How the Legion Launch Went

How it goes...

Having fun - Crash

Log in

Having fun - Crash

Log in

Having Fun - Crash

Log in

Having fun - Crash

Give up

Log in

Having fun - Crash

Log in

Having Fun - Crash

Give up

Having Fun - Crash

Log in

Having Fun - Crash

Log in

Having Fun - Crash

Go to sleep

Rince and repeat
It's not Monday evening yet in the us time zones
our smoothest launch.....ahhahaahahahah
GGG what a joke !! what i saw was chrash and disconnections playing since 2013 on pc and now on ps4...always the same problems since 6 years !!! what are you doing guys? WE NEED BALANCE AND BETTER SERVERS PLS THX.
Last edited by Deathshadow666#7989 on Jun 10, 2019, 12:47:42 PM
I'd have to agree, this was not the smoothest launch at all from a client perspective, and it seems incredibly tone-deaf of GGG to try and proclaim that fact. The game literally CTDs when trying to engage with the new league mechanic so often it's like I should just skip it entirely. Maybe if you guys took some time to save logout positions and put the player back in the same instance it wouldn't be nearly as annoying, or popping a portal where we got d/ced.. this is probably one of the biggest frustrations with this game. When something *does* go wrong with a desynch or disconnect, it takes too long to get back into the game at the point where you got dropped.
realist stats here :
I just put the finishing touches on my Inquisitor this morning. Lv. 95! I was angry to not get Legion alongside the PC players. But it was a blessing in disguise. It allowed extra time to achieve my goal of Lv. 95 before Synthesis ended. Having achieved my goal, I may just play in Legion. Of course I'm excited to implement my updated build on my main 1st. Thanks to a few new gems, I'll be pushing 1 mil dmg! Hope there aren't any bugs when it goes live on PS4. Cheers, and kudos on the successful Legion launch on PC!
Last edited by Cloud-Zanza#9767 on Jun 10, 2019, 1:14:15 PM
Thanks for making me waste a one day job. :clap:
People, did you know that betrayal, delve or even synthesis were much more buggy than legion? I had only few crashes this league and couldn't play almost two first weeks of betrayal and playing delve first days was so annoying. Did you consider that? Or one more thing - that each of us can have slightly different hardware? So, what is buggy for few can be just fine for thousands and vice versa. If you get general statistics from all data GGG surely could gather (and you could not) we can assume they know what they are saying.
Smile! <3
From a server stability point of view, this was our smoothest launch ever.

You write this every time. And every time it is not true.
I did not have a single crash at all, not from legion or channeling in Shaper cuts-scenes and i don't have betrayal lag either. My rig is 6 Years old.

I dont know what you guys do to you systems but blaming ggg for every single crash is not the answer.

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