(Retired Thread) Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems

Flash Freeze is the best choice for anointing ? I guess so
HELLERcz wrote:
Flash Freeze is the best choice for anointing ? I guess so


this is good but expensive
Glad to see folks enjoying the build, and thanks to everyone who has helped answer questions. I've been streaming quite a bit since league start so it's a bit hard to keep up with all the new posts in the thread.

Kirbmon wrote:
i use this build as my league starter and so far i really like it! just wanna tell you that there seems to be a mistake in POB. In the leveling tree at "Uber Lab" did you skill into "deep thoughts" and took out points from "sanctum of thought".
and in the lvl 95 tree its back to normal. just in case if you wanna fix the tree for others :)

Thanks for pointing that out, the PoB link should be updated to correct that.

theonedima wrote:
yo man. rocking your build. feels great!
what do you think about this new boots? they seem insane! looks like best items in slot. what do you think about them?

To be honest I don't think I'd take them over a set of rare boots for this build. They seem like an item designed to bring back the old "reflect totems" Chieftain build, which requires a more focused build to get good use out of. Eye of Innocence is a key item there that allows totems to rapidly hit themselves (and thus continuously trigger the reflect aspect of these boots), and is best paired with more stacked totem life. Enemies spend far too much time frozen or at range from our totems to make good use out of these, and we don't have a ton of room to give up resists or life for ourselves.

Apostolos wrote:
On your shield, do you just alt spam until you hit totems and go from there or is there a better way to get what you are aiming for?

When making the first +1 totem shield of the league, that is generally what I do, yeah. +1 totems is a fairly common affix on item level 70+ Shaper shields, and to start you don't really need much other than that. Use Alteration Orbs until you hit it, use a Regal Orb to make it a rare and gain an additional affix, then craft something useful on top of that. It'll last you a good long while.

HELLERcz wrote:
Flash Freeze is the best choice for anointing ? I guess so

It's definitely the most reasonable right now. Heartseeker isn't too bad either for plain critical strike multiplier, but I really like the Flash Freeze node anyway so I'm not complaining about it being significantly cheaper than our other options. Unfortunately the best defensive options are the two most expensive ones in the game, which makes them pretty hard to justify, at least this early in the league.
Last edited by Wallach#2877 on Sep 9, 2019, 5:20:27 AM
Day 1


livejamie wrote:
I leveled just fine, go self-cast FP with a Totem FP until you get Ancestral Bond.

My Day 1 Progress

Next I'm going to focus on getting Jeweller's Touch, Soul Mantle and Self-Flagellation.

So far it's been a breeze.

Day 2


livejamie wrote:
Farmed some currency, sold some items and bought Jeweller's Touch and switched over to the Self-Flag setup like I said yesterday. :)

Made some other minor upgrades but using the same Wand and Shield from Day 1.

Next big upgrade would be Coward belt. Boots and amulet could be better as well.

I'm confident I should be able to do most content in the game though with this gear I'm breezing through everything.

Going to finish my atlas tomorrow.

Day 3

Got lucky and 6-linked my Soul Mantle in 500 fuses, upgraded nearly every piece of gear slightly and sold the old stuff. Crafted my own helmet. Will buy a Proj Speed one when a reasonably priced one comes on the market.

Next Goals are finishing leveling up the gems, getting a better belt and then saving up for Reflection/Empower/Chains.
Managed to pull together every bit of currency I had and was able to snipe the prophecy for this beauty for 6.9 exa:

Looking good

Rest of the Gear coming along nicely too, and the build is shaping up to be really tanky and with really high clear speed:

Last edited by Magisch#5461 on Sep 9, 2019, 10:56:29 AM
Thats odd because (and I am probably doing something wrong I guess) because I have gone over 250 alts and not hit +1 totems even once. (lvl 79 shaper fossilized spirit shield)
This build is really lots of fun, and helping a lot with the tower defense :) I managed to put together a little bit after collecting some currency, still a lot to upgrade like helmet and amu and both weapons... but blasting through maps right now.

so we selfcast frostbomb + curse ..
what if we do at least frostbombv in a trigger setup in the weapon?
rotheee wrote:
so we selfcast frostbomb + curse ..
what if we do at least frostbombv in a trigger setup in the weapon?

Your endgame plan is to multimod a weapon off of +1 to all cold skill gems and +20% ele as chaos. If you can fit that into that weapon that probably works.
rotheee wrote:
so we selfcast frostbomb + curse ..
what if we do at least frostbombv in a trigger setup in the weapon?

Even if you could do that, your damage would suffer quite a bit.
And then you'd have a spare 4-link. What would you put in there?

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