[<REFUGE>] Recruiting POE 2 // Casual Guild // Active Discord //
Hi, i would like to join
IGN: GowronBV Have no exp playing poe yet just started |
Hi, interested in joining. Aurabot 83
IGN: noobCSpoeplayer |
Hey, I'm interested in joining, been playing POE since Perandus, I have 2000hours of game experience.
Account name: wintersedge Character name: HarvestNoLuck I'm a very active player, playing every single leauge Playing Path Of Exile since talisman
Bumped And Sent!
Hey, I'm interested in joining
Account name: Death101watcher Character name: shelltheskelly current league [sc] looking for a cozy home wilst playing |
Hello, I'm interested in joining please.
IGN: Dresbain |
I am interested in joining up if you still have a free slot IGN - Storm__Vortex |
Hey i would like to join you guys :)
IGN: HuggerLoveHugging |
I am interested in joining up if you still have a free slot IGN - MasterWello |
I would like to join (: IGN: OhGreatRNGesusAmen |