raider all the time and I take the ailment immunity node

Oh yeah sure. It's "so easy to come by" when you take one of the ascendancies than gives it as part of the package (what I clearly said this post was not about). So clever of you! Just fyi, the majority of ascendancies don't give ailment immunity and so have to get it in other ways (if they want it), for which this post provides them with another avenue that they may not have considered (whether they deem it worthwhile or not). And on flasks, most people don't get flasks for all the ailments, besides flasks having other useful mods they could switch in too.

Not to mention even your own ascendancy doesn't provide stun immunity (and nor do flasks). What's your retort to that gonna be? "Just play Cyclone LUL"? "Just use Kaoms boots LUL"? "Just get the boot enchant LUL"? (Never mind that that's on-kill only) Or something else equally well-known and asinine?

But anyway, the main point is this - your flippant responses contribute nothing to the thread. This is a constructive thread to highlight some possibilities in making builds that may not have got much attention, much like that trapper thread I linked to Charan earlier. Your asinine dismissal doesn't offer anything constructive to it. You've neither analysed the idea, nor suggested creative alternatives (no, flasks are hardly creative) that might be equally unknown. There are others who've rejected the idea, but done so with much more thoughtful takes than you seem capable of. And you're intent on continuing with it, or as Charan said, 'belaboring the point'.

Here. Since I know how much this forum hates Reddit, try comparing your responses to how they took to a constructive post, see who comes off looking more mature -
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Jun 25, 2019, 7:01:17 PM
Exile009 wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
i'm saying why would they look for options for ailment immunity when its so easy to come by.

I play raider all the time and I take the ailment immunity node

Oh yeah sure. It's "so easy to come by" when you take one of the ascendancies than gives it as part of the package (what I clearly said this post was not about). So clever of you! Just fyi, the majority of ascendancies don't give ailment immunity and so have to get it in other ways (if they want it), for which this post provides them with another avenue that they may not have considered (whether they deem it worthwhile or not). And on flasks, most people don't get flasks for all the ailments, besides flasks having other useful mods they could switch in too.

Not to mention even your own ascendancy doesn't provide stun immunity (and nor do flasks). What's your retort to that gonna be? "Just play Cyclone LUL"? "Just use Kaoms boots LUL"? "Just get the boot enchant LUL"? (Never mind that that's on-kill only) Or something else equally well-known and asinine?

But anyway, the main point is this - your flippant responses contribute nothing to the thread. This is a constructive thread to highlight some possibilities in making builds that may not have got much attention, much like that trapper thread I linked to Charan earlier. Your asinine dismissal doesn't offer anything constructive to it. You've neither analysed the idea, nor suggested creative alternatives (no, flasks are hardly creative) that might be equally unknown. There are others who've rejected the idea, but done so with much more thoughtful takes than you seem capable of. And you're intent on continuing with it, or as Charan said, 'belaboring the point'.

Here. Since I know how much this forum hates Reddit, try comparing your responses to how they took to a constructive post, see who comes off looking more mature -

This is not a constructive thread.

It doesn't get much attention because it isn't good

Your lack of awareness by claiming its easy to get for all builds is extremely off putting

There is no ultimate immunity that fits all builds, to you are expecting them to respond with the impossible.

You've been told several times that your restrictions make no sense.
Can't I just use flasks to avoid ailments and spend the passive points and crafted mods on health and damage?
Heero_mikazuki wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
Draegnarrr wrote:
i'm saying why would they look for options for ailment immunity when its so easy to come by.

I play raider all the time and I take the ailment immunity node

Oh yeah sure. It's "so easy to come by" when you take one of the ascendancies than gives it as part of the package (what I clearly said this post was not about). So clever of you! Just fyi, the majority of ascendancies don't give ailment immunity and so have to get it in other ways (if they want it), for which this post provides them with another avenue that they may not have considered (whether they deem it worthwhile or not). And on flasks, most people don't get flasks for all the ailments, besides flasks having other useful mods they could switch in too.

Not to mention even your own ascendancy doesn't provide stun immunity (and nor do flasks). What's your retort to that gonna be? "Just play Cyclone LUL"? "Just use Kaoms boots LUL"? "Just get the boot enchant LUL"? (Never mind that that's on-kill only) Or something else equally well-known and asinine?

But anyway, the main point is this - your flippant responses contribute nothing to the thread. This is a constructive thread to highlight some possibilities in making builds that may not have got much attention, much like that trapper thread I linked to Charan earlier. Your asinine dismissal doesn't offer anything constructive to it. You've neither analysed the idea, nor suggested creative alternatives (no, flasks are hardly creative) that might be equally unknown. There are others who've rejected the idea, but done so with much more thoughtful takes than you seem capable of. And you're intent on continuing with it, or as Charan said, 'belaboring the point'.

Here. Since I know how much this forum hates Reddit, try comparing your responses to how they took to a constructive post, see who comes off looking more mature -

This is not a constructive thread.

It doesn't get much attention because it isn't good

1) Others disagree, as linked for proof.

2) It has got attention. Thanks for bumping it further, btw.

3) You're welcome to make threads of your own, or comments here, that achieve better. Back those words up with something, so to speak.

Your lack of awareness by claiming its easy to get for all builds is extremely off putting

There is no ultimate immunity that fits all builds, to you are expecting them to respond with the impossible

Nope. I said it's available for all builds, not that all builds will find it equally easy or worthwhile. You can't exactly take the Raider ailment immunity node if you're a Slayer, for instance. You can wear some unique gear that gives such, but that's an even bigger sacrifice than a few passives and two affixes. If you know of a better option that's constant (so, unlike flasks - if you think relying on them suits everyone, you probably haven't interacted much with new or casual players, not to mention they also have an opportunity cost), feel free to suggest it.

Also, it's obvious that none of the people complaining here bothered to read the last section of the post, titled "Worth?" (or at least didn't take note of it). It has never been my contention that this method is definitely the best way, only A way.

I'm sorry you find it "extremely off putting". I find your comment extremely off putting too. Touche!

Still waiting for someone to suggest something else, that isn't as blase as flasks. An under-rated unique, perhaps? Better yet, a combo of sorts? Some game mechanic that isn't widely known? No, I've no interest in indulging all your intellectual laziness. Come up with something clever or insightful, or don't bother.

Here, for an example of what I mean by clever, taken from that Reddit thread (albeit it's for a different goal - immunity to cold hits and immunity to aggro) -

You've been told several times that your restrictions make no sense

Fine. I'm lifting those restrictions. Now there's only one rule - share something insightful (obviously, about making builds in PoE). Something that isn't so widely known or obvious that it's not worth mentioning. Something that required a some amount of thought put into it, preferably involving multiple interacting game elements. There's an example of such a post (not from me, btw) linked above to help make clear what I mean. Or below is another example. It can be about any aspect of making a build.

Hell, you can even critique this method. Like I said, I'm not claiming it's the best way. But if you're going to do so, please have to decency to put some effort into it. Analyse it. Break it down, in terms of opportunity costs versus benefits versus alternatives. Basically, write something substantial. Show that you care! I'm sorry if I'm coming across as elitist - it's not my intention to call the people being negative here dumb. But it absolutely is my intention to call them lazy. Cos, well, they are. From requesting TL;DR's to flippant dismissals in favor of the most blase solution, no one is even trying to come up with something they've invested even a modicum of effort into, even if that something is just a takedown of this post. There's a reason critics are expected to write full articles, instead of just calling a film dumb and calling it a day. I have no desire to indulge such laziness, and you're free to be as put off by that as you wish.

Your move.
Last edited by Exile009#1139 on Jun 25, 2019, 8:46:59 PM
Exile009 wrote:
I said it's available for all builds, not that all builds will find it equally easy or worthwhile.
Just like ascendancies. Or flasks. Or uniques. I get it, you've found yet another way to get ailment immunities, good. Just don't advertise it as useful for all builds (which your thread title kinda does).
God what with the hate. I found it useful thanks OP.
I just roll juggernaut/beserker/champion/ stun immunity (with conditions depending on ascendancy)
Exile009 wrote:
Apparently ailment (beyond just freeze, which you can cancel with a flask) immunity is a big deal for a lot of people, but they typically rely on either their ascendancy or some uniques to get it. However, it's quite possible (and yes, cheap) to get this on ANY build, regardless of ascendancy, if you know what to look for.

Elemental Ailment Immunity

You can get elemental ailment immunity on any build just by taking the Crystal Skin passive cluster between Duelist and Ranger and then crafting two of the '25% Chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments' suffixes onto your gloves and helm. BAM! You're now immune to Chill, Freeze, Shock and Ignite at the cost of 5 passive points and two suffixes on gear. Can even make it 4 passive points if you drop the Ignite node, since that rarely matters. And yes, it makes you immune to the relevant ground effect as well.

Now for stun, the relevant power passives are the Heart of Oak cluster in the Ranger area (it also gives life!). That gets you 36% stun avoidance for 3 points. Now you can either use multi-modding to craft Helena's 25% stun avoidance mod (also on gloves and helms) OR save yourself an affix by instead putting Jun's 35% stun avoidance mod on your chest. That leaves you a bit short of 100%, however, in comes one of the least valued mods on Abyss jewels to cap out your avoidance (Abyss jewels can roll upto 10% stun avoidance, and it's usually not valued and hence cheap). Btw, jewels can also roll upto 10% of each elemental ailment avoidance, but imo it's far more feasible to just use the Crystal Skin cluster for that rather than slotting in tons of jewel sockets.

This wrong...

First of all, shock is rarely a concern for players because there are so few sources of it and when you do get shocked it's usually not for a large enough value for a high shock multi and even then the Pantheon has a very popular major god Arakaali that reduces both the duration and effect of shock. If the Brass Dome had flat or increased life on it many would be using it since the shock "drawback" on it is actually not really effective at being a drawback at all.

Secondly, ignite is dangerous in only rare instances and Sin's rebirth is typically popular, however, you are not correct claiming ignite immunity affects burning ground. Burning ground is entirely separate from ignite, which can only occur via hits. Burning ground is actually FAR more dangerous than ignite and is actually more common than shock. I actually almost always grab the Pantheon Abberath node because of the power of ignoring burning ground, especially as an Energy Shield character because I usually do something else for poison.

Now as for the Crystal Skin cluster, these nodes are actually almost never viable. I am one of the few players that has actually taken them before and they were actually in a better spot before they were moved to the current position. The buff they received is nowhere near enough to make up for the nerf in position movement. Before, it was easy to grab them for any dodge character and now they are out in the middle of nowhere only a Ranger would ever bother pathing past. So now, in addition to the cost of the nodes themselves, there is actually a very high pathing cost for every class but ranger and even for ranger they may have a +1 node cost. This cluster is straight up not viable for any class in the game except Ranger and maaaaaybe Duelist just because of the pathing cost. Keep in mind this isn't even elemental immunity yet, this is for 50% maximum. Also keep in mind that only chill and freeze are actual threats and the other two are mostly just wasting your points.

Now, you are suggesting crafting another 50% to get immunity to elemental ailments. I'm not even going to cover this in-depth, but I will just quickly note that losing uniques in those slots or a craft option is a MONUMENTALLY HUGE COST and there are almost no circumstances where it is worth doing that. You would be far better off rolling shaper mods that get up to 35% chance, taking Thick Skin for +8%, and rounding up with a couple of jewel suffixes to get elemental ailment immunity, but even so this is still very build limiting.

Here are soome viable ways to deal with chill and freeze and % of builds that can use them so you can understand how niche this cluster is:
Any 1 utility flask of heat 95%
multimod boots 30%
Dream Fragments 20%
Unstoppable 5%
Kaom's Roots 20%
Alpha's Howl + Crafted boots 5%
Her Embrace 5%
Crystal Skin + Thick Skin + Shaper boots + Jewel <1%

The Heart of Oak cluster is actually a top tier passive node area but again, it is limited to Rangers only. An occasional assassin might venture into that area but it's highly unlikely a Duelist would ever go there and a Scion would have to be dodge based to start in the Ranger area. You have immediately excluded a huge percent of all builds by picking these passives. Furthermore, stun is not hard to handle, unlike chill and freeze. It is relatively easy for any build in the game to take the Brine King pantheon which instantly makes stun not threatening. Stuns are only scary when they stack, and their duration can be reduced from the very cheap and available reduced stun duration stat so a single stun will not be an issue. Also, 6k+ life usually keeps the stun duration short already so life builds in general don't need much for stun. Stun immunity is only needed for very dangerous content or very squishy builds. There are several ways to stack 100% stun avoidance, including the Heart of Oak cluster. Yes, this cluster is good and combined with an elder quiver, leads to very easy stun immunity. However, it is not even close to "available to every build", nor is this cluster necessary to get easy stun immunity.

Above all other points the largest mistake you have made is trying to become stun and elemental ailment immune while not addressing Temporal Chains. There is absolutely no reason to ever try to get perm immunity to both stun and all elemental ailments while ignoring Temporal Chains. Temporal Chains is far more prevalent and dangerous than ignite and shock. For that matter, so is bleeding, which is the most dangerous ailment period. Oh, but Temporal Chains is not an ailment? Yes, but think about what you just dedicated to elemental immunity and stun immunity. Now add in what you need for a functioning build. Making room for Temporal Chains resistance is real hard at that point. I have made builds before that had all of this. They were immune to all ailments, including bleeding and stun. They were also highly resistant to Temporal Chains. These are incredibly niche builds that have very expensive items and give up a huge amount for these immunities. I even had one summoner build actually turn out very strong this way. However, I have also made builds with one flask of warding, one flask of heat, and the Brine King pantheon that were still fine vs all this and they had much more flexibility. I think the issue here is you are severely underestimating the value of flasks.
Last edited by DemigodParadox#0524 on Jun 26, 2019, 8:39:38 AM

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