|3.8][Budget] BeyBlade Tank - 1 million + Facebreaker Cyclone DPS

*due ^^^^
u gonna update for 3.8?
I'll update the tree for 3.8 tomorrow, I plan to play around the same build but with a bit less defense to get some Impale going
With the reckoning nerf and also cyclone damage nerf, i'm still clocking at 1.1m shaper dps. Should still be viable.
What do you think would be the best amulet anoint?
Pyotr wrote:
What do you think would be the best amulet anoint?

Here are all the nodes I find interesting (some less than others, it depends on what you lack) :
- Sanctuary
- Tenacity
- Charging offensive
- Discipline and training
- Precise Interception
- Command of Steel
- Aspect of Stone
- Singular Focus
- Graceful Assault

I'm curently using Sanctuary since it's pretty cheap but I think I'm gonna go for Charging offensive while I craft a MVP Shield, this way I can use a cheap shield and still get charges.

Tenacity is the best option IMO, so I might switch to it when I'll get the shield I want.
Last edited by mayo#3026 on Sep 10, 2019, 12:44:11 PM
I saw you use Vulnerability in your CoH setup, but isn't Punishment strictly superior to it? I guess our setups are a bit different, since I run Flesh and Stone, but Punishment is still more damage and attack speed.
Pyotr wrote:
I saw you use Vulnerability in your CoH setup, but isn't Punishment strictly superior to it? I guess our setups are a bit different, since I run Flesh and Stone, but Punishment is still more damage and attack speed.

I'll swap to punishment, thanks for the reminder ^^
Last edited by mayo#3026 on Sep 11, 2019, 1:01:22 PM
waiting for 3.8 edition~~~
ardye wrote:
waiting for 3.8 edition~~~

Updated !

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