(Retired Thread) Wallach's Hierophant Freezing Pulse Totems

grishak1 wrote:
Doing good time with this setup, congartz. I'm kinda lazy and wanted to see how I'll do with ancestral bond as soon as possible. FP totems are kinda shit in boss fights until you get your second lab and two first snows but I just finished a no preparation whatsoever run to blood aqueduct and got there in 4.5h which kinda surprised me. That's not too bad and definitely an option too. But i'm curious about your OoS setup and think will try it to compare.

Wow that's a pretty good time tbh. I doubt I would make that time going totems right off the start haha. I look forward to hearing how you think the OoS/Wave setup feels in comparison!

Edit: Threw up a quick video of clearspeed + A5 Kitava kill so people can see what it looks like.
IGN: Dmillz
Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on Sep 1, 2019, 2:51:32 PM
Interesting build, it's been a while since I played totems. I want to try it in 3.8. Hopefully it will stay under the nerfhammer radar :)
Shavronne wrapped Kaom's waist,
with her gilded purple boots.
"You want my sockets?"
Thanks mate ! Legion league was great with this build :) this is how my hiero looks now: https://pastebin.com/fkU2P0aW . Even before the reflection was awesome but with it, it really shines :) Thanks !
What if i would want to play it with ice spear instead? Would that work? Better? Worse? Equal? Would i have to change much beside the fp jeweles to rain of splinters and poachers aim?
deimudda69 wrote:
What if i would want to play it with ice spear instead? Would that work? Better? Worse? Equal? Would i have to change much beside the fp jeweles to rain of splinters and poachers aim?

I don't know if there's any reason you couldn't just swap gems & jewels with this build... I haven't thought about it that extensively but for the most part since these skills have the same tags it'd probably work out.

As far as the outcome, that's more about what you specifically want to do with the build. The only real reason to run Ice Spear over Freezing Pulse is single target damage (especially as the amount of currency you invest decreases). As a clear skill, it sucks pretty bad compared to Freezing Pulse no matter what you do with it, but if you're not concerned about clear speed and only care about something like really early league boss killing, maybe it'd be advantageous enough to go that route.

I personally don't like it because I don't think the game's current content rewards excessive single target DPS very well relative to general clear speed. So, especially in a case like this where you're going to get pretty solid single target DPS anyway while still using a premiere clear skill, it feels hard to justify for me.
Hi guys, really interesting build and I definitely going to try a totem build in Blight season.

I'm pretty new to the game, started at the last 1/3 of legion and probably only know like 70% of the game.

I'm choosing your build because your guide is detailed and the leveling progression is good enough to help me playing my second build in the game. I just don't pick other builds (and now other totem builds) because they generally neglect noobs by put only a paragraph or two in "leveling tab". So giving each act it's own walk-through is important to fish newcomers, that thoughtful action certainly captivated me for your build.

Now for my questions:
1) How friendly is this build for newcomers and a league starter? If I ever get a 6 link unique chest for this build or the multiple mandatory anti-curse rings, how useful/powerful I can be endgame to farm on my own (full rare no uniques) until I have currency to buy this stuff?

2) If it's not much to ask, can you make a step by step about gear progression? looking at this build I can't find myself comfortable in like spend huge currency on chest without the two unique rings. AT full gear the build is perfectly in synergy, but what about when you're acquiring them? if I have the chest and one ring how viable am I? I can only use the unique armor with the rings? What should I get first? a low budget section of gear to farm the main uniques would help a lot.

3) Also, if you could link how generally you build your passives through each act and map farming via poe planner would help a lot noobs like me. I know you already stated some tips on passives, but even so I'm getting lost on how to distribute the passives and what's ideal while in a certain act.

4) How main gear defensive status are important? I mean outside of energy shield, should I care about evasion or armor if I get a really good roll in either type of gear even if they come up useless later on and I lack energy shield?

Ty, and if you can do it before Blight release I would appreciate a lot!
@SupremeVoid I was pretty much in your situation at the start of legion so getting to a 6l is not as hard as it may seem now. This build is somehow similar to what I played but I think it can get to higher dps with less currency invested. The rings are very cheap, 1c each was what I payed for them. From my point of view a 5l chest will get you through most of the content in the game, even t15 maps deathless if you are careful. This build's creator made a very good job here and I think I will play it myself, or at least a variant with some minor changes.
@Wallach Since, from what I remember, +1 totem spirit shields are kind of expensive at the beginning of a league. As an alternative, what do you think about Tukohama's Fortress with the addition that one should skip mana regen nodes and mom until enough currency for a spirit shield? Also, the bonus aura with no life cost can help increase dps using hatred or regen using vitality.

RO_MrGummy wrote:
@Wallach Since, from what I remember, +1 totem spirit shields are kind of expensive at the beginning of a league. As an alternative, what do you think about Tukohama's Fortress with the addition that one should skip mana regen nodes and mom until enough currency for a spirit shield? Also, the bonus aura with no life cost can help increase dps using hatred or regen using vitality.

Not Wallach but IMO it's better to have a bunch of mana with MoM than an extra totem. +1 totem = 25% more DPS + Hatred = 18% more DPS = 47% more DPS total, which is nice, but damage will be fine already.

Giving up MoM means you're losing up to 66% of your EHP pool (40% MoM = 4/6 = 66.6%) assuming you have enough mana. I would never trade 66% of my life for 47% more damage unless I was really lacking DPS.

Edit: I neglected to look up prices for the shield. Not super cheap. Personally I wouldn't bother but if you like the deeps, go for it.
IGN: Dmillz
Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on Sep 2, 2019, 3:03:31 PM
Well, looking at past leagues it's around 40c for the first 2-3 days, so definitely not cheap. The odds of getting +1 totem is 1/87, even better on a low ilvl shield since you can't get all tiers of other mods, so you should hit it in like 10c of alt spam.

Or just use multiple totems support when you have a 5l soulmantle and dual wield wands, damage is good on white/yellow maps with it anyway.
Not worth using Multiple Totems once you have 3 base totems. It's only worth 32% (5/3 * .79) more damage, and that's with a lv20 gem which you wouldn't have, which is similar to other supports but each individual totem is weaker which is worse for clearing and freezing.
IGN: Dmillz
Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on Sep 2, 2019, 3:09:41 PM

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