[3.10] Ngamahu's Flame/300% Movement Speed/8-13 Frenzy Charges/7k HP/6.75 Mil Shaper DPS/40k Evasion

Build in action:

Uber Elder with just ~5k life, now the build goes up to 7k

3.8 Blighted Map showcase

Gear used in the video:

A general idea of the build:

I present to you Raider build utilizing Ngamahu's Flame and recently buffed cyclone. The build relies heavily on Frenzy Charges, which you will be able to achieve with an absolute minimal investment (8 frenzy charges with 1 alchemy orb investment, and up to 13 frenzy charges for min-maxers in Standard League). Additionally, we scale flat phys and flat ele dmg, that is later on converted to Fire.

300% Movement Speed and Defences:

How does the build work in a nutshell? We spin with cyclone, our weapon is generating 'Molten Burst' a very similar projectiles that Molten Strike is creating, which scale with area damage, fire damage, elemental damage etc. with the recent changes to cyclone's AOE radius and more ways to obtain Weapon Range, it's quite easy to get high AOE coverage for smooth mapping. Lastly we use vaal haste to get even more speed and new skill 'Dash' to close the gap.
Another interesting new mechanic is Blood and Sand gem, which basically allows us to switch between two stances (Sand for AOE clear, and Blood for Single-Target/Tough encounters).

So with 10 frenzy charges we get following perks:
90% increased attack speed
40% increased cast speed (irrelevant)
40% more damage (it multiplies your entire damage!)
90% movement speed
90% evasion
50% increased damage (additive but still nice boost)
20% Dodge attack

Source of information below and in Path of Building:
Note that each frenzy charge grants by default:

4% increased Attack Speed
4% increased Cast Speed
4% more Damage

and from tree we get:

Raider ascendancy:
2% movement speed
3% attack speed
3% attack damage

other notables:
4% + 5% evasion
2% movement speed
2% increased attack speed
5% increased damage

Darkray vectors:
2% dodge
5% movement speed

in total:
9% increased attack speed per frenzy charge
4% increased cast speed per frenzy charge (irrelevant)
9% more damage per frenzy charge
4% movement speed per frenzy charge
9% evasion per frenzy charge
5% increased damage
2% dodge

3.9 Path of Building with new Awakened Gems

Damage Calculation Formula:

Total DPS = (Cyclone Total DPS) + [ (Cyclone Attack Rate * 0.2) * (Default number of proj. + Dying Sun proj. + Greater Multiple Gem) * Molten Burst Avg Damage ]

Total DPS = (1,500,000) + [ (13.5 * 0.2) * (2 + 2 + 4) ] * 243,000

Total DPS = 1,500,000 + 5,250,000 = 6,750,000

Color coding/Legend:
Molten Burst
Number of balls: 22
*Assuming all molten balls hit the target

Pantheon of gods


Leveling Tips 1-67


Always try to have boots with 25% movement speed or more!

Level 1 - 28

-Use whatever melee skill you like, I personally choose 'Cleave', at level 4 buy new aura Blood and Sand (use Blood stance only for bosses and harder Rare mobs)
-At level 1 Buy Tabula Rasa if you can afford it (this chest will serve you well through-out entire leveling process so it's worth every penny)
-At level 1 Buy 'Goldrim' unique helmet, you will use it till level 55+ so it's a good investment (it will greatly help you to keep good resists during leveling process)
-At level 16 buy Daresso's Salute amulet, you can keep it till end-game so it's a great investment
-At level 16 buy Herald of Ash and use it till end-game (good investment for leveling)

Level 22-24

-At level 22 Buy this ring will help you keep your mana up, and have more mana to kill mobs

-At level 24 buy Anger (it will be needed for your end-game setup so it's worth to buy it)

Level 28-33

-At level 28 Buy Cyclone and use it with Fortify (level 31 required), Pulverise (level 31 required) Melee Physical Damage, Infused Channeling, Increased Area of Effect, Added Fire Damage
-At level 28 buy Vaal Ancestral Warchief and use it during Boss fights and Elite packs

-At level 33 Buy unique axe 'Reaper's Pursuit' or if you have good rare axe that has more than 150-200 damage per second use it instead.

-At level 38, buy 'Cast when damage taken' & 'Immortal Call from vendors in Act 4. (link them together and don't level up them, keep them at level 1). You can also add third gem to the link 'Increased Duration' to prolong the effect of Immortal Call.

-At level 40 Buy unique axe 'The Cauteriser' and use it till level 55

-At level 55 buy Non-corrupted Ngamahu's Flame and start following main guide as you should have access to all gems and items listed there.

-At level 55 you can upgrade your helmet to 'Rat's Nest'
-At level 67 you can upgrade your helmet to 'Devoto's Devotion' this can be your end-game helmet so it's worth the investment

Bandits: Kill all bandits
Ascendancy order: Way of the Poacher -> Avatar of the Slaughter -> Rapid Assault -> Avatar of the Chase
Leveling Tree: Refer to Gif and PoB, first go up (shadow Area), once you have all nodes, go down and left.

For the rare items simply try to get as much life and resists (and intelligence and strength to level up the gems).

Pros (+)

-Jack of all trades (you will be able to do almost everything in a decent manner, but will never be 'the best in it' which is also a cons)
-Extremely fast clear speed, more than 300% Movement Speed!
-Can run ALL map mods (the only exception is Elemental Reflect mode)
-Satisfying gameplay, you shouldn't get bored quickly
-Very good at Delving
-Relatively high single target DPS due to Molten Burst balls from the weapon (up to 7 Milion Shaper Damage per Second)
-Cheap to start
-With some investment, your life leech (or rather life gained on hit) will keep you alive in most dangerous encounters! (up to 100 life per 1 hit from various sources - I've managed to outleech 1072 Darkness Stacks in Delve)
-Only one item is required, itemization of remaining gear-pieces is just an endless pleasure :)
-A lot of synergies, frenzy charges, evasion, dodge, movement speed, etc.

Cons (-)

-No flexibility in terms of weapon itemization (we need to use Ngamahu's Flame)
-Min/maxing can be very expensive
-Jack of all trades, neither the best boss farmer nor the fastest mapper (although there are very few builds that are faster ^^)

End-game Gem links:

Weapon 6 sockets, no need to link them! [2 Blue, 2 Red, 2 Green]

Chest 6 sockets, 6 links [3 red, 2 blue, 1 green]

*Note, if you can't afford 3R-2B-1G QoTF and go with 2R-2B-2G instead, then I propose you swap out Pulverise and use Ice Bite or Culling Strike Support (if you don't use Gluttony Belt).


My regular setup with Leap Slam for mobility during Boss Fights & Vitality (only makes sense, if you have Watcher's Eye with Life Gain on Hit while affected by Vitality):
Anger - Vitality - Leap Slam - Enlighten

Alternatively, if you sacrifice Leap Slam you can use below combination for best mapping damage:
Anger - Herald of Ash - Blood and Sand - Englighten

Cast When Damage Taken (level 20) - Immortal Call (level 20) - Increased Duration (level 20) - Blood Rage (level 20)
Blood Rage can be replaced by level 8 Dash, if you decided not to use Leap Slam and lack mobility.

Cast When Damage Taken (level 1) - Wave of Conviction (level 1) - Curse on Hit (level 20) - Enfeeble/Flammability (Level 20)

Note that you can use two Cast when Damage setups (I like to use one setup with CWDT level 1 (that will trigger very often for curse and resist debuff) and second setup CWDT level 20 with immortal call, when I receive a very big hit and I need physical and elemental damage reduction.

When you are hit for more than 528 damage, Cast when Damage Taken will trigger Wave of Conviction (Aoe/Cone spell that applies -25% enemy fire res by itself) and triggers Curse on Hit setup with Enfeeble (I choose Enfeeble for Survi, you can replace it with Flammability for more damage). Remember that order matters! Cast on Damage taken needs to be in top left socket and Curse (Enfeeble or Flammability) needs to be in bottom left socket! otherwise this won't work properly.

Gear Section:

Starting items (very cheap! and capable of T16)

I did t16 Pit of Chimera with this setup without any problems! As you can see all of these items are easy to craft/buy for few chaos orbs from poe.trade. I took out Watcher's eye and simulated 5 link in weapon and armor to make it look more realistic for league start :)

My current gear in Std league:


We got only 1 choice here:

Look for high attack speed: 10-12% and High physical % damage: 215-230%

Best corruptions:

God tier:
"Culling Strike" (only accessible in Standard)

Top tier:
Adds 9-13 Physical Damage (flat)
5-7% Attack speed
16-20% Physical Damage (%)
+2 Weapon Range
25-30% Increased Area of Effect

Nice to have:
+1 Weapon Range
20% chance to cause Bleeding on Hit
(30–40)% increased Attack Damage against Bleeding Enemies

Corruptions that doesn't work with Ngamahu's Molten Burst skill "Socketed Gems are Supported by X" ex. Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Fortify or Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 10 Life Gain On Hit.


Cheap unique that fits cyclone playstyle:

It has everything what cyclone needs, but don't forget that cyclone is only part of our damage, so I wouldn't recommend it as an endgame amulet.

My recommendation:

It's just great, fire resists, debuff for enemies (20% increased fire dmg taken by enemies and 20% less movement speed), fire pene, %life!

Unfortunately +1 Frenzy Charge corruption is now legacy :( however, Attack Speed % corruption is also nice :)

Alternative option:

If someone really wants to invest a lot into this build he can try to craft a similar amulet, although it is not going to extremely outperform Xoph's Blood


Resists, life, dmg/utility

If you are not fully res capped then it's the right place to boost your resists, if you don't have any resistance problems, you can try to craft delve helmet with -9% fire resists (scorching fossil) and life/maximum% life (pristine fossil). If you end-up with open prefix i recommend crafting life/armour/evasion, +1 weapon range, or increased level of AOE gems +x% aoe dmg

Useful uberlab enchants:

40% increased Cyclone Damage
15% increased Cyclone Attack Speed
Blood Rage grants additional 12% increased Attack Speed
Anger has 15% reduced Mana Reservation
Herald of Ash has 30% reduced Mana Reservation (if you use it)
Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 30% increased Melee Damage while Active (if you use it)

Molten Strike enchants doesn't work for us, as Ngamahu's Flame triggers Molten Burst, it's not the same as Molten Strike.

Example of cheap uniques:


Rare helmets:

Simple but that's what we need, life resists and accuracy as a nice bonus to reach max hit chance

You should be able to get something similar with few tries (maybe not t1s but at least t3/t2 life). Use pristine for life and %life, and scorching for -9% fire res aura and fire resists.

unfortunately '12% weapon elemental damage' is now legacy but you have other good options here for prefix crafts. Again very simple helmet, life, and as much resists as it is possible

Chest piece:


Interesting uniques:

My recommendation:

You can get additional 40-50% free movement speed out of this armor only by using this flask:

Additionally, evasion improves your survivability, and resists and life is always a nice addition!

Alternatively, you can look for -15 Mana cost of skill on your armor and get something like below chest. It will allow you to use cyclone with lower unreserved mana (so you can use more auras etc.)

My recommendation, if you like the build and want it to excel even more (high cost):



Very cheap and decent option, it provides you up to 60% movement speed and 20%+ free dodge attack! lightning resists will surely help you to cap resists.

I wouldn't recommend switching it unless you have huge problems with caping your resists, then go for something like that:



Life, Resists, Elemental Damage with Attacks, Elemental Damage, Fire Damage, Socket for Abyss Jewel

Luxury product only for STD and under the condition that your resists are caped:



Best base: Gripped (18% projectile dmg) or +1 Corrupted Rare/Unique Gloves

Life, Resists, Attack speed, Accuracy (if you need it for 100% hit chance), flat phys/fire dmg, abyssal socket (hollow fossil)

Example of nice gloves:

Tombfists are also a decent option if you have your resists caped:

You can look for +1 Frenzy corruption on them



I could spend 1-hour writing here about a potential combination of mods that we might need on rings, but again try to answer 2 questions:
1) are your resists caped? If not try to get some resists on your rings
2) do you have enough intelligence (114 int) to equip level 21 blue gems that we NEED?
3) do you have enough strength to use Ngamahu's Flame weapon? (128 str)

If yes, then feel free to get:
Life, Life gain on hit (one of the most underrated mods, it will keep you alive I promise), Weapon Elemental Damage, Attack Speed, 10% phys as fire (essence), %projectile damage, curse enemies with assassin's mark on hit, % elemental damage, % fire damage, flat phys, flat fire and many many more!

You can also craft up to -9 mana cost of skills if you have the open prefix on your rings, this will free up some aura possibilities and in general, you won't need to watch your mana pool anymore.

Below are some examples of end-game rings:

In standard, you can also get +1 frenzy rings from synthesis league, but 99% of them are 'mirrored' and with crap stats like this:



Anger Watcher's Eye with Life gain on hit from vitality is just awesome if you can't get it, try to get at least one mod watcher's eye.

On jewels, try to look for Life/%life, crit multi for axes, crit multi for fire spells, flat phys, flat fire, %area, %fire etc.



Dying sun is just Best in Slot, on rest focus on getting Freeze immunity and bleed immunity.


3.7 Kurgal, the Blackblooded, Full Video

3.8 Corrupted T13 Blight (beyond mod) with 5Link and starting gear

3.8 Blighted Map with 6Link and 5 Ex worth Gear
Last edited by Talamoe#1912 on Mar 13, 2020, 3:33:24 AM
Last bumped on Feb 12, 2021, 8:42:14 PM
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a minimal investment required to get this build going?
You will be able to farm T16 maps with an investment of less than 100 chaos orbs.

Is this build Solo-Self-Found SSF viable? Definitely not. There is no easy way to farm our build-enabling weapon Ngamahu's Flame.

Free cyclone mana cost in 3.8 Blight:

With the nerf of -9 Total Mana Cost of skills ring prefix craft that we had at our disposal in 3.7, we have 2 options to sustain continuous cyclone cast:

1) Cheap but not end-game optimal option:



2) Moderate/Difficult to find:

You will need to have 2 Rings with new -3 Total Mana Cost of Channelling skills + Amulet's Anointment: Lucidity

Life leech and Mana Leech problems:

Talamoe wrote:
littlezoe wrote:
I'm lvl61 now, and my gear is not the best, but at least I got the axe where I want it to be. This build really does deal a lot of damage already, and it's pretty fun to play. Even though I only have 4 frenzy charges so far, it's really smooth blazing through levels with it. :)

So far my only problem is that I don't really have life leech, but I will probably work something out on that part.

Answering your leech question:

Can you run more auras with this build?


WaywardGoomba wrote:
I just wanted to say thank you for this build. This is the most fun I've ever had in PoE.

I managed to buy this today. For anyone who hates watching their mana and wants to run five auras, I definitely recommend.

You're welcome, I am really glad that you guys enjoy the game, and I am looking forward to creating more builds :)

I will add your chest piece to 'Alternative gear section' in the main guide, it looks like a great alternative for someone who don't want to use Enlighten in Aura setup.

One additional remark you can also craft up to -9 mana on your ring, if you have open prefix. So if you do it for 2 rings you can have -18 from rings :)

Queen of the Forest socket coloring question explained:
snnnp wrote:
Nice changes, now i need to farm some currency to get a devotos and a queen of the forest with 5/6 link and the right color sockets xD

Thank you, I am glad you like them :)

For Queen of the Forest coloring, you need to have approximately 300 Chromatic Orbs (can be more, depends on your luck/RNG) for 2 Green - 2 Red - 2 Blue setup (you will need to resign from 1 Red Socket in that case)

or if you have 3,500 Chromatics, you can try your luck with the setup that will grant you highest DPS 1 Green - 2 Blue - 3 Red, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you have a lot of currency. Cheaper setup will still do the job.

Link to Vorici calculator, if you want to see the calculation on your own - https://siveran.github.io/calc.html

Pictures of Vorici calculator 2 Green - 2 Red - 2 Blue setup

1 Green - 2 Blue - 3 Red

Is this build good at delving?

Yes, this build is a very decent delving machine, at least 1-400 depth. I am planning to get deeper and deeper, as soon as I will get more sulphite.

Here is GIF showing me surviving 1072 darkness stacks, and only dying due to unlucky shock effect. I didn't try again, but I think i could go like this up to 1300-1500 easily.

23/06/2019: Added new CWDT setups (Wave of Conviction + Curse)
24/06/2019: Redesigned the Tree to get more Life and increase Molten Burst Single Target DPS
24/06/2019: Added a new video of this build vs Kurgal, the Blackblooded (Full Video) Didn't know the mechanics as it was my first time vs this Delve Boss.
28/06/2019: Added progression Tree to Path of Building and Gif Video of leveling Tree (per Act)
10/07/2019: Added information about Weapon corruptions. Important, all 'Socketed Gems are Supported by Level X 'Skill'' doesn't work with Molten Burst!
04/09/2019: 3.8 Changes: Slight Cyclone nerf, Moderate Ascendancy Buffs, Passive Tree stays the same!
13/01/2019: 3.9 Changes: Point Blank nerf, Molten Burst buff, new gems buff, and huge Boss life boosts. Created new experimental PoB for Metamorph League
Last edited by Talamoe#1912 on Jan 13, 2020, 2:16:37 PM
Great guide! I'll try this build in the legion.
Aealar wrote:
Great guide! I'll try this build in the legion.

Thank you very much :) I hope you will enjoy it in the Legion league.

I've added entry level gear as a separate section to help people start in early days of a league:

Short video of above entry level gear (5links) in action (T16 Chimera Pit):

Talamoe wrote:

I've added entry level gear as a separate section to help people start in early days of a league

Thank you very much for this!
Aealar wrote:
Talamoe wrote:

I've added entry level gear as a separate section to help people start in early days of a league

Thank you very much for this!

No problem, if anyone got questions about Passive Tree, Gameplay, Items or anything, feel free to send me a forum message or try to ping me directly in game: Ashenmour
Hey Talamoe!

I will be playing this as my league starter, it looks really nice and fun.

I was just wondering, could you maybe include a "leveling tips" part in your guide? Such as what axe to use before we get Ngamahu's Flame, what to pick in the bandit quest, ect.

Thank you! :)
littlezoe wrote:
Hey Talamoe!

I will be playing this as my league starter, it looks really nice and fun.

I was just wondering, could you maybe include a "leveling tips" part in your guide? Such as what axe to use before we get Ngamahu's Flame, what to pick in the bandit quest, ect.

Thank you! :)

Hello Littlezoe, please find my brief comments on leveling strategy below:

Always try to have boots with 25% movement speed or more!

Level 1 - 28

-Use whatever melee skill you like, I personally choose 'Cleave', at level 4 buy new aura Blood and Sand (use Blood stance only for bosses and harder Rare mobs)
-At level 1 Buy Tabula Rasa if you can afford it (this chest will serve you well through-out entire leveling process so it's worth every penny)
-At level 1 Buy 'Goldrim' unique helmet, you will use it till level 55+ so it's a good investment (it will greatly help you to keep good resists during leveling process)
-At level 16 buy Daresso's Salute amulet, you can keep it till end-game so it's a great investment
-At level 16 buy Herald of Ash and use it till end-game (good investment for leveling)

Level 22-24

-At level 22 Buy this ring will help you keep your mana up, and have more mana to kill mobs

-At level 24 buy Anger (it will be needed for your end-game setup so it's worth to buy it)

Level 28-33

-At level 28 Buy Cyclone and use it with Fortify (level 31 required), Pulverise (level 31 required) Melee Physical Damage, Infused Channeling, Increased Area of Effect, Added Fire Damage
-At level 28 buy Vaal Ancestral Warchief and use it during Boss fights and Elite packs

-At level 33 Buy unique axe 'Reaper's Pursuit' or if you have good rare axe that has more than 150-200 damage per second use it instead.

-At level 38, buy 'Cast when damage taken' & 'Immortal Call from vendors in Act 4. (link them together and don't level up them, keep them at level 1). You can also add third gem to the link 'Increased Duration' to prolong the effect of Immortal Call.

-At level 40 Buy unique axe 'The Cauteriser' and use it till level 55

-At level 55 buy Non-corrupted Ngamahu's Flame and start following main guide as you should have access to all gems and items listed there.

-At level 55 you can upgrade your helmet to 'Rat's Nest'
-At level 67 you can upgrade your helmet to 'Devoto's Devotion' this can be your end-game helmet so it's worth the investment

Bandits: Kill all bandits
Ascendancy order: Rapid Assault -> Way of the Poacher -> Avatar of the Slaughter -> Avatar of the Chase
Leveling Tree: First focus on grabbing all nodes from the bottom left side of the tree (below duelist area) and after this go to the top part (shadow area). So first go left, once you get everything start going up.

For the rare items simply try to get as much life and resists (and intelligence and strength to level up the gems).
Last edited by Talamoe#1912 on Jun 12, 2019, 12:02:41 PM
Thank you very much! I'm excited to start playing this! ^^
littlezoe wrote:
Thank you very much! I'm excited to start playing this! ^^

Great! If you will have any doubts, or questions feel free to post them here, it might help other people who follow this guide as well!

Happy playing :)

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