Blade flurry does no damage most of the time!!!

Managed to reproduce this, although its not entirely consistent:

1) If you release stacks from a charged blade flurry and IMMEDIATELY attempt to start channeling blade flurry again, your entire second channel does no damage and will not accumulate stacks, despite the animation still going off.

2) Enemies not within the blade flurry AoE at the start of the channel receive no damage. This means that if you turn while channeling, new enemies that enter your blade flurry AoE will take no damage, despite the animation still going off.

Please fix this, blade flurry is pretty much unplayable now!
Last bumped on Jul 8, 2019, 2:06:00 AM
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To add to this, Blade Flurry doesn't allow you to smoothly rotate anymore either, it turns either extremely slowly or in small chunks every time it goes up a stage. Feels awful to use.
To add to this, please unfuck Blade Flurry, how is this even possible, a single AoE buff turned out as broken targeting and something that looks like 90% damage penalty while channeling.
Problem: impostor syndrome
Solution: nerf everything
Result: depressing mess
Everything above. The ability feels incredibly clunky - no longer allowing you to rotate half of the time - and the damage appears to be glitching out all the time.

I thought it was just me. The ability to not target switch while channeling is pretty rough. This, along with the other issues mentioned, are pretty skill breaking. I'm guessing it is a weird reaction to the new melee targeting changes - it wasn't fully tested.

Please fix this soon GGG, it ruins my starter build!!!
Same here.

Yeah, I'm using blade flurry. It's pretty rough. It was way better before 3.7.
Seems to be ok for me, although I didn't play it before 3.7 so I have no basis for comparison. I have been considering switching to cyclone for clear though.
same problems mentioned above, GGG plz help!!!
i am actually quite surprised that they did not yet fix this skill after 1 week into the new league.

Please fix it!!! The most annoying part is, that BF does not damage enemies nearby

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