🍪🍪<CÒOKIE>Cookie Squad ● Settlers/PoE2 ● English ● Casual/Friendly ● Discord ● PC ● Guild Tabs🍪🍪

IGN: NateChest
How Long You've Been Playing PoE?: Ive been playing since 3.13 ive only started to play the league now because of college and stuff but now im rdy to hop back in especially because the next league is the endgame expansion. In terms of experiene/knowledge about the game i pretty much know about every mechanic, item mods, crafting so im pretty knowledgeable and i like playing endgame builds like int stacker that i like to invest in league-long.
Last edited by natenocap#5177 on Dec 4, 2021, 9:46:08 AM
League got delayed, hoping to see more in the next league.
Siege of the Atlas Expansion with ArchNemesis League, we'll be going hard in Feb!
Feel free to jump into our Discord and chat with us!
40-ish minutes from launch! come join us!
Almost 1 day into Archnemesis come join us!
Would love to join you! havent played in a long time and i got a lot to learn.
Still Recruiting!
Officer online now if you want a invite!
About 1 month into the league, the guild has died down a little bit but looking for more members!

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