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Introducing Path of Exile Ladders. Animated ladder videos for Leagues, Races and Events!

Hello exiles!

Recently I was testing and, to be fair, learning to use a JavaScript data visualization library (D3.js), but all the data sets I was able to find out there were mostly politics, vote results, demographics and a long etcetera of "common data" which I really think they were booooring.

So a few days before the Flashback Synthesis event started, I began to collect data from the ladder API and played with it. I essentially combined my favourite game with my learning, resulting in funny and exciting ladder visualizations!

During the Flashback event and Legion league I've been doing videos with the results, so here are some examples for the PC ladders, enjoy!

Race to Level 100 playlist
Legion Day #1 playlist
Legion Day #6 playlist

Flashback Synthesis
Race to Level 100 playlist
Flashback Synthesis Day #2 playlist
Flashback Synthesis Day #4 playlist

PS: I'm starting to edit both consoles ladders today and will post on their respective forum soon. Our console friends have their own competition and I've been collecting their data as well!
Last bumped on Jun 17, 2019, 11:28:18 AM

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